Blog Posts from April 2011

Rep. James Lankford (R-OK) Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (VIDEO)

Congressman James Lankford (OK) delivers the Weekly Republican Address. Watch it below:   More

Photo: Rep. Lankford to Deliver the Weekly Republican Address

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) announced yesterday that Rep. James Lankford (R-OK) will deliver the Weekly Republican Address on Saturday, April 30. Rep. Lankford will discuss how rising gas prices are impacting families and small businesses, and will highlight the American Energy Initiative – an ongoing effort by Republicans to create ne [...]  More

House Republicans Respond to President's Deficit Speech

House Republicans are committed to cutting spending and helping grow our economy for better job creation in America. The President's speech on the deficit was more about his campaign than creating jobs and ending reckless government spending. It's time for true leadership to save our future generations from crippling debt.   More

Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) on CNN's "State of the Union"

House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union” yesterday morning to highlight House Republicans’ efforts to cut spending and create an environment for job creation in America.  Watch the full interview: Highlights from the interview:  On Our Nation’s Debt and Defi [...]  More

Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) Discusses Plan to Preserve and Protect Medicare on NBC's "Meet the Press"

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (WI) appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press” yesterday to discuss his recent FY2012 budget proposal, which has been hailed as “the first credible plan endorsed by either party for preserving [Medicare]” (Wall Street Journal, 4/6/11).In the interview, Chairman Ryan points out that &l [...]  More

Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (VIDEO)

House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (WI) delivers the Weekly Republican Address. See below:   More

4/8/11 Republican Women's Press Conference on the Budget and Keeping the Government Open

House Republican women come together to fight for their families, their constituents, their troops and their country by voting to keep the government open. Republicans are working to create jobs for Americans by cutting spending and easing uncertainty in job creators, but Senate Democrats have refused to join in to pass a bill.   More

Government Shutdown Resources from the Obama Administration

Below is a list of official resources provided by U.S. Government departments and agencies. It will be updated as we receive additional information.   Office of Management and Budget Memorandum For The Heads Of Executive Departments And Agencies [PDF] NASA Shutdown Plan [website] Department of the Interior Contingency Plan Fact She [...]  More

4/7/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference on the Passage of the Troop Funding Bill

House Republican Conference leadership discuss their efforts to keep the government open and fund our Nation's troops by passing H.R. 1363, the Troop Funding Bill. President Obama has threatened to veto the the Troop Funding Bill, but House Republicans will continue the fight to cut spending, create jobs and keep our troops funded.   More

Rep. Hensarling Urges Senate Democrats to Pass a Bill

Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling joins fellow Republican congressmen on the Senate steps urging Senate Democrats to pass legislation that would pay troops in the event of a government shutdown. It has been 47 days since House Republicans led the passage of H.R. 1 to cut spending and grow our economy. Senate Democrats have not offered [...]  More

4/6/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

House Republican leaders discuss their efforts to cut government's wasteful spending to get our economy back on track. Yesterday, Chairman Paul Ryan of the Budget Committee introduced a budget proposal that would cut trillions over the next decade while Senate Democrats have failed to produce any legislation. House Republicans continue their commi [...]  More

4/5/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan introduced his budget for the 2012 fiscal year. The budget resolution cuts $6.2 trillion in government spending over the next decade. House Republican leaders applaud Chairman Ryan's leadership in proposing spending cuts that will grow our economy and create millions of private-sector jobs in our co [...]  More

The Path to Prosperity: America's two futures, visualized

We have the choice of two futures--cut spending and lead our nation out of debt, or continue down a path that destroys our economy. This excellent video from Chairman Paul Ryan of the House Budget Committee illustrates the need to cut spending NOW:   More

Speaker Boehner Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (VIDEO)

Speaker of the House John Boehner (OH) delivers the Weekly Republican Address. See below:   More

PHOTO: Speaker Boehner to Deliver the Weekly Republican Address

Speaker of the House John Boehner will deliver the Weekly Republican Address. Stay tuned to see the video on  More