How Intuit PaymentNetwork handles security
PaymentNetwork information protection
Intuit, the maker of leading products like QuickBooks, Quicken and TurboTax is one of the most trusted names in financial software
  • Millions of people trust Intuit with their tax and financial data.
  • Over 240,000 merchants use Intuit's credit card processing service.
  • Intuit processes over 116 million transactions per year.
Intuit knows how to handle your financial information and we work hard to protect it. PaymentNetwork has defined exacting security standards and protects you with:
  • Data encryption. PaymentNetwork adheres to rigorous online banking industry protection standards for all online communication, using an https connection over SSL (Secure Socket Layer) at 256-bit AES encryption.
  • Privacy. Intuit safeguards your financial information. Even your payors or payees can't see your bank account or credit card information.
  • Limited exposure. When you hand a paper check to someone it contains your Bank Routing and Account number. When you pay using PaymentNetwork, we do not share this information with the receiver.
Protecting yourself
Intuit works hard to protect your information, but there are a number of actions you should take to ensure the safety of your data.
  • Make sure you know the requestor before paying.
  • Be suspicious of emails requesting sensitive information. PaymentNetwork will never send you emails requesting your personal or financial information. Never respond to an email asking for your information.
  • Confirm that you are on the Intuit PaymentNetwork site by checking the URL. It should always start with:
  • Software security. Keep your browser and other computer software up-to-date. Use and update anti-virus software and secure your private network with a firewall.
  • Create secure passwords. Include symbols and characters besides letters. Mix upper and lowercase letters. Don't include personal information in a password. Don't use simple words that can be found in the dictionary. Change your password every 90 days.
Do you suspect someone is trying to use Intuit PaymentNetwork for illicit gain? Please contact us at 877-559-7866 to report concerns.
Here's how it works
Payor's Bank
Receiver's Bank

to send money
Your financial information is never shared.
50 cents
per bank payment

Choose what's right for your business and your customers.
Via email: Send one time or recurring payment requests.
Your customer gets a payment request email with a link to pay.
On your web site: Add pay buttons with fixed or variable amount.
Your customer visits your web site and clicks button to pay.
Anywhere you want: Insert a custom payment link
Your customer clicks on your customized link to pay.

See how easy it is
Most payments deposited next day.
Automatic payments from payor's bank to receiver's bank.
No setup or monthly fees, and no cancellation fees.

See how it works
Options to get paid
Send payment requests from our web site to your customer's email.
Create e-commerce buttons to place on your web site.
Insert a custom pay link anywhere.

See details
Integrated with QuickBooks®
QuickBooks® users can include a payment link on invoices so your customers can pay online.

Seamless reconciliation saves time.

What's new
Outbound payments (Accounts Payable) for small businesses

As an IPN Small Business, you can send a payment to someone who doesn't have a PaymentNetwork account (your vendor, customer, contractor, etc).
Customers say...
"I love the Intuit Payment Network, especially the payment by check method that only costs 50 cents per transaction. Customers love how easy it is and I love not having to wait for the checks to come in the mail then making a trip to the bank."
-Mike L, Charlottesville, VA | Construction | Aug 18, 2011
"I love Intuit Payment Network. When contractors submit invoices, I can pay them with a click of a button! It's fast and easy . No paper, no printing, no checks...I just love it! "
-Jennifer M. Bonfilio, President & CEO, Coast 2 Coast Captioning | Jun 20, 2011

What is Intuit PaymentNetwork?
When your business wants to allow customers to pay online via a bank-to-bank EFT (electronic funds transfer) or with a credit card, you need someone you trust to move the money from their account to yours. Intuit PaymentNetwork is the most convenient and dependable online payment processing solution for merchants, moving millions of dollars every year.
How Can Intuit PaymentNetwork Help My Business?
Intuit PaymentNetwork saves you time and money by making online invoicing as simple and convenient as it should be. Using the PaymentNetwork you can accept online payments from all your customers eliminating the need to wait for the mail, drive to the bank to cash a check, or print and pay to send an invoice. Your time is money. Get paid for doing what you love. Let us do all the running around.