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About Heritage

The Heritage Foundation

Founded in 1973, The Heritage Foundation is a research and educational institution—a think tank—whose mission is to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.

We believe the principles and ideas of the American Founding are worth conserving and renewing. As policy entrepreneurs, we believe the most effective solutions are consistent with those ideas and principles. Our vision is to build an America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity, and civil society flourish.

Heritage’s staff pursues this mission by performing timely, accurate research on key policy issues and effectively marketing these findings to our primary audiences: members of Congress, key congressional staff members, policymakers in the executive branch, the nation’s news media, and the academic and policy communities.

Governed by an independent Board of Trustees, The Heritage Foundation is an independent, tax-exempt institution. Heritage relies on the private financial support of the general public—individuals, foundations, and corporations—for its income, and accepts no government funds and performs no contract work. Heritage is one of the nation’s largest public policy research organizations. Its hundreds of thousands of individual members make it the most broadly supported think tank in America.

Heritage's policy centers include: Asian Studies Center, B. Kenneth Simon Center for Principles and Politics, Center for Data Analysis,  Center for Health Policy Studies, Center for International Trade and Economics, Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, Center for Media and Public Policy, Center for Policy InnovationDeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society, Domestic Policy Studies, Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies, The Kathryn and Shelby Collum Davis Institute for International Studies, The Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom, and Thomas A. Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies.

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At The Heritage Foundation, we want you to know that your generous donation has been wisely spent to advance conservative principles. That's why we make our financial information available to you and our hundreds of thousands of members nationwide.

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Leadership for America Campaign

While the American people increasingly want better answers and solutions they are getting more slogans and promises. Recognizing this need, in April 2007, The Heritage Foundation undertook a 10-year campaign that is the boldest since our founding in 1973—a campaign for freedom, a new effort to conserve liberty, and a sustained, clear-headed program to rebuild the foundations upon which our future rests. This is our Leadership for America campaign.  Read More

Jobs at Heritage

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Young Leaders Program

Heritage Internships  

Join college students from around the country as part of Washington, D.C.'s premier internship program. The Heritage Foundation Internship Program attracts young conservative leaders of the highest caliber.

Click here for information and application materials.