Petroleum & Other Liquids


This Week in Petroleum

Data and analysis of recent events affecting the petroleum industry and markets. (archived versions)

Heating Oil and Propane Update

Weekly residential, wholesale, and spot prices; and production, demand, and stocks of heating fuels. (Weekly heating oil and propane prices are only collected during the heating season which extends from October through March. )

Weekly Petroleum Status Report

The petroleum supply situation in the context of historical information and selected prices. (archived versions)

Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update

Gasoline and diesel fuel prices released weekly

Short-Term Energy Outlook - Petroleum Section

Released: February 12, 2013

Short-term petroleum supply, demand, and price projections.

Petroleum Marketing Monthly

Released: February 1, 2013

Provides information and statistical data on a variety of crude oils and refined petroleum products, including statistics on crude oil costs and refined petroleum products sales. (archived versions)

Market Prices and Uncertainty Report

Released: January 8, 2013

This is a regular monthly supplement to the EIA Short-Term Energy Outlook. (archived versions)

Availability and Price of Petroleum and Petroleum Products Produced in Countries Other Than Iran, The

Released: December 20, 2012

This report was prepared in fulfillment of Section 1245(d)(4)(A) of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012, which requires that, not later than 60 days from enactment and every 60 days thereafter, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) "submit to Congress a report on the availability and price of petroleum and petroleum products produced in countries other than Iran in the 60-day period preceding the submission of the report." (archived versions)

Explaining EIA Crude Oil and Petroleum Product Price Data and Comparing with Other U.S. Government Data Sources, 2001 to 2010

Released: November 30, 2012

This article describes the sampling frames and basic data collection methods for petroleum price data reported by EIA and other Government agencies. In addition, it compares and contrasts annual average prices reported by the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) with comparable prices from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) CPI (Consumer Price Indexes) for the retail prices of residential No. 2 distillate, on-highway diesel fuel and motor gasoline (all grades.) Further, it compares refiner wholesale/resale prices for No. 2 fuel oil, No. 2 diesel fuel, motor gasoline (all grades,) kerosene-type jet fuel and residual fuel oil reported by EIA with comparable prices from the BLS PPI (Producer Price Index.) A discussion of the various crude oil prices and spot/futures prices published by EIA and other Government agencies is also included in the article.

Biofuels Issues and Trends

Released: October 15, 2012

This report presents data on biofuels consumption, production, imports and exports, including data collected by others than the U.S. Energy Information Administration. It also discusses important developments in biofuels markets.

Annual Energy Review - Petroleum Section

Released: September 27, 2012

Annual statistics on petroleum supply, demand, and price.

Supplemental Tables to the Annual Energy Outlook

Released: June 25, 2012

The AEO Supplemental tables were generated for the reference case of the Annual Energy Outlook (AEO) using the National Energy Modeling System, a computer-based model which produces annual projections of energy markets. Most of the tables were not published in the AEO, but contain regional and other more detailed projections underlying the AEO projections.

Fuel Competition in Power Generation and Elasticities of Substitution

Released: June 21, 2012

This report analyzes the competition between coal, natural gas and petroleum used for electricity generation by estimating what is referred to by economists as the elasticity of substitution among the fuels.

What were the key energy commodity price trends in 2011?

Released: February 14, 2012

Energy commodity price trends varied widely during 2011. Crude oil and petroleum products prices increased during 2011, while natural gas, coal, and electricity prices declined. This article provides an overview of key energy commodity price trends in 2011 based on prices seen in futures markets.

Energy & Financial Markets: What Drives Crude Oil Prices?

Released: December 14, 2011

An assessment of the various factors that may influence oil prices - physical market factors as well as those related to trading and financial markets. The analysis describes 7 key factors that could influence oil markets and explores possible linkages between each factor and oil prices, and includes regularly-updated graphs that depict aspects of those relationships.

International Energy Outlook - Petroleum Section

Released: September 19, 2011

International petroleum projections through 2035

Annual Energy Outlook - Petroleum Section

Released: April 26, 2011

Petroleum projections to 2035.

Short-Term Energy Outlook, Summer Motor Gasoline Outlook, 2011

Released: April 12, 2011

Projection of motor gasoline prices, supply, and demand for the upcoming summer driving season.

