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9/11 Mastermind to be tried in New York
Posted by Randy | November 13, 2009

The Administration announced today that several Guantanamo Bay detainees, including self-proclaimed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, will be prosecuted just blocks away from Ground Zero in NYC before a civilian federal court. The decision was made despite the fact that these terrorists were already being tried by military commissions that are specifically designed to prosecute terrorist acts.


There is a serious issue at stake here and that is the value we place on the security of our nation in the near and far term. The Administration’s decision on how we handle the detainees will set precedence for our nation – in the rights that we will afford terrorists in the future and in the security of our nation for future generations. Even the ‘low-risk’ detainees held at the Guantanamo Bay detention center have the potential for further violence, as we saw in 2008 when an ex-Guantanamo detainee killed and wounded many in a suicide bombing attack.


Simply put, bringing detainees to the United States is a risk we should not take. These terrorists are not common criminals. To treat them as such is not only irresponsible on the Administration’s part, but it creates additional national security risks that we could otherwise avoid.


Earlier this year, I introduced legislation to prohibit the transfer of Guantanamo detainees to Virginia. Also, I visited Guantanamo Bay just a few months ago – you can read my thoughts about that trip here.


What do you think? Should Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other Guantanamo detainees be tried in civilian court within the United States?


Users are solely responsible for the opinions they post here and their comments do not necessarily reflect the views of Congressman Forbes.
  • Cathy Harris commented on 11/13/2009
    Thank you and I agree with you Congressman. The military commissions should try these terrorists and it is setting a dangerous precedence in the US to allow such an extremist presence in our midst, much less the cost of security involved in this. Dangerous times it seems.
  • Jennifer Davis commented on 11/13/2009
    What exactly is motivating Pres. Obama to have these terrorists tried in the US? This is a terrible decision. I have a lot more faith in our military than I do any civilian judge. God help us if those federal judges are liberals. And what if the terrorists are acquitted? Will they be released to the streets of NY?
  • Tim Briggs commented on 11/13/2009
    At what point in history has the United States offered the same legal prosess to war criminals as is does towards civilian criminals? If this is to be the case, these detainees should also enjoy the benefits of being a part of our general population within the prison system. At least for a day or two! Also, I believe the residents of New York should but furious. To allow terrorist attention to be directed back to their city is inexcusable. Congressman, I applaud your efforts to protect Virginian's but also for standing up what is right and true.
  • Jack Crowley Last Name commented on 11/13/2009
    Comment good - it is about time we did the right thing!
  • Michael Damico commented on 11/13/2009
    Dear Congressman Forbes, Thank you for your continued Service to Virginia and the United States of America. Congressman Forbes, I sincerely believe that our Constitutional system of Justice is the best in the world. It has served America well through the Civil War, two World Wars, The Vietnam War, Grenada, Panama, the First Gulf War and continues as the very foundation of our great Society and Country. I believe that our Justice system is a model for the World. I'm dismayed that since 1992 certain elements in and out of Government and the media have acted in a manner that seems to fear the use of our Justice system and that it is somehow inadquate to deal with terrorists. It in my opinion this is Constitutional deformation. Our Justice System worked in the 2006 Federal trial of World Trade Center terrorist and al-Qaeda member Zacarias Moussaoui . He is serving life in prison. Senator Lieberman, apparently wasn't in the U.S. during Moussaoui's trial. Lieberman's remarks are just the type of nonsense that make those who doubt the strength of our Constitution amd our Justice System and wonder if our system of justice is capable of metting out/ providing justice for terrorists. They wonder if America should use "Tribunals" . I 'm aware of only one Constitutional System of Justice in the United States and it does not include "Tribunals" . Military Justice is for use by the Military to administer justice to members of the uniform services under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Congressman Forbes, when the United States of America does not adhere to the use of our Constitutional Rule of Law , can anarchy be far behind? Thanks for listening! Again Thanks for your Service to our great Country. God Bless you,Yours, and God Bless America. Best regards Mike Damico
  • Joan Benson commented on 11/14/2009
    The trial will be a farce and will flll the need for the terrorists to put on their show, explaining their "reasons" for their murderous acts. They will be gaining the attention they crave, just as they did with the 911 act itself. What IF perchance they are caught up in a hung jury, or some other technicality? Then what do we do with them? It cannot be assumed they will be convicted. Otherwise, there is no "real justice" system. There IS a risk in the outcome.
  • Andrea Williams commented on 11/15/2009
    It isn't rocket science, they declared war on the United States, they attacked us, that makes it a war crimes issue with military procedure and tribunal - and consequence. Mr. Obama does not want to admit there was a war, so he isn't going down in history as the only person who has been in the White House who will not defend our nation. He will no matter what he does. Mr. Obama has said "we" are not a Chritian nation and he has called "us" cowards. Worse case of projection I have ever come across.
  • Mark Cernak Sr. commented on 11/18/2009
