Committees and Caucuses

Issues: Budget

House Committee on Rules

Congressman Woodall sits as on the powerful House Committee on Rules. Known as the legislative "gatekeeper," Rules considers every single piece of legislation before it arrives on the House Floor for a vote. In addition to deciding exactly how each bill comes to the House Floor—from how many amendments are allowed to how long Members are able to debate—Rules has jurisdiction over the standing rules of the House, internal organization of the House, the Congressional budget process, ethics and relations between the Executive and Judicial Branches of our federal government. As a Member of the Rules Committee, Congressman Woodall will be able to work to ensure that every single piece of legislation reaches the House Floor in balanced, principled manner.

Visit the House Committee on Rules website by clicking here.



House Budget Committee

The Budget Committee is a permanently established deliberative body given jurisdiction over the drafting and preparation of the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget.  The “budget resolution,” as it is more commonly known, sets the aggregate levels of spending and revenue expected to occur during the fiscal year.  As a member to this prestigious standing committee of the United States House of Representatives, Congressman Woodall’s responsibilities include monitoring of the federal budget process, reviewing all bills and resolutions pertaining to the budget, and providing Congressional oversight of all agencies and programs funded outside of the budgetary process.

Visit the House Budget Committee website by clicking here.

Visit my Budget Process issue page by clicking here.