Rising Gasoline Prices and the Role of Available Domestic Oil and Natural Gas Resources

Released: March 17, 2011

Presented by: Richard G. Newell, Administrator, U.S. Energy Information Administration, to: Committee on Natural Resources, United States House of Representatives; Washington, DCMarch 17, 2011

Effects of Middle East Events on U.S. Energy Markets

Released: February 10, 2011

Presented by Richard G. Newell, Administrator, U.S. Energy Information Administration; to Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, United States Senate; Washington, D.C.February 3, 2011

Drivers Behind Growing U.S. Product Exports & Shrinking Light-Heavy Price Differences

Released: January 28, 2011

This presentation for the Argus Americas Crude Summit 2011 explores recent increases in product exports from the United States and the shift in light-heave price differences that began in mid 2008.

Winter Fuels Outlook Conference 2010

Released: October 13, 2010

This presentation at the 2010 Winter Fuels Outlook Conference in Washington, DC, outlined EIA's current forecast for U.S. crude oil, distillate, natural gas, propane and gasoline supply, demand, and markets over the coming winter season.

Petroleum Marketing Annual

Released: August 6, 2010

Final monthly price and volume statistics on crude oil and petroleum products at a national, regional and state level. Annual totals and averages have been calculated from these monthly data. (archived versions)

World Oil Prices and Production Trends in AEO2010 (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

In AEO2010, the price of light, low-sulfur (or sweet) crude oil delivered at Cushing, Oklahoma, is tracked to represent movements in world oil prices. EIA makes projections of future supply and demand for total liquids, which includes conventional petroleum liquidssuch as conventional crude oil, natural gas plant liquids, and refinery gainin addition to unconventional liquids, which include biofuels, bitumen, coal-to-liquids (CTL), gas-to-liquids (GTL), extra-heavy oils, and shale oil.

Factors Affecting the Relationship between Crude Oil and Natural Gas Prices (released in AEO2010)

Released: May 11, 2010

Over the 1995-2005 period, crude oil prices and U.S. natural gas prices tended to move together, which supported the conclusion that the markets for the two commodities were connected. Figure 26 illustrates the fairly stable ratio over that period between the price of low-sulfur light crude oil at Cushing, Oklahoma, and the price of natural gas at the Henry Hub on an energy-equivalent basis.

Comparison of Selected EIA-782 Data With Other Data Sources

Released: April 1, 2010

This article compares annual average prices reported from the EIA-782 survey series for residential No. 2 distillate, on-highway diesel fuel, retail regular motor gasoline, refiner No. 2 fuel oil for resale, refiner No. 2 diesel fuel for resale, refiner regular motor gasoline for resale, and refiner kerosene-type jet fuel for resale with annual average prices reported by other sources. In terms of volume, it compares EIA-782C Prime Supplier annual volumes for motor gasoline (all grades), distillate fuel oil, kerosene-type jet fuel and residual fuel oil with annual volumes from other sources. (archived versions)

Probabilities of Possible Future Prices (Released in the STEO April 2010)

Released: April 1, 2010

EIA introduced a monthly analysis of energy price volatility and forecast uncertainty in the October 2009 Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO). Included in the analysis were charts portraying confidence intervals around the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) futures prices of West Texas Intermediate (equivalent to light sweet crude oil) and Henry Hub natural gas contracts.

Energy Price Volatility and Forecast Uncertainty (Released in the STEO October 2009)

Released: October 6, 2009

EIA Measures Price Uncertainty in Oil and Natural Gas Markets

World Oil Prices and Production Trends in AEO2009 (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 31, 2009

The oil prices reported in AEO2009 represent the price of light, low-sulfur crude oil in 2007 dollars [50]. Projections of future supply and demand are made for liquids, a term used to refer to those liquids that after processing and refining can be used interchangeably with petroleum products. In AEO2009, liquids include conventional petroleum liquidssuch as conventional crude oil and natural gas plant liquidsin addition to unconventional liquids, such as biofuels, bitumen, coal-to-liquids (CTL), gas-to-liquids (GTL), extra-heavy oils, and shale oil.

Natural Gas and Crude Oil Prices in AEO (released in AEO2009)

Released: March 31, 2009

If oil and natural gas were perfect substitutes in all markets where they are used, market forces would be expected to drive their delivered prices to near equality on an energy-equivalent basis. The price of West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil generally is denominated in terms of barrels, where 1 barrel has an energy content of approximately 5.8 million Btu. The price of natural gas (at the Henry Hub), in contrast, generally is denominated in million Btu. Thus, if the market prices of the two fuels were equal on the basis of their energy contents, the ratio of the crude oil price (the spot price for WTI, or low-sulfur light, crude oil) to the natural gas price (the Henry Hub spot price) would be approximately 6.0. From 1990 through 2007, however, the ratio of natural gas prices to crude oil prices averaged 8.6; and in the AEO2009 projections from 2008 through 2030, it averages 7.7 in the low oil price case, 14.6 in the reference case, and 20.2 in the high oil price case.

