Topics handled by WTO committees and agreements
Issues covered by the WTO’s committees and agreements

Trade and Investment 

There are three main areas of work in the WTO on trade and investment:

  • A Working Group established in 1996 conducts analytical work on the relationship between trade and investment.
  • The Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures (“TRIMs Agreement”), one of the Multilateral Agreements on Trade in Goods, prohibits trade-related investment measures, such as local content requirements, that are inconsistent with basic provisions of GATT 1994.
  • The General Agreement on Trade in Services addresses foreign investment in services as one of four modes of supply of services.

The Doha mandate
The Doha mandate explained

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News  back to top


Introduction to trade and investment in the WTO  back to top

Brief information about trade and investment in the WTO
Links to the trade and investment section of the WTO Guide “Understanding the WTO”.

Technical information about trade and investment in the WTO


The three areas of work on trade and investment in the WTO

1. Working Group on the relationship between trade and investment.  back to top

The Working Group on the Relationship between Trade and Investment was established during the 1996 Ministerial Conference in Singapore to examine the relationship between trade and investment. There is no negotiation of new rules or commitments.

The mandate of the Working Group

The Declaration of the 1996 Ministerial Conference in Singapore  
See decision item 20   

Checklist of issues suggested for study by the Working Group (document code WT/WGTI/2; opens in a new window) — see annex 1 of this document.   

Decision of the General Council on the work of the Working Group (document code WT/WGTI/2; opens in a new window) — see paragraphs 226 - 227 of this document.


List of disputes citing the TRIMs agreement


Work on the relationship between trade and investment

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Documents of the Working Group on trade and investment use the code WT/WGTI/* (where * takes additional values)
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  • Reports of the Working Group to the WTO General Council (Document code WT/WGTI/* and “report”)    > search
  • Working documents of the Working Group (Document code WT/WGTI/W/*)    
  • Reports on meetings of the Working Group (Document code WT/WGTI/M/*)     > search
  • List of representatives from WTO members for the purposes of the Working Group (Document code WT/WGTI/INF/*)     > search


2. Agreement on Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs)  back to top

This Agreement, negotiated during the Uruguay Round, applies only to measures that affect trade in goods. Recognizing that certain investment measures can have trade-restrictive and distorting effects, it states that no Member shall apply a measure that is prohibited by the provisions of GATT Article III (national treatment) or Article XI (quantitative restrictions). Examples of inconsistent measures, as spelled out in the Annex's Illustrative List, include local content or trade balancing requirements. The Agreement contains transitional arrangements allowing Members to maintain notified TRIMs for a limited time following the entry into force of the WTO (two years in the case of developed country Members, five years for developing country Members, and seven years for least-developed country Members). The Agreement also establishes a Committee on TRIMs to monitor the operation and implementation of these commitments.

The mandate for work on TRIMs

Click for Doha Development Agenda gatewayThe Doha mandate: Trade-Related Investment Measures (TRIMs) in the 2001 ministerial decision on implementation

Summary of the TRIMs Agreement   

Browse or download the text of the “TRIMs agreement” from the legal texts gateway

Find decisions of WTO bodies concerning the TRIMs Agreement in the Analytical Index — Guide to WTO Law and Practice

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Work on TRIMs in the WTO, and official documents

This work is carried out under the Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures.

> Current Chairperson

Work in the TRIMs Committee

Search Documents Online
Documents of the Committee on Trade-Related Investment Measures use the code G/TRIMS/* (where * takes additional values)
These links open a new window: allow a moment for the results to appear.

  • Annual Reports of the Committee on TRIMs to the Council for Trade in Goods (Document code varies)    > search         > help
  • Minutes of the Committee on TRIMs (Document code G/TRIMS/M/*)    > search         > help
  • Reports and working documents of the Committee on TRIMs (Document code G/TRIMS/W/*)    > search         > help


Other official TRIMs documents

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These links open a new window: allow a moment for the results to appear.

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  • Decisions of the Council for Trade in Goods on the extension of the transition period for the elimination of TRIMs notified under Article 5.1 of the TRIMs Agreement (Document code varies)    > search
  • Technical Cooperation Handbook on Notification Requirements (Document code (WT/TC/NOTIF/TRIMS/*)    > search
  • Notifications of inconsistent TRIMs (Article 5.1) (Document code G/TRIMS/N/* and keyword “5.1”) 
        > search
  • Notifications of TRIMs that have been eliminated (Article 5.2) (Document code G/TRIMS/N/* and keyword “5.2”)    > search
  • Notifications of relevant publications (Article 6.2) (Document code G/TRIMS/N/2*)     > search
  • Documents on dispute settlement involving the TRIMs agreement (Document code G/TRIMS/D/*)    > search
  • Observer Status (Document code G/TRIMS* and keyword “observer”)    > search
  • Rules of Procedure (Document code G/TRIMS/W/* and keyword “Rules of Procedure”)    > search

You can perform more sophisticated searches from the Documents Online search facility by defining multiple search criteria such as document symbol, full text search or document date.


3. Trade and Investment in the context of the GATS  back to top

The mandate

Overview of the GATS and rules for growth and investment
Links to the section on GATS and rules for growth and investment section of the WTO Guide “Understanding the WTO”.

Summary of the GATS

Download the legal text of the GATS in pdf format.

Work on investment and the GATS

See the Services section of the WTO website for information on work within the WTO on investment and the general agreement for trade in services (GATS)

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