(via TCD)

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Since Gary Busey is naturally loud, obnoxious and eccentric, its only natural that car dealerships would want him as a spokesperson. Check out the videos after the break to watch him in his new role: hawking Kias.

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Click the link below for more examples.

(via Colossal)

Hit the jump to watch this dog do a little leaf pile search and rescue. Obviously she realizes that no ball means no game of fetch.

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(via Doghouse Diaries)

Maybe it has something to do with these interrogations. Clearly, Dad is the bad cop—and he’s not above bribery.

Watch the impossibly cute video after the break.

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In this recently unearthed video, a woman performs a crazy hand balancing routine that seems downright superhuman.

Check it out after the break.

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There’s a wadded up ball of paper in the middle of the room. He sees it and you see it. But only one of you is willing to kill to get it first.

Check out the video after the break.

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(via Reddit)

This recently tweeted photo shows a giant super rat that was apparently found in a Bronx Foot Locker. The bad news is that these things have been captured in NYC before. Last year, a three foot long rat, which the Wildlife Conservation Society believes was a Gambian pouched rat, was killed in Brooklyn after a Housing Authority worker stabbed the beast multiple times with a pitchfork.

(via Gothamist)