
Employer: Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands
Posted: December 30, 2012
Expires: January 20, 2013
Requisition number:

Science jobs from Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands:
POSITION A Forester position is available with the Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands. This position is located at Fort Campbell, Kentucky.

ORGANIZATION The Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands is a research, education and service unit within the Warner College of Natural Resources at CSU. CEMML applies the latest and most appropriate science to promote the sustainable management of natural and cultural resources on Department of Defense and other public lands. We provide technical support, conduct applied research, and offer career development and learning opportunities to support resource stewardship. We collaborate with our sponsors and within CSU to resolve complex environmental issues, leaving a legacy of science-based decisions that sustain our resources for future generations.

To learn more about CEMML's contributions to land management, our mission, vision, and values, visit

LOCATION Fort Campbell straddles the Kentucky/Tennessee border near the towns of Hopkinsville, KY, and Clarksville, TN. The 105,000-acre installation, nearly half of which is forested, is home to the only air assault division in the world, the 101st Airborne Division.

RESPONSIBILITIES Review, update and implement the Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan and Forest Management Plan. Integrate military training support with habitat management, sustainable timber production, and threatened and endangered species protection. Provide assistance to Emergency Management System and fire department personnel; perform assigned phases of fire prevention, prescribed fire and wildfire suppression within open fields and forested areas; coordinate and manage hardwood controlled burning activities. Plan, manage and implement forest conservation, timber stand improvement and silvicultural operations; plan, design, coordinate and implement forest stand sampling and analytical techniques; assess impact of installation on adjacent natural and cultural resources and coordinate with other Natural and Cultural Resource Branch Managers. Update and maintain GIS forestry data for various projects including data capture, data storage, data retrieval and data analysis. Participate in the National Environmental Policy Act process, develop tree appraisals for Records of Environmental Consideration. Coordinate with Army Corps of Engineers on timber appraisals and sales visits, assist in timber sale administration through residual stand damage and tree removal monitoring; inspect logging operations to ensure silvicultural prescriptions are followed and that watershed, recreation, aesthetic and wildlife habitats are maintained or improved; issue firewood sales permits for dead and fallen timber. Prepare timber availability, record of availability and preliminary assessment screening statements in preparation of draft timber sale documents and installation timber sale contracts.

QUALIFICATIONS The successful candidate must demonstrate U.S. employment eligibility; CEMML will not provide visa sponsorship for this position. Following are qualifications sought: A BS degree in forest management or closely related natural resources field A minimum of five years' professional experience in forestry Experience in preparing and implementing silvicultural prescriptions in central and/or southern hardwood forests Experience in the design and execution of forest inventories Experience in forest inventory data analysis, including volume calculations Experience in prescribed burning for silvicultural and fuel reduction objectives Experience in wildfire suppression; must minimally be red-card certified A solid background in GIS and GPS forestry applications Excellent written and oral communication skills Experience on a military installation a plus but not required * Must have or be able to obtain a valid driver's license

BACKGROUND CHECK Colorado State University is committed to providing a safe and productive learning and living community. To achieve that goal, we conduct background investigations for all final candidates being considered for employment. Background checks may include, but are not limited to, criminal history, national sex offender search and motor vehicle history.

SALARY Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. Range: $44,000-$62,000 annually. Continuation of the position is dependent on the receipt of funding from the sponsor for forest management at Fort Campbell.

BENEFITS Colorado State University offers a generous benefits package including 24 days of paid vacation leave, tuition credits, excellent health insurance (including vision and dental), and retirement plans with 9% matching. For more information on Administrative Professional benefits, visit

APPLICATION Prospective candidates should apply online at no later than January 20, 2013, for full consideration. Upload each of the items below individually as a Word Document (.doc), PDF (.pdf), or Rich Text Format (.rtf). Please note that incomplete applications cannot be considered. Please remove social security numbers and birthdates from application materials. A complete application consists of:

1) Statement of Qualifications (cover letter addressing each minimum and desirable criterion in announcement) 2) CV (resume) 3) Transcripts (for each degree earned that is listed under qualifications unless announcement specifies that years of experience are allowed to be substituted) 4) Degree Conferral (if transcripts do not include confirmation that degree was awarded, include a copy of diploma) 5) References (contact information for professional references, including at least one supervisor)

Colorado State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, sex, gender, disability, veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression. Colorado State University is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative action employer fully committed to achieving a diverse workforce, and complies with all federal and Colorado state laws, regulations, and executive orders regarding non-discrimination and affirmative action. The Office of Equal Opportunity is located in 101 Student Services.

See a complete listing of open CEMML positions at

POSITION #: Campbell/Forester/12/16/12

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