SONORUS: 14 Open Positions in the Field of Urban Sound Planning

Employer: Chalmers University of Technology
Posted: December 3, 2012
Expires: January 15, 2013
Requisition number:

Science jobs from Chalmers University of Technology:
SONORUS is an Initial Training Network (ITN, Nr. 290110, duration 1/10 2012 - 30/9 2016) in the 7th framework programme People of the EC. The coordinator of the project is Chalmers University of Technology. Within this project we are seeking 14 young researchers (early‐stage researcher, ESR) with a duration of 36 month to join the different partners in the project.

Project Background

Traffic noise pollution in urban areas is a major environmental problem within the European Union. Creating an acceptable acoustic outdoor environment is a big challenge of high need. Creating as well as preserving environments, which are supportive for health and well-being in a sustainable manner is an even bigger but unavoidable task. In order to succeed, specialists are required with a broad research competence covering areas such as acoustic prediction methods, noise control and soundscaping, but also aspects of city and traffic planning. However, specialists equipped with such a competence spectrum are hardly found.

Therefore, the goal of SONORUS is to close this gap and bring together universities, enterprises and public organizations that aim to offer training to ESRs in an arena of trans-disciplinary research. The training is designed around real-life urban test sites that are characterized by a poor acoustic environment due to noise from road, rail or air traffic. These test sites are provided by four major European cities (Berlin, Rome, Antwerpen and Brighton). To these test sites, the ESRs will apply their knowledge and skills gained from individual acoustics related research projects, in-depth courses on acoustics as well as on different aspects of spatial planning.

From SONORUS a new generation of researchers will emerge with the profile needed to reverse the negative trend of a deteriorating acoustic outdoor environment in urban areas. Successfully Participation in the SONORUS will be awarded with an "Urban Sound Planner Certificate".

Vacancy description

There are fourteen individual research projects within SONORUS. A detailed description of the positions can be found under

The positions are at the following places

Code Position ESR1 Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden ESR2 Chalmers, Sweden ESR3 Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands ESR4 Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands ESR5 Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli, Italy ESR6 Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli, Italy ESR7 The University of Sheffield , UFSD ESR8 The University of Sheffield , UFSD ESR9 Ghent University, Belgium ESR10 Ghent University, Belgium ESR11 Müller BBM, Germany ESR12 ISPRA, Italy ESR13 EMPA, Switzerland ESR14 SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden

The position includes individual research, research visits and secondments to other partners inside the project.

All candidates must be fluent in spoken and written English. The R&D is highly multidisciplinary. An ideal candidate has an M.Sc. in engineering (acoustical, mechanical, electrical, industrial or civil engineering, engineering physics, etc.) or an architecture exam. For some positions also a background in Psychology is of interest.

Knowledge in acoustics is a strong advantage. Candidates who have the proper qualifications may get the opportunity to perform this work as part of a PhD study. * All members of the network are equal opportunity employers, both female and male candidates are invited to apply.

Marie Curie eligibility criteria - in short: Early-Stage Researcher (ESR): holds an M.Sc. degree in Engineering and has less than 4 years of experience and has not yet been awarded a doctoral degree. In addition the following criteria apply for eligibility

the researcher shall not be a national of the State in which the hosting partner's research team is located at the time of appointment, the researcher may not have resided or carried out her/his main activity in the country of the hosting partner for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to her/his appointment.


An extremely competitive salary is offered, including social security (in line with the EC rules for Marie Curie grant holders and consists of a salary augmented by a net mobility allowance Additional funding for participation to courses, workshops and international conferences is ensured. The city of Göteborg offers a stimulating, young and multicultural working environment.

Start date and evaluation procedure

The start date is February 2013 until summer 2013. While expressions of interest are accepted on a continuous basis, applications received by January 15, 2013 will be considered in the first evaluation cycle. For some of the positions different deadlines may be set. Please check the descriptions on A common evaluation procedure will be carried out for all positions.

Application procedure The application should be marked with Ref 20120370 and written in English. The application should be sent electronically via Chalmers webpage.

Application deadline for first evaluation round: January 15, 2013

For questions, please contact:

Contact persons are named in the vacancy offers on For more gerenal question contact Wolfgang Kropp (

Don't forget to mention NatureJobs when applying.

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