Flatlines: More Employers Consider Dropping Coverage; Low-wage Workers on the Chopping Block

With national unemployment now at 9.9 percent, employers are considering whether to provide health insurance or pay a penalty and eliminate jobs under ObamaCare.
The medical device makers have already decided that they will eliminate jobs because of the new tax of medical devices.
Now, some of the nation’s largest employers are considering whether it is cheaper for them to pay ObamaCare’s penalty and dump their employees into the exchange.  It is estimated that Caterpillar, which has been forced to reduce its earnings by $100,000,000 to fund ObamaCare, would cut its health care bill by more than 70 percent if it chose to pay the penalty rather than provide health insurance.
Diana Furchgott-Roth predicts employers will start cutting low-wage and part-time jobs now -- before ObamaCare kicks in.   ObamaCare levies a $2,000 penalty per employee for those employers that employ employees who work more than 30 hours per week and don’t offer health insurance. This mandate will be especially painful for employers that employ low-wage and low-skilled employees.
For previous ObamaCare Flatlines, see http://gop.gov/obamacare.