Do Newspapers Have a Future after All?
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Do Newspapers Have a Future after All?

The death of the newspaper industry at the hands of the Internet has long been predicted, but circulation is beginning to rise and investors are beginning to take an interest again. Young people are looking for news on smart-phones and tablets, and it appears they're willing to pay. Will digital news be different? Does print have any future at all? Also, a quieter inaugural, with corporate support, and after 30 years of rising obesity, now some rates are going down. Is a national trend reversing?

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Making News

A Quieter Inaugural, with Corporate Support ()

President Barack Obama's 2009 inaugural drew 1.8 million people to the capital, but that historic party is a tough act to follow. For his second inaugural, corporate donations are up and anticipated crowd numbers are down. Sheryl Gay Stolberg is heading up the New York Times coverage of President Obama's second inauguration.


Main Topic

Do Newspapers Have a Future after All? ()

Are you ready to pay for news content you've been getting for free on the Internet? More and more traditional news outlets are betting you just might be. Share prices for the New York Times, Gannett and McClatchy are up as much as 37 percent, and investors are even taking an interest in small-town and regional papers. But a lot of cost-cutting has led to dramatic reductions in content. Can "pay walls" provide enough revenue to restore what news used to be? Increasing numbers of young people get news from smart phones and tablets. Do they want the same old stuff in a new platform or a new kind of experience?


Reporter's Notebook

Youth Obesity Falling ()

One of America’s enduring health problems is childhood obesity, which has been on the rise for decades. But now there are rays of hope around the country that the process may be turning around. In major metropolitan areas including New York and Los Angeles, and in smaller cities around the country, childhood obesity is declining for the first time in 30 years. The drops are small, but they're raising hopes that obesity rates may have finally reached a peak. Sabrina Tavernise is a reporter for the New York Times.


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