Blog Posts from June 2012

Republican Leadership Press Conference

House Republicans remain committed to creating a business atmosphere were jobs can be created. The House will vote to stop a tax increase on small businesses next month, as well as repeal any part of the president's health care law that is still in place after the Supreme Court rules on its constitutionality this week.   More

Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (VIDEO)

In this week's address, Rep. Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) discusses House Republicans' focus on jobs and fully repealing the president's health care law. The law makes it difficult for small businesses to expand and hire new workers, it drives up health care costs, and it's making our economy worse. After the Supreme Court's decision, House Republica [...]  More

Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) to Deliver the Weekly Republican Address (PHOTO)

Speaker of the House John Boehner announced yesterday that Rep. Bill Cassidy, M.D. (R-LA) will deliver the Weekly Republican Address tomorrow, Saturday, June 23. Here's a sneek peek of Rep. Cassidy delivering the address, in which he's expected to discuss the Supreme Court's upcoming decision on the constitutionality of the president's health care [...]  More

Republican Leadership Press Conference

The House has passed dozens of jobs bills that are stuck in the Democrat-run Senate. This week, the House will continue to pass legislation that expands American energy production and creates American jobs.   More

VIDEO: This is American Energy (via Whip McCarthy)

House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy (CA-22) today released “TESORO: Made in the U.S.A.,” a new video in which local resident and refinery worker Ron Day – the Environmental Health and Safety Manager at the Tesoro-Mandan Refinery – tells the economic boom story of North Dakota oil and gas production: “In 1952, they disc [...]  More

Celebrating The Army's Birthday and Flag Day

Today, June 14, marks the 237th birthday of the U.S. Army! Thank you to all serving our nation so valiantly and to those who’ve made the ultimate sacrifice to keep us safe and free. We also celebrate Flag Day, commemorating the day in 1777 when our ancestors selected Old Glory as the flag of our nation. We must never take our freedom for gra [...]  More

Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-MN) Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (VIDEO)

In this week's address, Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-MN) discusses the House's recent vote to repeal the medical device tax included in the president's health care law. We cannot raise taxes on anyone--especially when the May jobs report revealed the 40th consecutive month of unemployment above 8%. House Republicans have passed dozens of jobs bills that s [...]  More

Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-MN) to Deliver the Weekly Republican Address (PHOTO)

Speaker Boehner announced today that Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-MN) will deliver the Weekly Republican Address tomorrow, Saturday, June 9. Here's a behind-the-scenes look at Rep. Paulsen delivering the address, in which he's expected to discuss the House's recent vote to repeal the medical device tax in the president's health care law. This is the 30th [...]  More

6/6/12 Republican Leadership Press Conference

Today House Republican leaders, joined by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, discussed the importance of preventing any tax increase to provide certainty to America's job creators. Even President Bill Clinton and Larry Summers agree -- taxes should not be raised on anyone in the Obama economy. House Republicans continue to work to cut spend [...]  More