Raymond J. Learsy
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Raymond J. Learsy is the author of a new book, Oil and Finance: The Epic Corruption 2006-2010, and the updated version of Over a Barrel: Breaking Oil’s Grip on Our Future. A graduate of the Wharton School, he made his life in the fast-paced, risk-filled world of commodities trading, beginning in 1959. In 1963, he started his own firm and over twenty years expanded from the U.S. into Canada, the United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Brazil, and Pakistan, trading in an array of bulk raw materials and commodities, shipping to customers worldwide. In the 1980s, he became a private investor, and from 1982 to 1988, served as a Reagan appointee to the National Endowment for the Arts. Currently, he is a member of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Learsy's analysis of the international oil trade, OPEC, and its impact on the American and world economy has been featured in the National Review Online, the New York Times, the Pipeline and Gas Journal, the Huffington Post and on CNBC. He currently resides in Connecticut, and can be reached at triduane@aol.com or visit his website at www.raymondlearsy.com

Author photo: Timothy Greenfield-Sanders

Blog Entries by Raymond J. Learsy

SEC Alters Enforcement Policy. Too Late for Goldman Sachs and the Nation

Posted January 9, 2012 | 15:20:14 (EST)

One of the most grievous mishandlings by our government's oversight agencies was the botched July 2010 consent judgment of the S.E.C. v Goldman Sachs & Co... an action brought by the SEC as part of its statutory oversight responsibilities. The judgment permitting Goldman Sachs to enter a consent decree without...

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The New York Times Continues to Pump Up the Price of Oil to the Oil Industry's Joy

40 Comments | Posted January 2, 2012 | 05:04:53 (EST)

No critical commodity moves as much on rhetoric and supply and demand fundamentals, as does crude oil. Over the years few news services, perceived as being disinterested purveyors of news and information, have lent their imprimatur more to the upward distortion of oil prices than the New York Times.


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Just In Time -- Iran Threatens To Close Strait Of Hormuz To Oil Transit

599 Comments | Posted December 29, 2011 | 03:43:59 (EST)

Amid increased pressure from sanctions and now facing a voluntary embargo that would curtail their oil exports to a wide spectrum of their important crude oil customers such as the European Union, Japan, and Korea, Iran is coming under massive economic pressure to desist from continuing its not so clandestine...

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For an Effective U.S. Policy, Embargo Iran's Oil to Halt Its Nuclear Ambitions

222 Comments | Posted December 22, 2011 | 08:56:02 (EST)

The prospect of messianic fanatic mullahs acquiring nuclear weapons presents an existential danger to entire swaths of the world and puts millions of lives at risk. Clearly the Obama administration understands this and has chosen to act at this juncture in the most effective manner short of a military or...

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Corzine's Saga As Cautionary Tale of the Demise of Wall Street

10 Comments | Posted December 16, 2011 | 10:53:48 (EST)

The core lesson of the Corzine imbroglio and his "Who me?" testimony before various congressional committees, has not been instinctively overlooked, but certainly not emblazoned into our consciousness, as well it should be.

Only a few days ago, the New York Times, in a revealing article ("A...

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Citigroup's CEO's Monster Pay Package While Cutting Jobs. America's New Capitalism

112 Comments | Posted December 12, 2011 | 07:12:01 (EST)

Citigroup is not alone. But it has become a primal example of our vaunted system of American capitalism, once a meritocracy open to all, that has now been diminished, if not erased, into a cesspool of self dealing and outright unfairness. In May of this year, Vikram Pandit received a...

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Iran's Warning of Oil Prices Reaching $250 Barrel

406 Comments | Posted December 7, 2011 | 09:56:56 (EST)

Ramin Mehmanparast, spokesperson for Iran's Foreign Ministry, laid it out for all to hear. Reacting to the possibility of new Western penalties that could reduce its oil exports, he issued a warning that oil prices could more than double to $250/barrel ("Penalties May Send Oil Prices Soaring, Iran...

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A European Embargo on Iranian Oil and Our Strategic Petroleum Reserve

18 Comments | Posted November 30, 2011 | 08:56:09 (EST)

Has France's President Sarkozy, who is now calling for a European boycott of Iranian oil, been reading the HuffPost?

Perhaps, perhaps not. But one thing is certain, the concept of embargoing Iranian oil has been espoused in this corner on numerous occasions over the past weeks and months while barely...

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Germany's Misguided Paradigm as Versailles Treaty Enforcer While the Brilliance of Reunification Goes Unheeded

55 Comments | Posted November 28, 2011 | 05:05:23 (EST)

Sometimes it is not just the numbers. The human factor and historical imperatives need play their role in policy formation.

