Topics handled by WTO committees and agreements Issues covered by the WTO’s committees and agreements

Trade monitoring

The WTO currently produces two series of "trade monitoring reports":

  • WTO-wide reports on trade-related developments covering the whole WTO membership and observers
  • joint reports with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) on trade and investment measures taken by G-20 economies.

> News on all trade monitoring reports


Topics handled by WTO committees and agreements

These series of reports were started in the wake of the global financial and economic crisis that began in 2008. At the WTO's 8th Ministerial Conference in 2011, Ministers asked for the trade monitoring work to be continued and strengthened.


WTO-wide reports on trade-related developments

At the outset of the economic crisis, these reports were published up to four times a year. Currently, two reports are produced each year.

Recent reports

> News on all trade monitoring reports


Joint reports on G-20 trade and investment measures

These joint reports with the OECD and UNCTAD are currently issued twice a year. At the outset of the economic crisis, they were issued four times a year.

Recent reports

> News on all trade monitoring reports


Aim of the reports

The purpose of these trade monitoring reports is to enhance transparency of trade policy developments around the world and to provide WTO members and observers with an up-to-date picture of trends in the implementation of trade liberalizing as well as trade restricting measures, in particular in times of economic crisis when protectionist pressures tend to surge.


Preparation and discussion of the reports

The WTO Secretariat consults closely with all delegations to gather complete, up-to-date and accurate information on their trade and trade-related measures, and to verify the relevant information collected from other non-official sources. The WTO-wide reports are discussed at meetings of the WTO's Trade Policy Review Body.  The G-20 reports are sent to G-20 sherpas for their consideration and submission to the summit meetings of the G-20 leaders.


Topics handled by WTO committees and agreements