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Sam Johnson: U.S. Congressman, Third District of Texas

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Press Release

Contact: Jamie Corley 2022254201

The American people have spoken loud and clear: they don’t want a government takeover of healthcare

Washington, Mar 4, 2010 - Today, Congressman Sam Johnson (3rd. Dist.—Texas) called out his Democrat colleagues for refusing to answer to the American people on healthcare reform.  While national polls report that 73% of Americans do not want Congress to pass the current bill, Speaker Pelosi, Senator Reid and the President seem as gung-ho as ever to pass a government takeover of healthcare. 
“Most Americans are happy with their healthcare and they don’t want the government meddling in it.  That said, everyone agrees that some changes need to be made.  That’s why Republicans are anxious to meet with a blank sheet of paper to come up with a bill that addresses the needs of the American people.  Sadly, the Democrats are set in their ways,” stated Johnson.
Johnson is upset that Speaker Pelosi has remarked that some of her colleagues may need to sacrifice their jobs to pass healthcare reform. 
“We were put in Congress to do the will of the American people, not to push an agenda,” said Johnson.

Johnson represents portions of Dallas and Collin counties.

Check out the full floor speech at:

Remarks as prepared for delivery:
“I think that after yet another healthcare speech by the President, the American people are sick and tired of the democrats’ “I know what’s best for you” attitude.

Congress needs to wake up and realize that Americans know more about their healthcare needs than government bureaucrats. 

They know exactly what a Washington takeover of healthcare means and they’re shouting from the rooftops: no no no! 

It is time for the president and Speaker Pelosi to realize that this policy debate isn’t between Democrats and Republicans. 

It is between the Democrats and the American people. 

And the American people are saying enough is enough. 

They don’t want a healthcare bill that raises taxes, stifles small businesses, increases insurance premiums and cuts Medicare.

If the Democrats insist on ramming this bill through against the will of the American people, then they better be prepared suffer the consequences in November.” 


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