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[ - ] I don't get why people like________ 7 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:10 AM Flag
Homeland. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:13 AM Flag
Yoga [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:11 AM Flag
Reality tv [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:11 AM Flag
Red wine [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:11 AM Flag
to hate. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:14 AM Flag
Facebook [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:14 AM Flag
Change of seasons (including, but not limited to, fall foliage and outdoor winter sports) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:17 AM Flag
[ - ] Questions? 0 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:08 AM Flag
[ - ] If you have a guest room, what do you have for a bed/beds? A lot of friends & family want to come visit & we have a guest room with one queen bed. I almost want to get two bunk beds & make like a hostel to fit visitors... Bad idea? 6 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:01 AM Flag
do you want to run a hotel? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:05 AM Flag
No but I'd rather have guests in the guest room than the guest room + living room + DB's room!! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:11 AM Flag
why not [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:09 AM Flag
We have 2 fulls that can stay separate or push together depending on who is visiting. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:10 AM Flag
^^^and air mattresses. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:11 AM Flag
I don't have that problem, but I'd consider a twin over queen bunk bed. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:12 AM Flag
[ - ] What's your beauty secret? 8 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:43 AM Flag
sleep and happiness [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:45 AM Flag
Drybar [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:52 AM Flag
Having uglier friends. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:58 AM Flag
Water and yoga. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:09 AM Flag
Blowouts and botox [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:09 AM Flag
Botox isn't a secret. We know you get it. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:10 AM Flag
How. Mine is not obvious [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:11 AM Flag
Sex, running. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:09 AM Flag
[ - ] Gods friend is finalizing the adaption of his 3 yr old DS. What should I buy them? 5 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:37 AM Flag
Engraved photo album or picture frame [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:40 AM Flag
This!! Anything personalized [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:54 AM Flag
gold, frankincense, and myrrh [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:51 AM Flag
Ha! I like you! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:54 AM Flag
A $25 U.S. Savings bond is a classic gift. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:14 AM Flag
[ - ] I find it so frustrating that DH does things like spend half an hour trying to order contacts online when he doesn't have prescription, he thinks he can figure out a way to get them but he just ends up wasting time. 1 in 50 times he accomplishes something you wouldn't think could be done, but it doesn't feel worth it. 5 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:34 AM Flag
Let it go. Life is short. Does it really matter he wasted 30 minutes? How much time have you wasted here? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:53 AM Flag
Haha - that's cute. Can you focus that energy somewhere? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:57 AM Flag
OP: hey I'm getting important work done here helping people name their babies and what not [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:10 AM Flag
Lol, you're amazing. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:11 AM Flag
He does that sort of thing for psychological reasons. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:14 AM Flag
[ - ] doorman two bedroom in the W Village is 2.5 million. Same exact doorman two bedroom in Williamsburg costs 1.3 million. Go look on the web- the price difference is staggering 2 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:33 AM Flag
This is a reply to the discussion below of "where the next west village is" [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:33 AM Flag
Nobody is saying WV is better deal. They are different neighborhoods. Period. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:14 AM Flag
[ - ] Name poll - Declan for boy? 10 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:31 AM Flag
If irsh [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:36 AM Flag
Are you Irish? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:36 AM Flag
Irish [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:37 AM Flag
Are you watching Revenge? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:38 AM Flag
i have a nephew named declan. it's a nice name [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:46 AM Flag
How is it pronounced? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:48 AM Flag
deck-lan [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:01 AM Flag
I love Declan. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:58 AM Flag
Nice if you're Irish. I used to have a crush on an Irish boy named Declan. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:07 AM Flag
Three college friends have kids named Declan. I like it. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:15 AM Flag
[ - ] does anyone do turn off the tv week on UB? 3 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:29 AM Flag
And lose my kids babysitter? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:35 AM Flag
not intentionally but most days, we are too busy and there is no time to turn it on. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:36 AM Flag
No screen time during the week here for DCs [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:07 AM Flag
[ - ] The mayor of Baton Rouge, who is black, says that most of the perpetrators of violent crime are young black males. Gosh, why do white people get nervous when they see groups of young black males coming? I couldn’t possibly imagine. Go to the following link to why the mass shootings in these malls have been covered up by the ny times http://tinyurl.com/urbanbaby 8 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:17 AM Flag
go away pot stirrer. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:18 AM Flag
