Press Releases

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  • Chairman Jordan Opposes Senate Deal that Doesn't Cut Spending
    Jan 2, 2013  - Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan released the following statement after voting against the fiscal cliff deal crafted by the Senate. “The one bright spot of this bill is that it makes permanent most of the tax relief Republicans have championed for more than a decade. Unfortunately, it... More
  • Chairman Jordan Calls on the Senate to Follow the House's Lead, Act to Avert the Fiscal Cliff
    Dec 28, 2012  - Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan issued the following statement today. "I commend the members of House Republican leadership for reminding people that the ball is now in the Senate's court. The House has done its job by approving bipartisan legislation to avoid the fiscal cliff. Our... More
  • Chairman Jordan Praises Selection of Sen. DeMint as Next Leader of The Heritage Foundation
    Dec 6, 2012  - Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan issued the following statement today praising the selection of Senator Jim DeMint as the next President of The Heritage Foundation. “There is no better choice than Jim DeMint to lead this great organization. It is disappointing to lose his strong voice... More
  • Chairman Jordan Statement on ObamaCare Tax Hikes & the Fiscal Cliff
    Nov 30, 2012  - Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan issued the following statement highlighting the $1.058 trillion in higher taxes coming from ObamaCare over the next ten years. Many of the tax increases take effect on January 1, 2013. "ObamaCare raises taxes on middle-income families, employers and... More
  • Chairman Jordan Statement on Israel’s Response to Missile Attacks from Gaza
    Nov 16, 2012  - Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan issued the following statement on the situation in Israel and the Gaza Strip. “No nation on Earth would suffer through the missile barrage targeted at Israeli civilians this year without taking defensive action. Israel has the right to defend itself... More
  • Conservatives in House Elect Steve Scalise as Next Chairman of the Republican Study Committee
    Nov 15, 2012  - The Republican Study Committee, the caucus of conservatives in the U.S. House of Representatives, today elected Congressman Steve Scalise of Louisiana as its next Chairman. Rep. Scalise’s two-year tenure as the leader of conservatives in the House begins when the new Congress is sworn into office... More
  • Chairman Jordan Echoes Boehner’s Call for President to Lead on Fiscal Cliff
    Nov 9, 2012  - Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan issued the following statement today agreeing with Speaker of the House John Boehner’s call for President Obama to lead in the fiscal cliff negotiations. “Speaker Boehner is absolutely right. It’s time for President Obama to show he can lead. House... More
  • Chairman Jim Jordan: "Today, Our Work Continues"
    Nov 7, 2012  - Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan issued the following statement on yesterday’s election: "Congratulations to President Obama, to the successful candidates for the Senate, and to my fellow members of the reelected House Republican majority. Although there were certainly... More
  • Welfare Now the Largest Federal Expense
    Oct 18, 2012  - A report from the independent Congressional Research Service reveals that welfare is now the single largest federal expense – greater than Social Security, Medicare, and national defense. Combined state & federal spending on 83 different welfare programs topped $1 trillion in FY 2011. After half a... More
  • Chairman Jordan Tells Secretary Clinton of "Significant Opposition" to Egypt Aid Without "Adequate Answers"
    Oct 5, 2012  - Republican Study Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, sent a letter to Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton expressing concerns and raising a number of questions regarding the Administration’s intent to provide $450... More