Blog Posts Tagged 'media event'

Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-MN) Delivers the Weekly Republican Address (VIDEO)

In this week's address, Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-MN) discusses the House's recent vote to repeal the medical device tax included in the president's health care law. We cannot raise taxes on anyone--especially when the May jobs report revealed the 40th consecutive month of unemployment above 8%. House Republicans have passed dozens of jobs bills that s [...]  More

Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-MN) to Deliver the Weekly Republican Address (PHOTO)

Speaker Boehner announced today that Rep. Erik Paulsen (R-MN) will deliver the Weekly Republican Address tomorrow, Saturday, June 9. Here's a behind-the-scenes look at Rep. Paulsen delivering the address, in which he's expected to discuss the House's recent vote to repeal the medical device tax in the president's health care law. This is the 30th [...]  More

5/31/12 Republican Leadership Press Conference

House Republicans continue to pass legislation that will help improve our economy. From the FDA reform bill to the repeal of the medical device tax included in the president's health care law, Republicans are focused on creating an environment in which businesses can create more jobs. Watch House Republicans' weekly press conference below and lear [...]  More

5/16/12 Republican Leadership Press Conference

This week, House Republicans are voting to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) to help prevent domestic violence, sexual assault, and to support the victims of these crimes.  More

Republican Leadership Press Conference


Republican Leadership Press Conference

Today, House Republicans on the Budget Committee will outline our Fiscal Year 2013 budget proposal. This budget will tackle our economic crisis responsibly and effectively, addressing our growing deficits while ensuring our nation's seniors are taken care of. In addition to the budget, the House will vote to repeal IPAB this week which is the boar [...]  More

Republican Leadership Press Conference

This week, House Republicans will vote on the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act to provide entrepreneurs and small businesses with the confidence they need to expand and hire again. We're working to find common ground with the president, but unfortunately he continues to focus on his own re-election. We hope he will call on Senate Democra [...]  More

Republican Leadership Press Conference

The House has passed 30 jobs bills, and 27 sit idle in the Democrat-controlled Senate. The president is late submitting his budget to Congress... again. House Republicans are serious about cutting spending and reducing the size of government. It's time for Senate Democrats and the president to join us to help grow our economy.   More

Republican Leadership Press Conference

In the coming weeks, House Republicans will vote on the American Energy & Infrastructure Jobs Act, which will support job creation through removing barriers to economic growth. The president's policies have failed, and they're making our economy worse. House Republicans have solutions. We've sent 30 jobs bills to the U.S. Senate to get our cou [...]  More

House GOP Radio & Blog Row

House Republicans discussed our plan for jobs with radio talk show hosts and bloggers from around the country in our House Republican Radio & Blog Row. Check out photos below:   More

President Obama Rejects Keystone Pipeline, Job Growth

Today, President Obama announced that he rejected the Keystone pipeline project permit. It would create thousands of jobs nationwide and grow our economy. It's disappointing that the president puts politics before job creation in America.   More

1/18/12 Republican Leadership Press Conference

As the 112th Congress begins its second session, House Republicans will continue working hard to help boost our economy and give small businesses the opportunity to create jobs. We've passed more than 30 jobs bills, but they are still stuck in the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate. Contact your senator at   More

President Must Call on Senate Dems to Sit Down & Work Towards Full-Year Payroll Tax Cut Extension

(Via Speaker John Boehner) At a press conference following today's House vote on Senate Democrats' short-term payroll tax cut bill, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) reiterated that a two-month extension is unworkable, and will only add to the uncertainty hampering small business job creators.   More

Republican Leadership Press Conference on the Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act

Today, the House passed the Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act to help our nation's small businesses create jobs. It's time for the Democrat-controlled Senate to work with us and help Americans get back to work.   More

12/13/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

Today, the House will vote on the Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act to spur job creation among our nation's small businesses and aim to fix the broken Obama Economy.   More

12/8/11 House Republican Leadership Press Conference


12/7/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

The House of Representatives is passing two more jobs bills this week to add to the 25 still stuck in the Democratic-controlled U.S. Senate. The REINS Act, introduced by Rep. Geoff Davis, will force congress to vote on any new government regulations with impacts of $100 million or more. House Republicans are committed to fostering an environment f [...]  More

Republican Leadership Press Conference on the Latest Unemployment Numbers

Today marks the 34th consecutive month of national unemployment above 8 percent. We have passed more than 20 jobs bills, and they are sitting idle in the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate. We can't wait, and neither can the American people. It's time to get our country back to work.   More

11/30/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

This week, House Republicans are introducing more legislation to create an environment for job creation for small businesses across America. There are 20 jobs bills sitting in the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate. Our nation's unemployment is still above 9%, and the American people can't wait any longer. Visit to see what we're [...]  More

11/15/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

In this week's press conference, House Republicans highlight our continued effort to provide an environment for small businesses to hire. There are 20 bipartisan jobs bills that have passed the House and are sitting in the Democrat-controlled Senate. We are also pushing for a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. It's the only way we [...]  More

11/4/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference


Republican Leadership Press Conference

House Republicans are continuing to fulfill their Plan for America's Job Creators with upcoming votes for a series of free trade agreements. These agreements would reduce tariffs and expand U.S. exports to grow jobs in our country. There are more than a dozen other jobs bills passed by the House and stalled in the Democrat controlled Senate that s [...]  More