Hurricane Impacts on the U.S. Oil and Natural Gas Markets

Released: September 26, 2008

Report on hurricane impacts on the U.S. oil and natural gas markets

Next Stop for Oil Prices: $100 or $150?

Released: June 30, 2008

This presentation provides an analysis of the various factors behind a six year, six-folding in oil prices and the market conditions likely to either accelerate that rise or result in a significant downturn.

World Oil Prices and Production Trends in AEO2008 (released in AEO2008)

Released: June 26, 2008

AEO2008 defines the world oil price as the price of light, low-sulfur crude oil delivered in Cushing, Oklahoma. Since 2003, both above ground and below ground factors have contributed to a sustained rise in nominal world oil prices, from $31 per barrel in 2003 to $69 per barrel in 2007. The AEO2008 reference case outlook for world oil prices is higher than in the AEO2007 reference case. The main reasons for the adoption of a higher reference case price outlook include continued significant expansion of world demand for liquids, particularly in non- OECD countries, which include China and India; the rising costs of conventional non-OPEC supply and unconventional liquids production; limited growth in non-OPEC supplies despite higher oil prices; and the inability or unwillingness of OPEC member countries to increase conventional crude oil production to levels that would be required for maintaining price stability. EIA will continue to monitor world oil price trends and may need to make further adjustments in future AEOs.

Motor Gasoline Consumption 2008 - Historical Perspective and Short-Term Projections

Released: April 8, 2008

This report reviews how gasoline markets relate to population, income, prices, and the growing role of ethanol. It also analyzes the structural shift in motor gasoline markets that took place in the late 1990s

Motor Gasoline Market Spring 2007 and Implications for Spring 2008

Released: April 8, 2008

This report focuses on the major factors that drove the widening difference between wholesale gasoline and crude oil prices in 2007 and explores how those factors might impact gasoline prices in 2008.

Insights into Spring 2008 Gasoline Prices

Released: April 4, 2008

Gasoline prices rose rapidly in spring 2007 due a variety of factors, including refinery outages and lower than expected imports. This report explores those factors and looks at the implications for 2008.

Short-Term Energy Outlook Supplement: Why Are Oil Prices So High?

Released: November 6, 2007

Why Are Oil Prices So High?

Are Refiners Entering a Golden Age or a Short Cycle?

Released: April 19, 2007

A presentation exploring the factors driving higher prices, margins, and light-heavy price differentials in today's market, and what these observations may imply about future profitability in the refining industry.

Refinery Outages: Description and Potential Impact on Petroleum Product Prices

Released: March 27, 2007

This report responds to a July 13, 2006 request from Chairman Jeff Bingaman of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources requested that EIA conduct a study of the impact that refinery shutdowns have had on the price of oil and gasoline.

Trends and Transitions in the Diesel Market

Released: March 19, 2007

A presentation at the 2007 NPRA Annual Meeting focusing on trends in the diesel market. The presentation reviews the status of the ULSD program and highlights recent changes and trends in the distillate market that point towards continued strength in diesel prices relative to gasoline for some time.

World Oil Prices in AEO2007 (released in AEO2007)

Released: February 22, 2007

Over the long term, the AEO2007 projection for world oil pricesdefined as the average price of imported low-sulfur, light crude oil to U.S. refinersis similar to the AEO2006 projection. In the near term, however, AEO2007 projects prices that are $8 to $10 higher than those in AEO2006.

Relationship Between Crude Oil and Natural Gas Prices, The

Released: October 2, 2006

This paper examines the time series econometric relationship between the Henry Hub natural gas price and the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil price.

Another Bull Market Consolidation or Have Oil Prices Headed South for the Winter?

Released: September 12, 2006

This presentation was given at the New York Energy Forum on September 5, 2006. It explores the reasons behind rising oil prices over the last few years and discusses whether the drop in oil prices seen in late August and early September 2005 is the start of a long-running trend or is only a temporary decline.

EIA Outlook for U.S. Heating Fuels

Released: August 7, 2006

This presentation at the 2006 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference in North Falmouth, Massachusetts, outlined EIA's current forecast for U.S. crude oil, distillate, propane and gasoline supply, demand, and markets over the coming winter season.

