Enhanced Integrated Framework

The Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) is a multi-donor programme, which helps least-developed countries (LDCs) play a more active role in the global trading system. The programme has a wider goal of promoting economic growth and sustainable development and helping to lift more people out of poverty.

The programme is currently helping 47 LDCs worldwide, supported by a multi-donor trust fund with a funding target of US$ 250 million.

Contact details:

EIF Executive Secretariat
Rue de Lausanne 154,
CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland
Tel: +41 (0)22 739 6650
Fax: +41 (0)22 739 5766

UN Office for Project Services Trust Fund Manager
11-13 Chemin des Anémones,
CH-1219 Châtelaine, Switzerland
Tel: +41 (0)22 917 8367
Fax: +41 (0)22 917 8062






The Integrated Framework (IF) was initially established in October 1997, at the High-Level Meeting on LDCs' Trade Development held at the WTO. Joining the WTO were the IF's other core partner agencies: the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the International Trade Centre (ITC), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Bank. 
A Task Force on an Enhanced Integrated Framework provided recommendations in 2006 which led to the current Enhanced Integrated Framework.

Task Force Report on the enhanced IF
Task Force recommendations
Report from the first EIF global workshop
Ministerial EIF breakfast in 2009


Aim of the EIF

The EIF creates a genuine partnership among donors, six core partner agencies, observer agencies, the Executive Secretariat (ES) and the Trust Fund Manager (TFM) and other development partners who are supporting LDCs’ own drive to:

  • mainstream trade into national development strategies
  • set up structures needed to coordinate the delivery of trade-related technical assistance
  • build capacity to trade, which also includes addressing critical supply‑side constraints.


EIF and Aid for Trade

LDCs can use the EIF as a vehicle to coordinate donors' support and to lever more Aid for Trade resources, whereas donors can sign up to the EIF as a vehicle to deliver on their Aid for Trade commitments.


The EIF Trust Fund

The EIF programme is supported by a Multi-Donor Trust Fund. As of January 2011, there were contributions from 22 donors. Total funding available stood at approximately US$ 120 million, with total pledges of US$ 182 million to be disbursed over a five year period. In 2007 at the High-Level Conference in Stockholm pledges were made of up to US$ 170 million, against a target of US$ 250 million.

Current status

Contributions received
Donors supporting the EIF Trust Fund


The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) acts as the EIF Trust Fund Manager in support of the programme. The Trust Fund Manager has signed Contribution Arrangements with all donors to the Trust Fund and has concluded Partnership Agreements with ITC, UNCTAD, UNIDO and UNDP, exchanged letters with the WTO and is in the process of finalising arrangements with the World Bank.


Where the EIF works

The EIF operates in 47 LDCs.

> Full list of EIF countries


Who the EIF works with

The EIF programme works with six core partner agencies in achieving the programme objectives, including the IMF, ITC, UNCTAD, UNDP, the World Bank and the WTO, with UNIDO as an observer agency.

> More on the EIF partner agencies

The EIF programme is supported by a multi-donor trust fund and has received contributions from 22 donors.

> Full list of donors

The EIF also works to strengthen donor harmonization in line with the Paris Declaration and the Accra Agenda for Action to improve development assistance, and collaboration is already underway with strategic partners

> Full list of additional partners


Who does what

> EIF governance framework


The National EIF Focal Point (FP) leads the EIF process in the LDC – usually a senior government official appointed by the LDC and supported by a National Implementation Unit (NIU).

The EIF Donor Facilitator (DF) works with the FP to facilitate donor coordination and the donor/government dialogue on trade issues and Aid for Trade. The DF is a representative from the donor community active in supporting an LDC’s trade agenda and is identified by the government and other donors.

The EIF National Steering Committee (NSC) is the senior level forum for decision-making and coordination among government partners on trade, the private sector, civil society and the donor community.


The EIF Steering Committee reviews the overall effectiveness of the EIF and ensures transparency of the EIF process. The Steering Committee is made up of all LDCs, all donors to the Trust Fund, the six EIF core partner agencies, the ES and TFM ex officio, and others granted observer status by the EIF Board.

The EIF Board is the key decision-making body for the EIF programme looking at policy, financial and operational issues. The Board is made up of three capital-based LDC and donor representatives each, members from the core and observer agencies, as well as the ES and TFM ex officio.

The EIF Executive Secretariat, housed in the WTO, works in support of the EIF together with the EIF Trust Fund Manager, represented through the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) as selected by the EIF Board.


How does the EIF work


WTO documents search on the EIF

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Documents on the Integrated Framework use the code WT/IFSC/* (where * takes additional values).
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help with downloading these documents

  • Minutes of Integrated Framework Steering Committee Meetings (IFSC) (Document code WT/IFSC/M/*)    > search
  • Working documents of Integrated Framework Steering Committee Meetings (IFSC) (Document code WT/IFSC/W/*)    > search
  • General documents of the Integrated Framework Steering Committee (IFSC) (Document code WT/IFSC/* and not (W or M))    > search

Other documents

  • Report by the Director-General to the Fifth Ministerial Conference pursuant to Paragraph 43 of the Doha Ministerial Declaration (Document code WT/MIN(03)/1) (download in Word, 12 pages; 85KB)
  • Documents on the Integrated Framework — Trade-Related Technical Assistance Needs-Assessment (Document code WT/COMTD/IF/* or WT/LDC/HL/12/*)     > search
  • Proposal for a pilot Scheme (Document code WT/LDC/SWG/IF/13) (download in Word format, 4 pages; 46KB)
  • Report of the High-Level Meeting on LDCs (Document code WT/LDC/HL/1/Rev.1) (download in Word Perfect format)

You can perform more sophisticated searches from the Documents Online search facility (opens in new window) by defining multiple search criteria such as document symbol (i.e. code number), full text search or document date.

What’s new:
Visit the EIF website:

View the latest job openings here


Latest EIF publicity material:
> EIF Quick Guide
EIF in Brief flyer
EIF display


EIF at a glance documents:
> EIF donors to the Trust Fund
Latest contributions to the Trust Fund
Latest EIF country status update
EIF governance framework





8 November 2012:
Vision for 2015 and Aid for Trade for the Union of Comoros