Digest for H.Res. 9
112th Congress, 1st Session
H.Res. 9
Instructing certain committees to report legislation replacing the job-killing health care law
Sponsor Rep. Dreier, David
Date January 20, 2011 (112th Congress, 1st Session)
Staff Contact Brian McManus

H. Res. 9 will be considered on the House floor on Thursday, January 20, 2011, with one hour of debate equally divided and one motion to recommit.  The rule makes in order the amendment to H. Res. 9 if offered by Rep. Matheson (D-UT) or his designee with ten minutes of debate equally divided.  Rep. Dreier (R-CA) introduced H. Res. 9 on January 5, 2011. 

H. Res. 9 would instruct the Committee on Education and the Workforce, the Committee on Energy and Commerce, the Committee on the Judiciary, and the Committee on Ways and Means to report  legislation to improve the nation’s health care system.  Specifically, the legislation should:


“(1) foster economic growth and private sector job creation by eliminating job-killing policies and regulations;

(2) lower health care premiums through increased competition and choice;

(3) preserve a patient’s ability to keep his or her health plan if he or she likes it;

(4) provide people with pre-existing conditions access to affordable health coverage;

(5) reform the medical liability system to reduce unnecessary and wasteful health care spending;

(6) increase the number of insured Americans;

(7) protect the doctor-patient relationship;

(8) provide the States greater flexibility to administer Medicaid programs;

(9) expand incentives to encourage personal responsibility for health care coverage and costs;

(10) prohibit taxpayer funding of abortions and provide conscience protections for health care providers;

(11) eliminate duplicative government programs and wasteful spending; or,

(12) do not accelerate the insolvency of entitlement programs or increase the tax burden on Americans.”


Rep. Matheson’s amendment would instruct the committee of jurisdiction to include a permanent fix to Medicare physician payments. 

As of press time, the Congressional Budget Office had not produced an official score of H. Res. 9.