Greg Walden

Oregon's 2nd District

From Twitter
  • Follow @repgregwalden on Twitter »
  • Mail Tribune: Lawmakers fight to protect military vets' healthcare
  • Reducing our debt can’t be done with a magic wand—or a magic coin #stopthecoin
  • I introduced the #StopTheCoin Act to close the trillion dollar coin loophole so we can focus on real debt reduction
  • Why did it take so long to "rule out" magic $1T coin?  Still need to close the coin loophole and get serious about real debt reduction.
  • Good news about BPA’s Ponderosa Substation upgrade. This additional power is essential for growing our economy and jobs in central Oregon.
  • I'll be live on the Laura Ingraham show at 7:15 Pacific to talk #stopthecoin-- let's take the gimmick off the table and reduce spending.
  • Great to be in Boardman with the sun setting over the Columbia River. 7th town hall this week, with one more to go
  • RT @RepKristiNoem: Some in DC think we can mint a trillion dollar "coin" to deal with debt. Seriously. This is embarassing. #StoptheCoin ...
  • Good morning from John Day! Click here for a video update on my town hall meetings this week
  • RT @GovMikeHuckabee: @RepGregWalden of Oregon on his bill to stop the $1 trillion coin +Audio via Just Sayin
  • It's good news that consumers will soon be able to listen to FM radio on their smartphones. Hope other companies take this approach.
  • Town hall meeting in Condon this afternoon. On to Fossil and Mt. Vernon tomorrow!
  • Here's a full list of the town hall meetings this week
  • Holding 8 town hall meetings in 8 counties in the Gorge and NE Oregon this week. Here's a pic of today in Moro:
  • For $1 trillion platinum coin to be worth its weight, it’d have to be 44 million pounds. That’s over 44 fully-loaded 747's! #stopthecoin
  • I'll be talking to Neil Cavuto on Fox News at 1:10 PM Pacific time to talk about my plan to #stopthecoin and get spending under control.
  • I'll be on the Lars Larson show at 12:15 Oregon time today to talk about #stopthecoin and the need to reduce spending and balance the budget
  • This coin scheme would be laughable if some weren’t so serious about it as a solution. My bill will stop it in its tracks #stopthecoin
  • When I ran a small business, we couldn't mint a coin to pay bills. We sat down and balanced the books, like DC needs to do. #stopthecoin
  • I will introduce a plan to stop the Treasury from creating trillion dollar platinum coins to pay bills #stopthecoin
  • The 113th Congress will convene at 9 am PST. Watch live at It's an honor to serve the people of Oregon's 2nd District.
  • Permanent tax relief for Oregon families and small businesses
  • My full statement on the plan to permanently extend tax relief for Oregon families and small businesses:
  • The plan isn’t perfect, but I would not sit by as taxes go up on all, including more than $3,000 this year for the average Oregon family.
  • Tonight the House passed a plan to permanently extend tax relief for Oregon families and small businesses.
  • Thanks to @RepBonamici @MarkAmodeiNV2 @BuckMcKeon for your hard work and support
  • Soon, our heroes will get answers on changes to their health care. They served our nation in uniform, deserve the very best we can offer.
  • Good news- we secured language in final defense bill to require Pentagon to detail and address TRICARE Prime changes
  • Also had the honor of speaking at Mayor Bob Severson's memorial service. He was a quiet giant in the community, spent life serving others
  • Yesterday I toured the OSU Hermiston Experiment Station with station director Phil Hamm
  • Our entire nation mourns this senseless loss. As parents, we know that there are no words to adequately express our sorrow at today’s events
  • Mylene and I were horrified to learn of this senseless tragedy. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the children, teachers, and families.
  • RT @SpeakerBoehner: #SpendingIsTheProblem --> Will be highlighting this chart from @RepPaulRyan @ 11:15 AM ET ht ...
  • The new law has the potential to unleash new tech, create thousands of jobs, and fund new public safety network for police and firefighters
  • Watch our subcommittee's hearing with all 5 FCC commissioners on the new broadband spectrum law I helped write
  • Walden Rejects Efforts to Regulate Internet:
  • Oregonian: Walden, Bonamici team to prevent 'potentially devastating' changes to military's health care plan
  • Military retirees in Oregon have defended our freedom. They deserve the very best care our nation has to offer
  • Today I introduced a bill to protect military retirees from TRICARE changes that could increase costs and drive times
  • I'll be holding a live telephone town hall meeting on Thursday afternoon. For more info, or to sign up, click here:
  • Here's my opening statement. Spectrum equals jobs
  • Tune in now to watch my hearing on effectively using spectrum. It's essential to jobs, technology, and the economy
  • I worked across the aisle to pass new tech law that will increase rural broadband and create jobs. I'll continue this bipartisan work.
  • Honored to serve 2nd term as chair of House subcommittee that oversees communications and technology
  • Joined @RepRickLarsen and the @RedCross to sign holiday cards for our troops and their families #HolidayMailForHeroes
  • I joined Luke Russert this morning to talk about the way forward on the "fiscal cliff." We can find common ground:
  • My full statement on my new leadership role in the House:
  • I ran a small business in Oregon. As NRCC Chair, I’ll put my experience to good use to help enact pro-jobs, pro-growth agenda in the House.