Short-Term Energy Outlook Supplement: Why Are Oil Prices So High?

Released: August 6, 2006

Feature article on the reasons for high oil prices.

Summer 2006 Motor Gasoline Prices (Released in the STEO July 2006)

Released: July 1, 2006

This supplement to the July 2006 ShortTerm Energy Outlook (STEO) examines the various factors that have contributed to this summers high gasoline prices and discusses how they may continue to impact markets over the next several months.

World Oil Prices in AEO2006 (released in AEO2006)

Released: February 1, 2006

World oil prices in the AEO2006 reference case are substantially higher than those in the AEO2005 reference case. In the AEO2006 reference case, world crude oil prices, in terms of the average price of imported low-sulfur, light crude oil to U.S. refiners, decline from current levels to about $47 per barrel (2004 dollars) in 2014, then rise to $54 per barrel in 2025 and $57 per barrel in 2030. The price in 2025 is approximately $21 per barrel higher than the corresponding price projection in the AEO2005 reference case.

Economic Effects of High Oil Prices (released in AEO2006)

Released: February 1, 2006

The AEO2006 projections of future energy market conditions reflect the effects of oil prices on the macroeconomic variables that affect oil demand, in particular, and energy demand in general. The variables include real GDP growth, inflation, employment, exports and imports, and interest rates.

Comparisons of Independent Petroleum Supply Statistics

Released: October 24, 2005

Compares final petroleum data published in the PSA with similar petroleum data obtained from other sources. Data comparisons are presented for 1994 through 2003. (archived versions)

Distillate in Depth - The Supply, Demand, and Price Picture

Released: October 12, 2005

The presentation provides background on distillate supply and demand, and then focuses on how hurricanes Katrina and Rita impact on refining capacity might affect winter fuels.

Regional Comparisons, Spatial Aggregation, and Asymmetry of Price Pass-Through

Released: August 3, 2005

Spot to retail price pass-through behavior of the U.S. gasoline market was investigated at the national and regional levels, using weekly wholesale and retail motor gasoline prices from January 2000 to the present.

Energy Policy Forum to Discuss

Released: July 13, 2005

EIA representatives participated in two Energy Policy Forums sponsored by Congressman Jim Gerlach in Pennsylvania on July 6 and 7, 2005. EIA's presentation covered trends, underlying factors, and EIA's outlook for retail gasoline prices.

California Gasoline Price Study

Released: May 10, 2005

EIA testifies in local Congressional hearing on what has been driving up gasoline prices in 2004 and 2005, focusing particularly on California where the hearing was held.

2004: Sign of the Future for Refiners?

Released: March 14, 2005

A presentation to the NPRA Annual Meeting discussing the major factors that drove petroleum prices, price differentials, and margins in 2004, and what this might mean for refiners as we look towards the future.

Petroleum and Natural Gas Outlook

Released: February 18, 2005

A presentation to the National Association of State Energy Officials 2005 Energy Outlook Conference, in Washington, DC, on February 17, 2005, giving EIA's outlook for petroleum and natural gas supply, demand, and prices.

Petroleum Supply and Market Outlook

Released: February 9, 2005

A presentation to the 7th Annual International Airport Operations/Jet Fuel Conference, in Orlando, Florida, on February 3, 2005, giving EIA¿s outlook for petroleum supply and prices, with particular attention to jet fuel.

World Oil Price Cases (released in AEO2005)

Released: February 1, 2005

World oil prices in AEO2005 are set in an environment where the members of OPEC are assumed to act as the dominant producers, with lower production costs than other supply regions or countries. Non-OPEC oil producers are assumed to behave competitively, producing as much oil as they can profitability extract at the market price for oil. As a result, the OPEC member countries will be able effectively to set the price of oil when they can act in concert by varying their aggregate production. Alternatively, OPEC members could target a fixed level of production and let the world market determine the price.

Northeast Energy Outlook Panel

Released: August 10, 2004

Presented by: Doug Macintyre, Senior Oil Market Analyst Presented to: Council of State Governments Eastern Regional Conference Springfield, MA August 10, 2004

U.S. Oil Markets

Released: July 7, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Government Reform Committee on Energy Policy, Natural Resources and Regulatory Affairs U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC July 7, 2004

Outlook for U.S. Oil Markets

Released: June 15, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Committee on Energy and Natural Resources United States Senate Washington, DC June 15 , 2004

Analysis of Senate Amendment 2028, the Climate Stewardship Act of 2003

Released: May 1, 2004

On May 11, 2004, Senator Landrieu asked EIA to evaluate SA.2028. This paper responds to that request, relying on the modeling methodology, data sources, and assumptions used to analyze the original bill, as extensively documented in EIA's June 2003 report.

