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SciArt at Scio13 – Call for Entries

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Art for the poster by L-R: Glendon Mellow, Perrin Ireland, Nathaniel Gold, Kalliopi Monoyios.

Last year we saw thundering success with the first ScienceOnline Science-Art Show – more than 50 artists submitted 100+ works included in the digital gallery.

That wasn’t the only success last year. For the first time, we saw an entire mob of artists at ScienceOnline itself – there in person, sharing visual techniques for communicating science. And this year will be no different. So there’s been some changes to the show.


  • Open to ScienceOnline 2013 attendees only.
  • Photographers, cartoonists, fine artists, scientific illustrators, ,sculptors, dataviz junkies – we’re looking for visual art & imagery. No videos or animations.
  • Images may be new or from your back catalogue. We’d prefer nothing that was included last year.
  • Up to 5 pieces may be submitted for possible inclusion in the final show.
  • Include the following information for each piece:
    1. Your name
    2. Name of the image
    3. Twitter handle
    4. Best URL (some people like their Etsy store, others prefer their blog or gallery, others like their bio. Up to you, but one URL please).
  • It’s helpful if the images are webready jpgs and a blog-friendly 600px wide or less. (Height doesn’t matter as much). I may resize files or canvas sizes as I see fit. You retain all of your copyright, though grant ScienceOnline and Symbiartic the right to post them online and at the conference with the purpose of promoting the show.
  • Please submit by January 21st 2013.

Email submissions to me at theflyingtrilobite (at) gmail (dot) com. Rather than emailing me questions, why not post them below? Then other people can see the answers too.

For people not in attendance, there are still other great ways to get involved with the larger Science-Artist community.

  • Science Artists Feed – You can contact me about inclusion in the Science Artists Feed, which now carries 160+ artist’s blogs.
  • ScienceArt Community – Join the exploding-with-newness G+ community moderated by the Symbiartic team. Discuss and show off your original work.


Bring the visual thunder!

Glendon MellowAbout the Author: Glendon Mellow is a fine artist and illustrator inspired by evolutionary biology working in oil and digital media. You can see his portfolio at glendonmellow.com and work-in-progress at The Flying Trilobite blog. Follow him solo at @flyingtrilobite and with co-blogger Kalliopi Monoyios at @symbiartic. Follow on Twitter @symbiartic.

The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Scientific American.

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