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Office of Speaker Boehner - Washington, DC

Office of Speaker Boehner
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  2. Delivering the Weekly Republican Address, House Ways & Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp (R-MI) stresses the need to boost our economy by focusing on cutting spending and fixing our tax code. “The spending problem is getting worse, not be...tter,” Camp says, adding, “we’re committed to making our economy stronger and healthier, and getting our spending under control by making Washington fully accountable to you, the hardworking taxpayers of America.” More
  3. "The American Dream is in peril so long as its namesake is weighed down by this anchor of debt. Break its hold, and we begin to set our economy free. Jobs will come home. Confidence will come back. We do this not just to boost GDP or red...uce unemployment, but to secure for our children a future of freedom and opportunity. Nothing is more important." More
  4. House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) addresses the opening session of the 113th Congress:
  5. In the Weekly Republican Address, Speaker Boehner wishes the American people a Merry Christmas while expressing his commitment to continue working with colleagues in Congress & the White House to protect middle-class families and small businesses from the fiscal cliff.
  6. The House of Representatives will vote today on two measures to shield families and small businesses from the looming “fiscal cliff” by cutting spending and protecting millions from tax hikes. The Spending Reduction Act of 2012 (H.R. 6684) ...replaces the president’s defense ‘sequester’ with common-sense spending cuts and reforms, and reduces the deficit by an additional $242 billion over the original sequester. And the Permanent Tax Relief for Families and Small Businesses Act of 2012 (H.J. Res. 66) permanently protects millions of taxpayers from President Obama’s tax rate hikes. Learn more here: More
  7. Speaker Boehner: "Tomorrow, the House will pass legislation to make permanent tax relief for nearly every American – 99.81 percent of the American people. And then the president will have a decision to make: He can call on Senate Democrats pass that bill, or he can be responsible for the largest tax increase in American history." More on the GOP bill here: More
  8. “The horror of this day seems so unbearable, but we will lock arms and unite as citizens, for that is how Americans rise above unspeakable evil. Let us all come together in God’s grace to pray for the families of the victims, that they may find some comfort and peace amid such suffering. Let us give thanks for all those who helped get people to safety, and take heart from their example. The House of Representatives – like every American – stands ready to assist the people of Newtown, Connecticut.” - Speaker John Boehner
  9. Washington’s spending problem threatens our future, and President Obama’s fiscal cliff plan doesn’t even begin to solve it.
    Photo: Washington’s spending problem threatens our future, and President Obama’s fiscal cliff plan doesn’t even begin to solve it.
  10. Speaker Boehner: "Now it’s clear the president’s just not serious about cutting spending. But spending is the problem. How big a problem? Look at this chart put together by Paul Ryan and the Budget Committee. ... if the president got everyt...hing he wanted – over $1.4 trillion in taxes – this is what that would represent. But if you look at the spending problem, you see it does nothing – nothing to solve the spending problem that our country has."See More
  11. In the debate over avoiding the “fiscal cliff,” an important point has been forgotten: when it comes to solving our debt, government spending is the problem that must be addressed.
    Photo: In the debate over avoiding the “fiscal cliff,” an important point has been forgotten: when it comes to solving our debt, government spending is the problem that must be addressed.
  12. Speaker Boehner: “As of today, the president’s plan to avert the fiscal cliff still does not meet the two standards that I laid out the day after the election. His plan does not fulfill his promise to bring a balanced approach to solving problem. It’s mainly tax hikes. And his plan does not begin to solve our debt crisis. It actually increases spending.

    “Our plan meets these standards. It cuts spending, and paves the way for real job growth in our country.

    “In the five weeks since we signaled our willingness to forge an agreement with the president, he’s never put forth a plan that meets these standards. And frankly, that’s why we don't have an agreement today.

    “You know, the longer the White House slow-walks this discussion, the closer our economy gets to the fiscal cliff – and the more American jobs are placed in jeopardy.”
    See More
  13. "Washington has a spending problem. Let’s be honest - we’re broke. ... where are the president’s spending cuts?" - Speaker Boehner
  14. While President Obama is demanding tax rate hikes on small businesses, former Clinton White House Chief of Staff and Democrat Erskine Bowles told CBS Face the Nation, "We have to cut spending." ... "Even if you raise the top rates back to t...he Clinton rates, that only creates about $400 billion over 10 years. That's $40 billion a year. We have a trillion dollar a year deficit," said Bowles. And the spending cuts offered by the president - which are dwarfed by the new 'stimulus' spending he proposes - are "not enough. We're going to have to do more." More