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WTO distance learning

The WTO offers on this page a number of interactive training modules on WTO subjects. Each module is built on course material developed by WTO experts and includes a number of interactive tests to assess the user’s progress.

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Please feel free to send us your feedback on these training modules

Training modules back to top

Each of the training modules below offers users the possibility of taking the course over a number of sessions. Follow the simple registration procedure to begin a course. Information on your progress will be stored in your browser using a cookie. (Note — your browser must be set through the options menu to accept cookies. You may still take the course without the cookie but the program will not store details on your progress through the course).

Interactive courses:

General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)

Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS)

SPS Handbook: How to apply the transparency provisions of the SPS Agreement

WTO dispute settlement system

Handbook on Accession to the WTO


Multimedia presentations  back to top

Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures — provides background on certain aspects of the SPS Agreement

> Technical Barriers to Trade: Fifth Special Meeting on Procedures for Information Exchange — audio clips — 7-8 November 2007

> Overview of the WTO — includes a self-evaluation section

> The WTO: Economic Underpinnings — provides background on trade theory

The WTO: Legal Underpinnings — learn about the basic principles of the Multilateral Trading System


Briefings  back to top

Trade Finance: The Grease in the Wheels of Trade
Conducting a WTO Trade Facilitation Needs Assessment
> WTO Trade Facilitation
> The WTO Coherence Mandate


Other work in the WTO related to training  back to top

WTO training courses for government officials
Training videos

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Purchase courses on CD-ROM