Oil Market Outlook

Released: April 27, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: CSIS - US Saudi Arabian Business Council US - Saudi Relations and Global Energy Security April 27, 2004

U.S. Petroleum Supply and Market Outlook

Released: April 15, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: North American Energy Summit April 15, 2004

Outlook for U.S. Energy Markets

Released: March 4, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, United States Senate Washington, DC March 4, 2004

Crude & Natural Gas Outlook: More Tightness Ahead

Released: March 1, 2004

Presentation by Guy Caruso Administrator Energy Information Administration NPRA Annual Meeting San Antonio, Texas March 2004

Outlook for U.S. Energy Markets

Released: February 12, 2004

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources Committee on Resources U.S. House of Representatives February 12, 2004

Inquiry into August 2003 Gasoline Price Spike

Released: December 1, 2003

U.S. Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham requested that EIA conduct an inquiry into the causes of the price increases of gasoline in In July and August of 2003.

NASEO 2003 Annual Meeting

Released: September 15, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: National Association of State Energy Officials Austin, Texas September 15 , 2003

California Gasoline Prices in Early 2003

Released: July 1, 2003

Statement of Guy Caruso Administrator, Energy Information Administration Department of Energy Before the Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Natural Resources and Regulatory Affairs Committee on Government Reform U.S. House of Representatives July 2, 2003

Outlook for Natural Gas and Petroleum

Released: May 19, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: IOGCC Conference Williamsburg, Virginia May 19, 2003

World Oil Market Outlook

Released: May 4, 2003

Presented by: Guy F. Caruso, EIA Administrator Presented to: The Committee On Energy And Commerce U. S. House Of Representatives Washington, DC May 4 2003

California Gasoline Price Study, 2003 Preliminary Findings

Released: May 1, 2003

This is the preliminary report to Congressman Ose describing the factors driving California's spring 2003 gasoline price spike and the subsequent price increases in June and August.

California Gasoline Price Study, 2003

Released: May 1, 2003

This is the final report to Congressman Ose describing the factors driving California's spring 2003 gasoline price spike and the subsequent price increases in June and August.

Crude Oil, Heating Oil, and Propane Market Outlook 2003

Released: April 1, 2003

This PowerPoint presentation provides an early look at the crude oil, heating oil, and propane market outlooks for the winter of 2003/04. It was given at the 2003 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference held in Asheville, NC on August 11, 2003.

Forecasting Crude Oil Spot Price Using OECD Petroleum Inventory Levels

Released: March 1, 2003

This paper presents a short-term monthly forecasting model of West Texas Intermediate crude oil spot price using OECD petroleum inventory levels.

Gasoline Price Pass-through

Released: January 1, 2003

Over the past several years, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) has extensively studied the relationships between wholesale and retail markets for transportation fuels. This article represents a return to gasoline markets, where EIA first performed this type of analysis and modeling in 1997. The current effort takes advantage of improvements and enhancements to our approach over the intervening years, resulting in more detailed and accurate results.

Derivatives and Risk Management in the Petroleum, Natural Gas, and Electricity Industries

Released: October 1, 2002

In February 2002 the Secretary of Energy directed the Energy Information Administration (EIA) to prepare a report on the nature and use of derivative contracts in the petroleum, natural gas, and electricity industries. Derivatives are contracts ('financial instruments') that are used to manage risk, especially price risk.

Gasoline Type Proliferation and Price Volatility

Released: September 1, 2002

This paper focuses on the potential effect/role of implementation of a national menu of fuels to address the proliferation of boutique fuels.

Crude Oil, Heating Oil, and Propane Market Outlook

Released: August 21, 2002

This PowerPoint presentation provides an early look at the crude oil, heating oil, and propane market outlooks for the winter of 2002/03. It was given at the 2002 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference held in Kennebunkport, ME on August 12, 2002.

Crude Oil, Heating Oil, and Propane Market Outlook 2002

Released: August 1, 2002

This PowerPoint presentation provides an early look at the crude oil, heating oil, and propane market outlooks for the winter of 2002/03. It was given at the 2002 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference held in Kennebunkport, ME on August 12, 2002.