Unquestionably, the financial impasse in Europe today has historical foundations. A prosperous and diligent Germany is called upon to relent its rigid financial determinants to relieve the regional economic pressures,...

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J.P. Morgan Chase Banks on Buying Into the Casino

60 Comments | Posted November 25, 2011 | 09:12:54 (EST)

Wall Street continues in its ways unabated. Here we have a nation with 9% plus unemployment, an economy that is deep in recession and at the precipice of worse with a government that protects one sector of the economy, the financial sector, to the vast expense of the working stiffs...

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Iran Threatens the Use of the 'Oil Weapon'

105 Comments | Posted November 21, 2011 | 08:50:37 (EST)

In a recent interview on Al Jazeera television Iran's Oil Minister Rostam Qaesemi, commenting on Iran's Oil exports, brazenly threatened, "In case we are urged to and feel it necessary, we will use it as a political tool." This amidst his comments that currently Iran will seek a...

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Romney, the Financial Engineer As Job Destroyer, Now Sets His Sights on the National Endowment for the Arts

44 Comments | Posted November 16, 2011 | 09:41:14 (EST)

Writing in USA Today earlier this month, Mitt Romney opens boastfully: "I spent much of my 25 year career in the private sector turning around failing enterprises."

Really!? Just this past week the New York Times set forth exactly how Romney achieved much of his fortune...

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Art Prevails Where Our Government Fails

9 Comments | Posted November 12, 2011 | 08:51:47 (EST)

Amidst all the talk and failed initiatives coming from Washington on creating jobs, jobs, jobs for Americans and the stillborn programs creating or improving America's infrastructure, little has been achieved and given the ongoing stalemate in government, less is being done.

Concurrent to the current sense of national disillusionment we...

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Iran's Nuclear Ambitions And America's Misguidedly Dismissed Countervailing Option

281 Comments | Posted November 6, 2011 | 21:32:25 (EST)

A chilling New York Times article, "America's Deadly Dynamics With Iran," touches on the gruesome prospects of Iran achieving nuclear weapons capability, and what, short of a preemptive attack, could be done to thwart Iran's ambitions.

According to the article, the issue is about to take on heightened...

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Exxon Profits Ironically Jump 41% While Our Government Snoozes Away

57 Comments | Posted November 3, 2011 | 08:59:43 (EST)

Just last week Exxon announced a significant increase of 41% in its quarterly earnings in spite of a 4% drop in Exxon's oil production. This is an earnings trend that will certainly continue to barrel along, given that oil prices rose another 18 % in October alone.


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Occupy Wall Street Protestors 'Get A Life' -- Elect A President!

279 Comments | Posted October 23, 2011 | 09:42:24 (EST)

In July, my post in this corner, ("America Needs a President Who Will Confront The Financial Industry's Hegemony Over Our Lives") opened as follows:

No one in a position of authority in our government today seems to understand fully the threat to American institutions and...

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Saudi Arabia's Appropriate Response to Iran's Assassination Plot

159 Comments | Posted October 16, 2011 | 10:15:06 (EST)

Well no it hasn't happened yet. This in spite Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal's declaration that Saudi Arabia would "strongly respond" to an act that "reflects the policies of Iran". The act would be "within the framework of international law which Iran has violated." The plot comes at a...

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Le Monde Aux Barricades With The Huffington Post

3 Comments | Posted October 13, 2011 | 17:29:32 (EST)

Prescient, fortuitous or simply clairvoyant the Huffington Post will be launching a French language edition, Le HuffingtonPost, in conjunction with Paris' great daily Le Monde Group and Les Nouvelles Editions Independantes.

And the timing could not be more fortuitous.

As the New York Times reported today in its...

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The Tea Party Misses the Point of OWS's Aspirations

613 Comments | Posted October 10, 2011 | 08:01:40 (EST)

"Get a message and clean up your act."

That's Tea Party advice from Tea Party Officials Rep. Allen West (R-Fla) and Steve King (R-Iowa) to the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement. Then King continued, "If they knew what their grievance was then maybe one could have some...

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CNN Takes "Occupy Wall Street" Not Very Seriously

Posted October 5, 2011 | 10:37:44 (EST)

There she was, Erin Burnett, in her second outing as a media star on CNN with her hour-long program venturing to the wilds of Wall Street to confront that ragtag assortment of demonstrators voicing their frustration and anger at the plenitude heaped on Wall Street while they and...

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