http://tinyurl.com/urbanbaby [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:25 AM Flag
Didn't work with the Planned Parenthood post and wont work here. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:21 AM Flag
True that. If the mall shooters were white, this would be worth discussing on UB. So go away. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:24 AM Flag
Everyone on UB already knows to avoid crowds of young black males; they just won't admit to it. Watch what they do, not what they say. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:32 AM Flag
That is only partially true... = [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:34 AM Flag
Please stop. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:48 AM Flag
The NYT has places to post. Why don't you try there? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:52 AM Flag
[ - ] I don't get the appeal of these shows like "The Biggest Loser". Why do we applaud people who are fat for losing weight (but still being fat in the end?) We should be applauding people who don't get fat in the first place. You're supposed to be a healthy body weight. It is not an accomplishment to be "average" sized. Millions of people are average-sized and walk around every day, not getting applause. 12 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:02 AM Flag
cause they are facing their demons and improving their lives? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:05 AM Flag
That sounds like a great show. Watch the thin girl stay thin. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:03 AM Flag
:) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:07 AM Flag
Ok, Miss Perfect who has never tried to overcome a bad habit or had to learn something new. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:05 AM Flag
I hate that show because it's exploiting people and glorifying unhealthy practices-- but certainly not because it's celebrating people for losing weight and not celebrating people who don't struggle w/ their weight. The sad thing is that our country / culture is so f-ed up you end up w/ 2 extremes and very few in the middle. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:10 AM Flag
I hate that they do not talk about healthy food prep except to plug products. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:22 AM Flag
Agree. In the past, unhealthy crap wasn't available. Food was scarce so most people were thin. 100 years ago, there wouldn't be a need for a show "Biggest Loser". Tiresome. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:31 AM Flag
I feel this way about recovered drug addicts, I don't get a round of applause for not getting wasted and fucking up my life and those around me. But sat you've been sober for x amount of days and your some kind of fucking hero. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:35 AM Flag
I just love the show! It has nothing to do with applauding the contestants - I actually end up hating about 1/2 of them every year - but I love the drama & the transformations (and I love Bob, Jillian & Dolvett) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:40 AM Flag
i just hate fat people, period. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:48 AM Flag
They don't care much for your, either. No one likes a smug absolutist. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:55 AM Flag
Everyone likes to people lift themselves up from failure. I guess it's inspirational to millions (who are fat) to see that they can get it under control. As for normal people not getting applause, I would argue that they get continuous rewards for their good work (all the things fat people complain about, from discrimination to worrying about what they can fit into, are not experienced by the person who is the right body size). Anyway, I'm not overweight, but I love to see these people accomplish these goals. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:13 AM Flag
[ - ] Psychic mom do you see a new guy for me soon? 2 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:57 AM Flag
yes, but don't be a perfectionist. nobody is perfect. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:05 AM Flag
Do you think that is my problem? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:43 AM Flag
[ - ] s/o post: Where do people get bed bugs from? 14 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:56 AM Flag
other people who have bed bugs. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:55 AM Flag
Buses, trains, hotel rooms, taxi cabs, neighbors, moving vans. Ugh. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:57 AM Flag
Buses, trains, hotel rooms, taxi cabs, neighbors, moving vans. Ugh. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:57 AM Flag
has anyone ever actually identified where they got them from? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:00 AM Flag
for God's sake, no. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:01 AM Flag
other than their neighbor? and you can't prove that. who cares where they come from? that is like trying to prove where you caught a cold from. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:01 AM Flag
I care because it's expensive, time consuming and mentally exhausting. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:02 AM Flag
where they come from doesn't change any of that. do you care where you catch the flu which also is exhausting, time consuming and can be expensive with loss of work. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:06 AM Flag
on a much, much, MUCH smaller scale. If I know where I got them from, I can avoid that place. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:09 AM Flag
you can't avoid bb - we will all get the eventually. don't you know the "sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite" thing - they were a part of life until we came up with DDT. Shame it almost eliminated the eagles - cause it worked great on bb. Now they are back - and we don't have a good weapon. Same with head lice and lots of other pesky little critters - they are a part of life. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:13 AM Flag
DF is a professor and identified that they were brought home via the bag used (only) for going to teach that class... so probably from the classroom [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:12 AM Flag
We got them from a crazy old guy in our building who had no idea he had them. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:32 AM Flag
other people [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:03 AM Flag
A friend brought them up from the building storage unit when she retrieved a bag of clothes [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:10 AM Flag
[ - ] S/o: does anyone know how much a history of depression affects life insurance rates? 19 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:55 AM Flag