Hearing on the Current Situation In U.S. Motor Gasoline Markets

Released: April 23, 2002

Presented by: Mary J. Hutzler, Acting EIA Administrator Washington, DC April 23, 2002

Petroleum Outlook 2002: On the Road to Pamplona

Released: March 18, 2002

Presented by: John Cook Presented to: NPRA Annual Meeting San Antonio, Texas March 18, 2002

Methodology for the Assessment of the Macroeconomic Impacts of Stricter CAFE Standards - Addendum

Released: March 1, 2002

This assessment of the economic impacts of CAFÉ standards marks the first time EIA has used the new direct linkage of the DRI-WEFA Macroeconomic Model to NEMS in a policy setting. This methodology assures an internally consistent solution between the energy market concepts forecast by NEMS and the aggregate economy as forecast by the DRI-WEFA Macroeconomic Model of the U.S. Economy.

Jet Fuel Supply/Price Outlook: Fueling the Recovery

Released: February 11, 2002

Presented to: Tithe 4th International Jet Fuel Conference February 11, 2002

Restructuring: The Changing Face of Motor Gasoline Marketing

Released: November 1, 2001

This report reviews the U.S. motor gasoline marketing industry during the period 1990 to 1999, focusing on changes that occurred during the period. The report incorporates financial and operating data from the Energy Information Administration's Financial Reporting System (FRS), motor gasoline outlet counts collected by the National Petroleum News from the States, and U.S. Census Bureau salary and employment data published in County Business Patterns

Why Are Gasoline Prices Falling So Rapidly?

Released: September 1, 2001

Brief analysis of falling gasoline prices in the fall of 2001.

Factors Impacting Gasoline Prices and Areas for Further Study

Released: August 10, 2001

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division, Office of Oil and Gas Presented to: A public conference sponsored by the Federal Trade Commission August 2, 2001

Crude Oil, Heating Oil, and Propane Market Outlook 2001

Released: August 1, 2001

This PowerPoint presentation provides an early look at the crude oil, heating oil, and propane market outlooks for the winter of 2001/02. It was given by Doug MacIntyre at the 2001 State Heating Oil and Propane Program Conference held in Wilmington, DE on August 13, 2001.

Analysis of Strategies for Reducing Multiple Emissions from Electric Power Plants: SO2, Nox, CO2

Released: July 1, 2001

This report responds to a request received from Senator David McIntosh on June 29, 2000 to analyze the impacts on energy consumers and producers of coordinated strategies to reduce emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and carbon dioxide at U.S. power plants.

U.S. Gasoline Supply and Prices in the Summer of 2001

Released: June 14, 2001

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division, Office of Oil and Gas Presented to: Committee on Government Reform, Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Natural Resources and Regulatory Affairs United States House of Representatives June 14, 2001

EIA's Testimony on Current Gasoline Situation

Released: June 14, 2001

Statement of John Cook Before the Committee on Government Reform Subcommittee on Energy Policy, Natural Resources and Regulatory Affairs U.S. House of Representatives June 14, 2001

Gasoline Prices: What is Happening?

Released: May 10, 2001

Presentation by Douglas MacIntyre and Joanne Shore, Petroleum Division in EIA's Office of Oil and Gas.

Transition to Ultra-Low-Sulfur Diesel Fuel: Effects on Prices and Supply, The

Released: May 1, 2001

This report discusses the implications of the new regulations for vehicle fuel efficiency and examines the technology, production, distribution, and cost implications of supplying diesel fuel to meet the new standards.

EIA's Testimony on Current Gasoline Situation

Released: April 25, 2001

On April 25, Dr. John Cook, Petroleum Division Director in the Office of Oil and Gas, testified on West Coast gasoline prices before the Senate Subcommittee on Consumer Affairs , Foreign Commerce, and Tourism. This Subcommittee is under the jurisdiction of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. Dr. Cook provided the Subcommittee with information on the current gasoline price situation as well as identified unique characteristics of the West Coast gasoline market that help make its gasoline prices generally higher than other regions of the United States.

Why Is West Coast Gasoline So Expensive?

Released: April 25, 2001

Testimony on current gasoline prices as well as the unique situations on the West Coast with regard to prices.

