Petroleum & Other Liquids

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Monthly Biodiesel Production Report

With Data for October 2012   |  Release Date:  December 28, 2012   |  Next Release Date: January 30, 2013   |   full report

Previous Issues

State Producers Annual capacity
(million gallons)
Alabama 2 49
Arizona 1 2
Arkansas 3 87
California 7 91
Connecticut 3 5
Georgia 3 30
Illinois 6 278
Indiana 3 134
Iowa 8 250
Kansas 1 1
Kentucky 5 74
Louisiana 1 12
Maine 1 0
Maryland 1 3
Massachussetts 1 0
Michigan 2 18
Minnesota 4 107
Mississippi 2 85
Missouri 6 110
Nevada 1 1
New York 2 20
North Carolina 4 39
Ohio 3 66
Oklahoma 1 15
Oregon 1 1
Pennsylvania 6 91
Rhode island 2 1
South Carolina 2 41
South Dakota 1 2
Tennessee 1 2
Texas 8 328
Virginia 3 9
Washington 3 104
West Virginia 1 3
Wisconsin 4 31


Production - U.S. production of biodiesel was 75 million gallons in October 2012. Biodiesel production from the Midwest region (Petroleum Administration for Defense District 2) was 73% of the U.S. total. Production came from 107 biodiesel plants with operable capacity of 2.1 billion gallons per year. Biodiesel production during January-October 2012 was 855 million gallons, which was up from production of 753 million gallons during the first 10 months of 2011.

Sales - Producer sales of biodiesel during October 2012 included 62 million gallons sold as B100 (100% biodiesel) and an additional 12 million gallons of B100 sold in biodiesel blends with diesel fuel derived from petroleum.

Feedstocks - Soybean oil was the largest biodiesel feedstock during October 2012 with 307 million pounds consumed. The next three largest biodiesel feedstocks during the period were corn oil (59 million pounds), yellow grease (57 million pounds), and tallow (44 million pounds).


The Monthly Biodiesel Production Report provides data on operations of the U.S. biodiesel industry as part of EIA's response to section 1508 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 which directed EIA to publish information on renewable fuels including biodiesel. Data are provided for the U.S. and in selected cases by state and region.

The source of data is Form EIA-22M Monthly Biodiesel Production Survey, used to collect the following information from registered producers of biodiesel.

  • plant location, operating status, and annual production capacity
  • production of 100% biodiesel (B100)
  • biodiesel coproduct production
  • stocks
  • feedstock, alcohol input, and catalysts used in biodiesel production
  • sales of B100 and blended biodiesel from producing plants
  • sales of biodiesel to end-users
Form EIA-22M provides data necessary to monitor growth of the biodiesel industry in order to allow Congress to assess whether objectives of Section 503 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992 and Section 1508 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 are being achieved.

U.S. biodiesel production capacity, 2011

number of producers

Data Tables

1. Biodiesel Production Capacity and Production PDF XLS
2. Biodiesel Production, Sales, and Stocks PDF XLS
3. Inputs to Biodiesel Production PDF XLS
4. Biodiesel Producers and Production Capacity, by State PDF XLS
5. Biodiesel (B100) Production by Petroleum Administration for Defense District PDF XLS