what kind of history? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:54 AM Flag
(1) In-and-out of therapy over the years and various anti-depressants but no major episodes, suicide ideation/attempts, anything like that. What I, as a born and bred NYer, would call normal depression.... (2) Seasonal affective disorder, effectively treated with light therapy [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:02 AM Flag
^^^ as in lamp therapy, not therapy lite! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:02 AM Flag
while I do understand that people go thru some "normal" times where they are depressed (death, divorce, break up etc) - you don't seek treatment for normal behavior - if in therapy and medicated - it falls outside of the range of "normal" depression no matter where you live. I don't know how much it will affect your rate -but it can't be good - [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:04 AM Flag
I meant normal diagnosed depression, not the blues [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:13 AM Flag
ahh [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:13 AM Flag
^^^ And I meant those as alternate scenarios, not the same person [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:14 AM Flag
Why would you admit to a history of depression? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:55 AM Flag
If you lie on insurance and they find out you are screwed. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:56 AM Flag
OP: I assume they could find out / deduce it from health insurance and/or RX records [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:58 AM Flag
if you have been treated yes - [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:02 AM Flag
Yes - I actually pay significantly more than dh b/c I've been medicated for anxiety, depression and adhd in the past. My 20 year term $1M of coverage costs the same per month as dh's 30 year $2M [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:11 AM Flag
i hate this kind of discrimination [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:16 AM Flag
as opposed to discrimination in life insurance if you have had open heart surgery, diabetes, etc. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:17 AM Flag
Thanks for answering. Do you mind saying how long ago you were treated/medicated (or is it current) and/or sharing what the rate is? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:15 AM Flag
The depression and anxiety were both a while ago (5-15 years ago), the adhd is current. I don't think the rate would help you unless I told you my age, when I got the policy etc. and I don't really want to put all that on UB! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:41 AM Flag
Understood, of course. Thanks again. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:47 AM Flag
I copped to it on the application, and my rates are low. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:14 AM Flag
That's reassuring to hear. thx. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:19 AM Flag
[ - ] I recently stumbled upon this memo crated by Planned Parenthood about controlling the population. They propose limits on how may children you can have among other things. Do you think any of these proposals are a good idea? http://www.jillstanek.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/jaffe-memo.png 9 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:54 AM Flag
uch go away stupid person trying to stir things up. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:04 AM Flag
now that's what I should have said! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:07 AM Flag
Hmm...no [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:10 AM Flag
Odd that you "recently stumbled upon" something that's dated 1970. I'm just a touch skeptical. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:07 AM Flag
Well I wasn't around in 1969 and I did just learn about this memo a few days ago...was this big news in the 70s? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:08 AM Flag
Zero Population Growth was all the rage in the 70s. Plus, limiting the size of families, espcially poor families, was one of the first goals of PP, back in the 1920s. You need to do some reading in Womens Studies before you start stirring up shit. You come off as ignorant. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:19 AM Flag
Word. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:33 AM Flag
And that's a wrap. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:50 AM Flag
You are a troll. go somewhere else like reddit [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:20 AM Flag
[ - ] So if West Village isn't what it used to be - whats the new West Village? 29 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:46 AM Flag
Rich, hollywood, many tourists, expensive chains ala mark jacobs, ralph lauren, lulu guiness, etc. used to be more independent stores and far less tourists. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:47 AM Flag
eating cupcakes. That being said, it is still my favorite Manhattan neighborhood. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:48 AM Flag
Is there a neighborhood that is more similar to how west village used to be? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:51 AM Flag
I like WV - but you can't stop a starbucks from being on the corner... in any nabe. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:49 AM Flag
I think OP meant what is like the W Village used to be. Maybe E Village? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:48 AM Flag
I think maybe some brooklyn neighborhoods, cobble hill? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:50 AM Flag
I would have said Williamsburgh? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:56 AM Flag
WAY too hipster/poser. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:57 AM Flag
Sorry, I know people LOVE Brooklyn, but this comparison is just not even close. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:56 AM Flag
I am the one who suggested brooklyn. I have lived in the west village for 18 years and we are looking at alternatives, especially visually and think brownstone brooklyn is the next best thing. There are many wonderful restaurants there. THis is just our thoughts. I think Williamsburg is more warehouse like and far west chelsea more gritty. The west village was quiet, family like, with great inexpensive places to eat (with of course, beautiful brownstones). [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:00 AM Flag
I doubt OP is referring to the WV jumping the shark yesterday. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:07 AM Flag
Why do you want to move? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:07 AM Flag