EIA's Testimony on Crude Oil and Petroleum Products Markets

Released: March 30, 2001

Summary Statement of John Cook Director Petroleum Division Energy Information Administration Department of Energy before the Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality Committee on Energy and Commerce U.S. House of Representatives March 30, 2001

Hearing on Current U.S. Energy Trends

Released: March 21, 2001

Presented by: Mary J. Hutzler, Director, Office of Integrated Analysis and Forecasting Presented to: Senate Energy And Natural Resources Committee United States Senate March 21, 2001

Oil Market Basics

Released: March 1, 2001

An overview of oil markets and how they function.

NASEO Energy Outlook Conference

Released: February 1, 2001

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division, Office of Oil and Gas February 26, 2001

Presentation for National Governors' Association

Released: January 26, 2001

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division, Office of Oil and Gas Presented to: National Governors' Association January 26, 2001

Summary Short-Term Petroleum and Natural Gas Outlook

Released: January 12, 2001

Presented by: Mark J. Mazur, Acting EIA Administrator January 12, 2001

Presentation to the National Conference of State Legislators - December 2000 Short-Term Energy Outlook

Released: December 18, 2000

Presentation to the National Conference of State Legislators by Mark Masur, Acting Administrator

Regional Energy Profile Forum on Energy Preparedness

Released: December 1, 2000

Presented by: Alice Lippert and Douglas MacIntyre December 1, 2000

EIA's Testimony on Crude Oil, Heating and Transportation Fuel Markets - House Subcommittee

Released: September 28, 2000

Statement of Mark J. Mazur Acting Administrator Energy Information Administration Before the Committee on Commerce Subcommittee on Energy and Power U.S. House of Representatives September 28, 2000

PPMCSA Presentation on Winter Distillate Outlook

Released: September 15, 2000

Presented by: Joanne Shore Presented to: PPMCSA Annual Meeting and Trade Show September 15, 2000

Winter Fuels Market Assessment 2000 (September 7, 2000)

Released: September 7, 2000

Presented by: Mark Rodekohr Presented to: The New England Council & Governor's Conference Boston, MA September 7, 2000

Winter Distillate and Propane Outlook

Released: September 7, 2000

Presentation by Joanne Shore, Petroleum Division in EIA's Office of Oil and Gas.

Winter Fuels Market Assessment 2000

Released: September 7, 2000

Dr. John S. Cook, Director of the Petroleum Division in EIA's Office of Oil and Gas.

EIA's Testimony on Crude Oil, Heating and Transportation Fuel Markets - Senate Committee

Released: September 1, 2000

Statement of Mark J. Mazur Acting Administrator Energy Information Administration before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources U.S. Senate September 26, 2000

Winter Distillate and Natural Gas Outlook

Released: July 27, 2000

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division; EIA's Office of Oil and Gas July 27, 2000

EIA's Senate Testimony About Rising Crude Oil and Gasoline Prices

Released: July 13, 2000

Statement of John Cook, Director Petroleum Division; Energy Information Administration before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources United States Senate July 13, 2000

Accelerated Depletion: Assessing Its Impacts on Domestic Oil and Natural Gas Prices and Production

Released: July 1, 2000

Analysis of the potential impacts of accelerated depletion on domestic oil and natural gas prices and production.

EIA's Senate Testimony About Rising Crude Oil and Gasoline Prices

Released: June 29, 2000

Statement of John Cook, Director Petroleum Division; Energy Information Administration before the Committee on Governmental Affairs U.S. Senate June 29, 2000

Update: A Year of Volatility - Oil Markets and Gasoline

Released: June 20, 2000

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division EIA's Office of Oil and Gas June 21, 2000

Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Power

Released: May 24, 2000

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Presented to: U.S. House of Representatives Washington, DC May 24, 2000

World Oil Market, The

Released: May 11, 2000

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator San Diego, CA May 11, 2000

Northeast Heating Fuel Market, The Assessment and Options

Released: May 1, 2000

In response to the President's request, this study examines how the distillate fuel oil market (and related energy markets) in the Northeast behaved in the winter of 1999-2000, explains the role played by residential, commercial, industrial, and electricity generation sector consumers in distillate fuel oil markets and describes how that role is influenced by the structure of the energy markets in the Northeast

Increased Potential for Gasoline Price Spikes -- Spring & Summer, Update

Released: April 18, 2000

Dr. John S. Cook, Director of the Petroleum Division in EIA's Office of Oil and Gas.

