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Junior Achievement USA®

Junior Achievement Sparks Student Success

Junior Achievement (JA) empowers young people to own their economic success. Our volunteer-delivered, kindergarten-12th grade programs foster work-readiness, entrepreneurship and financial literacy skills, and use experiential learning to inspire students to dream big and reach their potential.

Junior Achievement impacted more than 4.2 million U.S. students in more than 183,000 classrooms in the 2011-2012 school year. With the help of 178,000 volunteers, JA students develop the skills they need to experience the realities and opportunities of work and entrepreneurship in the 21st-century global marketplace.

Junior Achievement Enhances Communities

There are more than 120 JA Areas operating across the United States. Through an innovative partnership between the business community, educators and volunteers, these JA Areas help young people connect with relevant learning and the importance of staying in school. JA inspires students to develop competitive skills and confidence. Their success bolsters the local workforce and contributes to economic growth.

Junior Achievement's 2012 Teens and Personal Finance Survey

See how teens' attitudes and behaviors around money management have changed in the last year. Thanks to The Allstate Foundation for their support of this effort!

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Junior Achievement Personal Financen Survey

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Junior Achievement USA 2012 Teens and Careers Survey

See what U.S. teens have to say about their "dream job" and how they plan to achieve their career goals!

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JA Alumni Help Students own Economic Success

See how Junior Achievement alumni are helping younger students own their economic success.

Junior Achievement Alumnus Poised for Success

Junior Achievement alumnus Adan Gonzalez talks about how his JA experience has positioned him for success. His parents came to the U.S. from Mexico and worked at low-paying jobs to help Adan and his siblings get ahead. Now, Adan is attending Georgetown University on a scholarship, double-majoring in international business and political science, and aims to be the governor of his home state of Texas! Thanks to JA of Dallas for letting us know about Adan's amazing story.

Junior Achievement:
A Solution to the Workforce Skills Gap

The workforce skills gap has a significant impact on our nation's productivity, economy, and global competitiveness. Learn more about this issue and how Junior Achievement is addressing it, by teaching students how to apply the knowledge they learn in the classroom to real-world problems and equipping them with the skills they need to be college- and career-ready.

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Junior Achievement Graduation Pathways

As a complement to its focus on helping all students understand the importance of staying in school, Junior Achievement is helping to positively impact one of the biggest economic and social issues facing our country—the high school graduation rate. Read about JA's comprehensive study to develop a model focused on increasing this important metric.

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2011 Free Enterprise Survey

Junior Achievement USA and the National Chamber Foundation recently conducted the first-ever national survey of high school juniors' views of entrepreneurship, free enterprise and capitalism. See what the next generation of entrepreneurs had to say—read the results here.

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Junior Achievement Recognizes Key Partners with U.S. President's Volunteer Service Award

Junior Achievement recently presented the U.S. President's Volunteer Service Award to organizations who provide JA with significant volunteer support around the world. See what these organizations had to say about receiving the award and why they choose to partner with Junior Achievement.

JA Finance Park® Virtual

See JA Finance Park Virtual in action! This new, online personal-finance simulation helps students learn how to budget, save, invest and spend responsibly. JA Finance Park Virtual was generously sponsored by Capital One Financial Corporation.