American People Deserve Their Money Back

House Republican Cbairman Mike Pence is fired up about the Democrats' corruption regarding the AIG bonuses. Today on the House floor, Pence had this to say:

"...the Democrat bill brought to the floor today is constitutionally questionable. It's obviously a transparent attempt to divert attention away from the truth that Democrats in Congress and this Administration made these bonus payments possible.

And, House Republicans believe the American people deserve 100 percent of their money back.

“House Republicans have proposed legislation that will deny AIG one more dime of bailout money until they have recovered all of the bonus payments from their employees. Lastly, the American people deserve to know this whole outrage could have been avoided. Truth is that it was a Democrat Senator from Oregon, Ron Wyden, who offered thoughtful legislation that would have banned executive bonuses included in the stimulus bill. And it was late in the night, late in the process removed.
“Here's what he had to say about it. Senator Wyden told the Associated Press, ‘The President goes out and says this is not acceptable, then a back room deal gets cut and let's these things get paid out anyway.’ He says, ‘I think it's unfortunate we could have had a well-targeted message which could have communicated how the Administration felt about blocking these executive bonuses, but I wasn't able to convince them.’
“Even Senator Dodd said, ‘I didn't negotiate with myself. I wasn't trying to change it on my own. The Administration had expressed reservations. They asked for modifications.’
“The American people deserve to know that thanks to the work of [Senator] Ron [Wyden] and [Senator] Olympia [Snowe], we wouldn't be here today. But that language was removed.
“The American people deserve one hundred percent of their money back.  They deserve to know why House Democrats blocked efforts to ban executive bonuses. We deserve the truth."