need more space and despite a generous income, we can not afford a larger space. low inventory and obscene costs. Otherwise, I consider it heaven on earth. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:10 AM Flag
Maybe I am way off, because I have only been once, but Hoboken? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:10 AM Flag
went to hoboken but in my opinion it does not compare at all. I was not a fan... just my personal opinion [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:12 AM Flag
If you have lived in Manhattan that long I think you would feel isolated in Brooklyn. Could be wrong. Hope so, if you decide to try it out! [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:07 AM Flag
thanks. i don't know what to do. our space is just that small. figured brooklyn is better than the suburbs... we'll see how things go. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:31 AM Flag
I currently live in the west village but spend a lot of time in Brooklyn heights. Super close and a lot quieter. Agree with op that Williamsburg is very different. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:41 AM Flag
Far west Chelsea? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:54 AM Flag
I have been apartment shopping. Doorman apartments in the West Village now cost an average of $1,600 a square foot. Doorman apartments in Williamsburg are only $900 a square foot. Massive difference in price that is why I prefer Williamsburg to buy [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:20 AM Flag
And before the usual people just tell me to buy a smaller apartment, me and DH and our two DCs can't live in less than one thousand sq feet so that means that our family will pay 1.6 million to live in West Village or 900k to live in Williamsburg. BIG difference in apartment price for us [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:23 AM Flag
and honestly, there is barely anything available at that price point for a 2 br in the wv. most inventory is in the 2mil and up range. very little below that. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:27 AM Flag
I don't understand what you are saying. Can't you buy a one thousand square foot one bedroom in the village and then put up a wall to turn the dining nook in to a bedroom? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:31 AM Flag
Nothing against Willimsburg! Just think vibe is completely different than W. Village. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:27 AM Flag
agreed. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:29 AM Flag
Agreed. I lived there. It's more like NYu area. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:42 AM Flag
There isn't. So much of the West Village of old was the gay community and thankfully today you don't have to live in some enclave to be a comfortable gay couple/man. (I'm not saying there aren't bigots anywhere/everywhere, just that times are different.) [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:34 AM Flag
Would you consider far uptown? Different vibe, but you can get a lot for your money in some beautiful brownstones/townhouses, and still be very much in the city. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:54 AM Flag
Do you have neighborhood suggestions? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 05:14 AM Flag
[ - ] BIL diagnosed with Bipolar I (with delusions). Does anyone have experience with this? MIL is insisting we bring the kids (4 & 5) to come visit him. I nervous/scared. BIL was in the hospital for 10 days just prior to Christmas. WWYD? 15 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:44 AM Flag
Visit him where? He lives with mil? I wouldn't leave the kids alone with him, but dont see a problem with visiting [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:44 AM Flag
If he has not been violent, I don't see the harm. Have your DH go first and then the kids visit for 30 mins. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:45 AM Flag
I think you should visit, but maybe see bil first before bringing kids into the mix? then if ok, have them come visit. hoping it can be special for both. Assuming he has the helps he needs for right now. So sorry... [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:47 AM Flag
Thanks. He hasn't been violent to people, just to walls and appliances. I guess I'm being a worrywart. I'll take your suggestion and visit him (yes, at MIL's house) first and then take the kids for a brief visit. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:47 AM Flag
This is definitely a teaching moment, but not just about mental illness, but also empathy and boundaries. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:50 AM Flag
ita. people with bipolar are destructive to themselves most of all [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:52 AM Flag
he isn't going to eat your children. he'd medicated. and very scared, go visit. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:49 AM Flag
Ita [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:51 AM Flag
+1 [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:51 AM Flag
this [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:51 AM Flag
How old is he? [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:50 AM Flag
someone on here explained a family member with mental illness by saying "his brain gave him trouble". I think that's a good way of framing it for a child. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:58 AM Flag
this [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:07 AM Flag
At 4 and 5 your children are going to pick up more on your nervousness than your BIL's bi-polar- ness. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:03 AM Flag
Pretend your going to see someone who had surgery. Your BIL doesn't want a pity visit or to be uncomfortable either. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:04 AM Flag
[ - ] NYC Preschool interview question: for playdates, what do I need to know? just found out dd should be dressed up? I thought this was just a playdate? what do they do in these things? just play with toys in small groups, right? 4 Replies [ Reply | Watch | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:40 AM Flag
Dress her in normal clothes and don't make a big deal about it. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:46 AM Flag
Don't dress up. Just neat, casual clothes. Don't prepare. Stay low key. [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 03:49 AM Flag
Be low key and donate some $$$ and you will be fine [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:36 AM Flag
Dress her comfortably. The last thing you want if for her to feel uncomfortable - playdates are fun for the kids but also new / unfamiliar. Dont add to it [ Reply | More ]
General Topics 01.07.13, 04:36 AM Flag
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