Presidential Inaugurations

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Second Inauguration, March 4, 1873
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Diary Entry of Hamilton Fish, February 28, 1873. Library of Congress. Manuscript Division. The Papers of Hamilton Fish.

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Diary Entry of James A. Garfield, March 4, 1873. Library of Congress. Manuscript Division. The Papers of James A. Garfield.

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Washington, D.C. - The Inauguration - View of the Procession, looking down Pennsylvania Avenue from the Treasury, [March 4, 1873]. Library of Congress. Prints and Photographs Division. Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-126373 (b&w film copy neg.).

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Washington, D.C. - The Inauguration - The Procession from the Senate Chamber passing through the Rotunda to the East Steps of the Capitol, March 4, 1873. Library of Congress. Prints and Photographs Division. Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-10964 (b&w film copy neg.).

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Washington, D.C. - The Inauguration - President Grant taking the Oath of Office, [March 4, 1873]. Library of Congress. Prints and Photographs Division. Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-126311 (b&w film copy neg.).

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[President Ulysses S. Grant delivering his inaugural address on the east portico of the U. S. Capitol, March 4, 1873]. Library of Congress. Prints and Photographs Division. Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-17168 (b&w film copy neg.).

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Washington, D.C. - The Great Inauguration Ball on Tuesday Evening the 4th of March, 1873, in the temporary building in Judiciary Square, March 4, 1873. Library of Congress. Prints and Photographs Division. Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-4911 (b&w film copy neg.).

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Diary Entry of Hamilton Fish, March 5, 1873. Library of Congress. Manuscript Division. The Papers of Hamilton Fish.

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Presidential Inaugurations