  • Honored to be elected to leadership by my House colleagues. Allows me to voice the concerns of Oregonians at the leadership table in DC.
  • Bulletin: Delegation with Walden on TRICARE
  • Rep. Walden Urges President to Rethink Issuing Cybersecurity Executive Order
  • In The Dalles on this beautiful day to help dedicate the city's new dock
  • Beautiful day at the Umatilla County Fair
  • In Burns to discuss the long road to recovery after the devastating wildfires last month
  • Proud to support #AuditTheFed bill, which passed the House overwhelmingly today. Need independent review of Fed's books.
  • Good news for veterans in Grants Pass. We owe the men and women who have worn the uniform the best care possible
  • At a community meeting in burns tonight for an update on the wildfires in SE Oregon
  • Monday's Wildfire Update:
  • All levels of government need to be flexible in responding to wildfires:
  • Toured hydropower plant in Haines. House passed bill to cut red tape on hydro projects. Creates jobs + clean energy.
  • Arriving in Ontario last night
  • House passes one year extension of county payments. Gives us time to work on bipartisan solution to create jobs
  • Spkr Pelosi: "Pass the bill to find out what's in it." Now we know: Massive tax hike on middle class & small business #scotus #healthcare
  • Extension gives breathing room we need to continue bipartisan work toward a long-term solution...
  • ...that brings jobs back into the forests to create revenues that keep essential local services like schools and law enforcement afloat
  • Great news! House includes one year extension of county payments in transportation agreement
  • House just passed HR 2060 by voice vote. Crook County Judge Mike McCabe: 'This is a great day for Prineville and the county.' #4jobs
  • House now considering HR 2060, to create jobs and water security in central Oregon. Watch: #4jobs
  • HR 2060 would spur McKay Creek restoration, provide additional water for blue-ribbon trout fishery below Bowman Dam
  • HR 2060 would allow Prineville to attract more projects like Facebook to create new jobs and local investment #4jobs
  • HR 2060 would fix the boundary line mix-up at Bowman Dam and lead to clean energy and about 50 construction jobs over two years #4jobs
  • Today at 2 pm PDT, the House will consider HR 2060, my central Oregon jobs and water security bill. Watch: #4jobs
  • Reject an int’l takeover of the Internet. Hearing in 25 mins in my tech subcomm on H.Con.Res 127. Watch:
  • Great news MT @KTVZ: Redmond turnaround: Consumer Cellular to sub-lease T-Mobile call center, hire 650
  • At my Prineville town hall, concerns aired on Ochoco NF Travel Management Plan. More here:
  • Sign up for my e-newsletter for periodic updates on news from around Oregon and the nation's capital.
  • Urging the House-Senate conference committee to include county payments, PILT in final transportation bill
  • Postal Service is scrapping its plan to shut down up to 3,700 post offices, including many in rural Oregon.
  • Great news! MT @dennyrehberg Dept of Labor called to say they're backing off the "Youth Ag" rule. It's about time! #KeepFamiliesFarming
  • USFS just announced it will pause its controversial Travel Management Plan for Wallowa-Whitman NF.
  • Start over on the Travel Management Plan on the Wallowa-Whitman. Plan must listen to local citizens. My letter to USFS:
  • Congress has to provide time for the public and lawmakers to read bills before a vote. If we can do it, so can the FCC. #FCCreform
  • #FCCreform (HR 3309) requires the FCC to publish the specific text of proposed rules so that the public and industry can provide input.
  • President Obama told agencies to assess the costs and benefit of every regulation — #FCCreform (HR 3309) requires FCC to do the same
  • #FCCreform (HR 3309) has received widespread support. Find out why at
  • #FCCreform (HR 3309) requires the FCC to establish a "shot clock" so job creators know when to expect action on proceedings
  • Tech sector is a leading economic driver in the US, HR 3309 will create certainty so job creators can innovate and grow #FCCreform
  • RT @kellywcobb: Reforming FCC to Unleash Innovation - great op-ed from @repgregwalden:
  • RT @JasonBWhitman: .@RepCliffStearns and @repgregwalden highlight the need for reform at the FCC #tcot #fcc #gop
  • Today the House will vote on a bill (HR 3309) that improves predictability and transparency at the FCC #FCCreform
  • RT @JonHenke: Great explanation of the FCC reform legislation from @RepGregWalden -->
  • RT @IIABroadband: Must-read op-ed from @repgregwalden on reforming #FCC to keep up with speed of innovation.
  • #ICYMI: Read my op-ed on reforming the #FCC to unleash innovation via @politico
  • Wallowa County town hall in Enterprise at Lear's. Thanks to all who came out to participate in the discussion!
  • Good chat at town hall in Elgin about need to work in the woods and getting federal spending under control.
  • On the road to Elgin for a town hall in Union County, then to Enterprise for a Wallowa County town hall tonight
  • Sent a letter to USFS Chief asking how he plans to avoid another flap that costs central Oregon valuable business
  • RT @JohnWillyams: USFS cost my local community #inbendoregon $155K in biz by purposely dragging their heels on permits 4 Mercedes commer ...
  • The #JOBSAct increases #smallbiz ability to access capital, reduces regulatory burden on #startups #4jobs
  • Today, the House passed the bipartisan #JOBSAct to help #smallbiz #startups grow & create #jobs #4jobs