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On Tap Magazine

Download the Latest Issue:
Fall/Winter 2012

(Entire Issue - PDF - 2.7 MG)
Download Features:

< Environmental Justice--The Right to a Clean Place to LIve, Work, Learn, and Play

< Steps to Sustainability--Water and Energy Efficiency Are Attainable Goals

< The Rate Setting Story: How to Adopt New User Rates, Part 2

< Emerging Issue--Phosphorous

< Emerging Issue--Source Water Monitoring and Hydraulic Fracturing

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In 2010, NESC began offering its publications in electronic format only. Not only is this new format more environmentally friendly, but it also saves funding during these tight fiscal times. Sign up for our listservs at www.nesc.wvu.edu/listserv.cfm so that we can let you know when we post a new issue.

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About On Tap

For more than 9 years, On Tap magazine has reached more than 24,000 readers across the U.S. Written for community leaders, water industry professionals, and others interested in small community drinking water treatment issues, On Tap informs people about: technical, financial, operations and maintenance, management, source water protection, and health issues relevant to small drinking water systems. This magazine was developed by the National Drinkingwater Clearinghouse (NDWC) and is now developed by NESC.

2007 Issues

  • Fall: Controlling Cross Connections and Preventing Backflow
  • Summer: What's a Private Well Owner to do? Eight Tips for Maintaining Your Well
  • Spring: Working Together: Factors Leading to Water System Mergers
  • Winter: The Future Starts Now: Setting Rates Helps Systems Today and Tomorrow
  • On Tap Archives

  • 2006 - Fall | Summer | Spring | Winter
  • 2005 - Fall | Summer | Spring | Winter
  • 2004 - Fall | Summer | Spring | Winter
  • 2003 - Fall | Summer | Spring | Winter
  • 2002 - Fall | Summer | Spring | Winter
  • 2001 - Fall | Summer | Spring

  • Do you have great ideas?
    We are always eager to hear of new story ideas. If you have an article idea contact the On Tap editor, Mark Kemp-Rye at mkemp@mail.wvu.edu

    National Environmental Services Center
    PO Box 6064, West Virginia University
    Morgantown, WV 26506-6064