Secret Ballot Watch: "Predictable"

The Education and Labor Comittee Republicans are always on the lookout -- and they've done it again today. Their "Secret Ballot Watch" took on the jobs issue with this excerpt:

Last Friday, President Obama pledged to “keep on trying to stimulate growth and jobs” as long as he is in office. Unfortunately, his actions don’t square with his promise. Just yesterday the president reaffirmed his support for a job-killing card check scheme erroneously named the Employee Free Choice Act. Although the bill has languished under bipartisan opposition in Congress, the administration continues to pursue its controversial labor agenda through back channels. 

The president’s lead man on getting card check on the books without approval by Congress is Craig Becker. President Obama used a recess appointment to install this controversial union lawyer on the board after his nomination ran into bipartisan opposition in the U.S. Senate. Becker has been open about his belief that the NLRB can impose card check through regulatory fiat, and as an editorial appearing today in The Wall Street Journal describes, Becker and his allies on the board are beginning to do just that.

If you visit the site, it directs you to a Wall Street Journal op/ed worth your read.

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