10/4/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

At their weekly press conference, House Republican leaders discussed two bills that the house will consider this week that would cut unnecessary regulations and save thousands of jobs from being destroyed. It is our commitment to get our economy moving again, restore confidence for job creators, and grow jobs in America.   More

9/21/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

House Republicans gather after their weekly Conference meeting to discuss the problems and fears they're hearing from small businesses and job creators. Republicans continue to listen to the American people by fighting against tax increases and burdensome regulations which hurt the economy and job creators. House Republicans have passed numerous j [...]  More

9/13/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

House Republican leadership gathers after a weekly Conference meeting to discuss the ongoing need for job creation and economic stability in America. This week, we continue to bring legislation to the House Floor that acts to end job-killing regulations which burdens small business owners and job creators. Please see for House Rep [...]  More

7/7/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

House Republicans returned from their Congressional districts with their constituents still asking, "Where are the jobs?" Republicans have proposed and passed a budget to get America back on a fiscally sustainable path to ensure businesses can grow, create and prosper in a confident working environment. The president and Democrats continue to kick [...]  More

6/22/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

House Republican leaders are working to create an environment of confidence for job creators in America. By working to boost national energy production and reduce job-crushing regulations on America's small businesses, we're fighting to preserve our economy for future generations. Visit to see our Plan for America's Job Creator [...]  More

House Republican Press Conference on Monthly Jobs Report Today

House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling and GOP Leadership address the continuing high unemployment rate as a result of the president's failed stimulus. Watch the press conference below:   More

H.E.A.T. Press Conference 5/11/11 (VIDEO)

H.E.A.T. -   More

Majority Leader Cantor Launches YouCut Phase II

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and House Republican Freshmen launch YouCut Phase II   More

5/11/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

House Republican leaders are introducing legislation this week to speed up energy production in America and push to create thousands of jobs. We cannot continue to rely on foreign oil with gas prices on a steep rise. We can use the resources we have at home and boost our economy with our own American energy policies.   More

5/3/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

House Republican leaders congratulated the president and our Armed Forces for their successful efforts in killing Osama bin Laden. They also discussed the recent Constituent Work Week where Members heard from their constituents on the necessity for America to be energy independent, especially in the current wake of skyrocketing gas prices. We have [...]  More

House Republicans Respond to President's Deficit Speech

House Republicans are committed to cutting spending and helping grow our economy for better job creation in America. The President's speech on the deficit was more about his campaign than creating jobs and ending reckless government spending. It's time for true leadership to save our future generations from crippling debt.   More

4/8/11 Republican Women's Press Conference on the Budget and Keeping the Government Open

House Republican women come together to fight for their families, their constituents, their troops and their country by voting to keep the government open. Republicans are working to create jobs for Americans by cutting spending and easing uncertainty in job creators, but Senate Democrats have refused to join in to pass a bill.   More

4/7/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference on the Passage of the Troop Funding Bill

House Republican Conference leadership discuss their efforts to keep the government open and fund our Nation's troops by passing H.R. 1363, the Troop Funding Bill. President Obama has threatened to veto the the Troop Funding Bill, but House Republicans will continue the fight to cut spending, create jobs and keep our troops funded.   More

Rep. Hensarling Urges Senate Democrats to Pass a Bill

Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling joins fellow Republican congressmen on the Senate steps urging Senate Democrats to pass legislation that would pay troops in the event of a government shutdown. It has been 47 days since House Republicans led the passage of H.R. 1 to cut spending and grow our economy. Senate Democrats have not offered [...]  More

4/6/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

House Republican leaders discuss their efforts to cut government's wasteful spending to get our economy back on track. Yesterday, Chairman Paul Ryan of the Budget Committee introduced a budget proposal that would cut trillions over the next decade while Senate Democrats have failed to produce any legislation. House Republicans continue their commi [...]  More

4/5/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

Today, House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan introduced his budget for the 2012 fiscal year. The budget resolution cuts $6.2 trillion in government spending over the next decade. House Republican leaders applaud Chairman Ryan's leadership in proposing spending cuts that will grow our economy and create millions of private-sector jobs in our co [...]  More

Hensarling, Bachus, McCain, Hatch Hold Press Conference on Ending Bailouts for Fannie and Freddie

House Republican Conference Chairman Jeb Hensarling, joined by House Financial Services Committee Chairman Spencer Bachus and senators John McCain and Orrin Hatch, discusses the Government Sponsored Enterprise (GSE) Bailout Elimination and Taxpayer Protection Act. This legislation puts in place an orderly transition period to end the conservatorsh [...]  More

3/30/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

House Republican leaders discuss the lack of effort by the Senate Democrats to propose any legislation to cut government spending. The House will propose a bill called the Government Shutdown Prevention Act, which will make H.R. 1 law if Senate Democrats do not act by the end of the current Continuing Resolution. It's in the hands of the Senate De [...]  More

3/15/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

House Republican leaders discuss a Continuing Resolution to be introduced today that would cut $6 billion from current spending levels. Republicans in Congress are committed to reducing our deficit and helping foster an environment for more job creation.   More

3/9/11 Republican Leadership Press Conference

House Republican leaders discuss their plans to create jobs and the severity of our nation's debt. An enormous government has racked up the single highest monthly deficit in America's history and It's time for President Obama and Democrats to realize that the reckless spending must stop. We cannot continue spending money that we do not have.   More