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Screening for Familial Ovarian Cancer

More than 3,000 women with a high risk of developing ovarian cancer were enrolled in a screening study. These women were screened every year with a CA-125 blood test and transvaginal ultrasound for approximately three years. The results of the … Continue reading 

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Partner Member Profile: Bright Pink

Lindsay Avner founded Bright Pink in 2007, shortly after she learned that she carried a mutation in the BRCA gene. Just 22 years old when she was tested, Lindsay realized that she had nowhere to turn for advice on coping … Continue reading 

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Amber & Easton Boney, Colbert, OK

Bethany Buck, Ovarian Cancer Survivor

Bethany Buck, PA


Marion Belcher-Griffith, Midland, TX


Pamela Thrasher, Hayden, AL

I am focusing on health, lots of positivity and laughing.

- Jennifer Dins

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