    Military Morale how can it be good at this time? President Obama Commander in Chief delays and/or does not intend to send troops to Afghanistan so I solders can complete the mission (you know win!!), Ft. Hood tragedy was caused by the Presidents political correctness strategy to not offend terrorists (man was communicating with known terrorist in Yemen ) but that was OK sounds like treason to me, President bows to leaders of other nations, Guantanamo detainees you know the "terroists" that masterminded 911 and other murders to other innocent persons and now he wants to give them their day in Court (what about all the persons that were murdered) I guess we will have to assign lawyers in Iraqi and Afghanistan so when we capture a terrorists we will provide them with legal counsel!!, the trials of these individuals in civic court will only allow secret information and the identity of persons in CIA and other operatives to be known to you know the bad guys. They will say the were torturage (was not tortured the techniques used were used on the persons using them on terros its to save lives)and all statements will be thrown out Then there will be the millions in legal fees, security fees, not counting the emotional toll on the people of New York. How does the military stay strong will its not because of the Commander in Chief! Its due to allot of good Americans that are in the Military and allot of prayer for our Military!! Today the President says that we have nothing to fear we will give the terrorists their trail and they will be put to death. But previously the President said that will show the World we are fair and give the Terror its their day in Court! But the President states we will put them to death sounds like he is poising the jury pool. Lets get is straight Obama since he has taken over has had little to say good about America and these trials are nothing but a are an for him and his liberal friends to make America look worse. He would love to discredit America and the Bush/Cheney administration and these trials will be the vehicle. Once secret information is released to the public the United Nations will condemn America and the World Court will indicate Bush/Cheney and that is what the liberals want!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In addition, does anyone doubt the professional competence, hard work or strongly leftist views of Attorney General Eric H. Holder. Few would doubt President Barack Hussein Obama’s leftist views. So there is no surprise, if any, as to the decision to forego military commissions to try the (technically and legally, merely “alleged”) terrorists in Constitutional Article III Federal Courts and to do so in the heart of New York City rather than outside our country. There appears to be very little conservative or moderate, and not much respectable liberal, commendation of the decision although when the subject was in the debating stage there was considerably more, including among United States Senators. Those who defend the decision view the terrorists who in a single day - the now historically memorable “9/11" - killed some 3,000 innocent Americans not as terrorists or war criminals but as American residents who might have committed a common crime. Thus, they are said to be entitled to be brought into the United States from abroad, Guantanamo, and to be tried in the City which is one of the sites of their terrorism. Further, as though they were American citizens or at least American residents they are to be tried as though they were charged with common criminality. We doubtless never will know the full motivation of those who favor the decision. On March 22, 2009, the President said: “. . . [D]o these folks deserve Miranda rights? Do they deserve to be treated like a shoplifter down the block? Of course not . . .” Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-NV) uttered similar words on May 19, 2009: “ . . . If terrorists were released in the United States, part of what we don’t want is them [to] be put in prisons in the United States. We don’t want them around the United States . . .” Is the history of trial by military commissions or the equivalent to be ignored? Are major terrorists arrested abroad to be brought to our country? Tried in civilian courts here? Imprisoned and eventually released or, alternatively, released immediately? Is all the evidence utilized to identify terrorists and to prove their acts of terrorism to be revealed publicly to the great practical advantage of every future terrorist? Might the Departments of “Justice” and of “Homeland Security” presently be misnamed?
  • C Strickland commented on 11/20/2009
    Absolutely, we should be trying terrorists in our courts. Ours is a society based on laws and we cannot throw those laws out just because we want to guarantee these terrorists get what is coming to them. Even though they are the worst people in the world, they should still have a fair trial. That way, when our federal court convicts them, no one in the world can say that it was not a fair trial. Also, if you look at the recent history of terrorism trials, I think federal courts have a better track record than the military commissions. " In the time between the Bush military commissions were proposed and implemented and the Obama administration came into office and suspended them, the commissions tried three terrorism cases. According to Human Rights Watch, the civilian courts tried 145. Human Rights First examined the government's success rate in trying terrorism cases in civilian court and found the government had a 91 percent success rate, with the government managing to get those acquitted in the remaining 9 percent imprisoned on lesser charges after the fact. " http://www.prospect.org/csnc/blogs/tapped_archive?month=11&year=2009&base_name=the_utter_uselessness_of_milit For more information on those trials: http://www.opposingviews.com/articles/news-a-brief-history-of-terrorism-trials-in-the-u-s
  • Joshua Flinn commented on 12/15/2009
    I thought that the Geneva Convention covered this. All non-uniformed combatants are to be treated as spies and killed immediately or treated as POWs and prosecuted in a military trial. We should not have to bring them back to U.S. soil and submit them to domestic, civil courts.
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