Accountability Clips

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  • Obama's Tax Plan
    Dec 10, 2012  - Add the president’s latest tax hike plan to the ObamaCare taxes already happening, and you're looking at a $20,000 tax hike per family!... More
  • A Solyndra Story
    Sep 14, 2012  - Solyndra isn’t alone. See how much of your money has gone up in smoke.... More
  • Ronald Reagan Quotes
    Aug 28, 2012  - Included are four quotes from President Ronald Reagan:... More
  • Video: What Obama Once Called "Corporate Welfare," He Now Calls an "Extraordinary Mission"
    May 30, 2012  - During his 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama referred to one federal agency (the Export-Import Bank) as “little more than a fund for corporate welfare.” The Ex-Im Bank is a relic of the New Deal originally created to encourage trade with the Soviet Union. Similar to Fannie Mae and Freddie... More
  • Obama Flips on Export-Import Bank
    May 30, 2012  - President Obama used to think the Export-Import Bank was "corporate welfare." Now he says it's an "extraordinary mission."... More
  • Infographic: Young Hit Hard by the Obama Economy
    Apr 30, 2012  - From high school to grad school, students across the country are preparing to get their diplomas and move into the next phase of their lives. This is always a time of hope and excitement, but there is no denying the obstacles young people face in today’s economy. Many will have to move home to save... More
  • Facts on Student Loans & the Obama Economy
    Apr 25, 2012  - Tough Times for Young Americans For many young people, the Obama Economy contains little hope and few opportunities. Half of new college grads are now jobless or underemployed, and young adults are living with their parents at the highest rate since 1950. Government subsidized loans have helped... More
  • Charts: Visualizing Our Taxes
    Apr 17, 2012  - According to the non-partisan Tax Foundation, Americans will work 107 days on average this year just to pay for federal, state, and local taxes. By their calculations, a larger share of Americans’ income will go to taxes than food, clothing & housing combined! And at more than 3.8 million words,... More
  • Map: One Day Kids, All This Debt Will Be Yours!
    Apr 3, 2012  - After decades of overspending, we owe trillions of dollars to foreign countries. It's unfair & immoral to pass this debt to our kids. Do the right thing: cut, cap & balance the budget. (Click here for high resolution image) The figures in this chart are the most recent available as of April 3,... More
  • Charts: ObamaCare in 5 Pictures
    Mar 22, 2012  - 1. ObamaCare & Things the Federal Government Can’t Do – The left circle lists things ObamaCare does. The right circle lists things the federal government cannot do. The individual mandate? Both circles. 2. You Can Keep Your Plan…as Long as It’s ObamaCare – President Obama repeatedly promised, “If... More