Blog Posts Tagged 'power lines'

Powerlines: Democrats' Policies Reduce U.S. Energy Production, Advantage Foreign State-owned Companies

According to a new study  from the independent advisory firm Grant Thornton, policies pursued by Democrats purportedly in response to the April 2010 BP oil spill would reduce energy production in the Gulf of Mexico and advantage massive foreign state-owned companies at the expense of independent U.S. businesses.  Specifically, the Obama [...]  More

Powerlines: Manufacturers Balk at "Utility-only" Cap-and-Tax Approach

Steel, Chemical Industries Latest to Oppose Senate’s National Energy TaxSenate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) recently proposed bringing a four-tiered climate bill to the Senate floor as soon as July 26, 2010.  The bill would include a section placing greenhouse gas caps on utilities—imposing a national energy tax that would be [...]  More

Powerlines: New Study Shows Cap-and-Tax Targets the Midwest

According to a new study by the nonpartisan American Council for Capital Formation, cap-and-tax legislation such as the House-passed Waxman-Markey bill or the Kerry-Lieberman proposal in the Senate would amount to a national energy tax that particularly harms the Midwest, especially Michigan as detailed in the study.  Other states that rely o [...]  More

CBO: Cap-and-Tax Will Force Individuals Onto ObamaCare

CBO Confirms Other Negative Impacts for Families and Communities According to a May 5, 2010, CBO report, under cap-and-tax legislation such as the House-passed H.R. 2454 or the Kerry-Lieberman Senate bill, “some people would lose health insurance coverage associated with their previous employer” after they lose their job due to the nat [...]  More