U.S. Distillate Market Update

Released: April 7, 2000

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Providence, RI April 7, 2000

Update: Increased Potential for Gasoline Price Spikes -- Spring & Summer

Released: April 1, 2000

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division EIA's Office of Oil and Gas April 18, 2000

Testimony on Increases in Crude Oil, Distillate Fuels and Gasoline Prices, Senate Committee

Released: March 24, 2000

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Washington, DC March 24, 2000

Why Are Heating Oil Prices Spiking in the Northeast

Released: March 6, 2000

Presentation on Northeast heating oil price spikes.

EIA's House of Representatives Testimony About Rising Heating Oil, Diesel, and Gasoline Prices

Released: March 1, 2000

Statement of John Cook, Director, Petroleum Division, Energy Information Administration before the Subcommittee on Energy and Power Committee on Commerce U.S. House Of Representatives March 9, 2000

Myth About Second Quarter Crude Oil Prices

Released: March 1, 2000

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division EIA's Office of Oil and Gas March 10, 2000

U.S. Distillate Market Testimony for New York Assembly Hearing

Released: February 24, 2000

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division EIA's Office of Oil and Gas February 24, 2000

EIA's Senate Testimony About Rising Heating Oil, Diesel, and Gasoline Prices

Released: February 24, 2000

Statement of John Cook, Petroleum Division Director, Energy Information Administration before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, U.S. Senate February 24, 2000

Presentation to the Boston Heating Oil Summit

Released: February 16, 2000

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator February 16, 2000

Presentation to the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners,

Released: July 21, 1999

Presented by: Jay E. Hakes, EIA Administrator Presented to: National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners Staff Subcommittee on Gas San Francisco, CA July 21, 1999

Petroleum: An Energy Profile 1999

Released: July 1, 1999

Explains in laymen's terms the major components and operations of the U.S. petroleum industry that include: petroleum products, resources and reserves, drilling and exploration, refining, storage and transportation, imports, exports, and petroleum marketing

Demand and Price Outlook for Phase 2 Reformulated Gasoline, 2000

Released: May 19, 1999

Phase 2 of the U.S. reformulated gasoline program begins at the end of this year. This article, published in the Petroleum Supply Monthly, April 1999, provides a forecast and analysis of the demand and price for Phase 2 reformulated gasoline for the year 2000.

Price Changes in the Gasoline Market - Are Midwestern Gasoline Prices Downward Sticky?

Released: February 1, 1999

The report concentrates on regional gasoline prices in the Midwest from October 1992 through June 1998.

Statement Before the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, U.S. Senate

Released: January 28, 1999

Statement of Jay Hakes Administrator, Energy Information Administration Department of Energy Before the Energy and Natural Resources Committee U.S. Senate January 28, 1999

What Does the Kyoto Protocol Mean to U.S. Energy Markets and the U.S. Economy?

Released: October 1, 1998

A Briefing Paper on the Energy Information Administration's Analysis and Report Prepared for the Committee on Science, U.S. House of Representatives

El Paso Gasoline Prices

Released: September 3, 1998

Presented by: Dr. John S. Cook, Director, Petroleum Division EIA's Office of Oil and Gas

Why do Motor Gasoline Prices Vary Regionally? California Case Study

Released: July 15, 1998

Analysis of the difference between the retail gasoline prices in California and the average U.S. retail prices.

Assessment of Summer 1997 Motor Gasoline Price Increase

Released: May 1, 1998

Assesses the 1997 late summer gasoline market and some of the important issues surrounding that event.

Petroleum 1996: Issues and Trends

Released: September 1, 1997

Examines historical trends and focuses on major petroleum issues and the events they represent. It analyzes different dimensions of the petroleum industry and related markets in terms of how they relate to the volatility in petroleum markets.

Motor Gasoline Assessment, Spring 1997

Released: July 1, 1997

analyzes the factors causing the run up of motor gasoline prices during Spring 1996 and the different market conditions during Spring 1997 that caused prices to decline.

Analysis of Gasoline Markets Spring 1996, An

Released: June 1, 1996

The factors causing the run up of motor gasoline prices during spring 1996.

Demand, Supply, and Price Outlook for Reformulated Motor Gasoline 1995

Released: July 1, 1994

Provisions of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 designed to reduce ground-level ozone will increase the demand for reformulated motor gasoline in a number of U.S. metropolitan areas. This article discusses the effects of the new regulations on the motor gasoline market and the refining industry.

Demand, Supply, and Price Outlook for Low-Sulfur Diesel Fuel

Released: August 1, 1993

The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 established a new, sharply lower standard for the maximum sulfur content of on-highway diesel fuel, to take effect October 1, 1993.


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