American Red Cross of Greater Chicago

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The American Red Cross of Greater Chicago serves more than 9.6 million people in northeastern Illinois and northwest Indiana.

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A Path to Recovery

 The fire started a little after 3 am. Thirteen-year-old Alexander had been awakened by a loud bang. He got up and discovered fire quickly spreading through the house. Alexander scrambled to wake and alert the rest of the family. DAT (Disaster Action Team) responders arrived at the scene of a house fire in Bartlett early Sunday [...]

Moving Forward

Is moving or having a house fire more stressful? For 30-year-old graduate student, Tina Magnole, having a fire in the apartment she was moving into was stressful. Tina chose to take a break from moving for the night and decided to finish unpacking in the morning. Her electricity was scheduled to be turned on the [...]