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Welcome to the Reality on ‘Green Energy’ Jobs
Posted by Press Office on August 16, 2010

Today, President Obama traveled to Menomonee Falls to tout the ‘success’ of the ‘clean energy’ portion of his trillion-dollar ‘stimulus’ but new reports – highlighted by The Hill newspaper - show little to cheer about.  In fact, most of the ‘green energy’ money hasn’t even gone out the door.  According to the Department of Energy’s own internal watchdog, “ … only 8.4 percent of the total had been used by grant recipients after more than a year.”  Furthermore, according to one of those reports, “Spending delays were ‘prevalent and widespread throughout the Program,’ particularly by those receiving the largest grants of more than $2 million each.” 

A report in last weekend’s Washington Post has more:

“Take, for instance, three programs meant to improve energy efficiency and produce ‘green jobs.’ The $5 billion program for weatherizing low-income homes is recovering from a slow start as officials wrestled with rules on wages and historic preservation, and as providers struggled to expand capacity.

“Only 3,000 homes were weatherized last summer, a sliver of the program's goal of 600,000 by March 2012. The pace has picked up, with 25,000 now being weatherized monthly. Still, barely a quarter of the funds were spent by the end of last month. Moving more slowly are two other energy-efficiency initiatives, one for states and one for cities and counties. Of their combined $6.3 billion, $556 million had been spent by the end of July.” 

In response, the White House has tried to speed the spending, with limited results:   

The IG still concluded that rapid spending of the funds ‘was hampered by numerous administrative and regulatory challenges associated with implementing a new program’ at the federal, state and local levels.

An Aug. 4 IG report indicated ‘a number of issues’ needing to be addressed before the remaining $3.4 billion of $32.7 billion in contracts and grants for science, energy and environmental programs can be doled out.

As of July 9, the department had obligated 90 percent of that $32.7 billion. But less than half intended for a couple of major projects had been spent and none of the programs covered under the stimulus plan had all funding obligated.”

In one case, the rush to spend taxpayer funds caused a backlash that stopped the project entirely.  “The day after the IG delivered its report to senior DOE officials, the department announced that $1 billion in stimulus money was being awarded to the revised version of the long-planned and troubled “FutureGen” project, a prototype coal-fired power plant that would trap and store almost all of its carbon dioxide emissions.  But Mattoon, Ill., the town that was to house the FutureGen project, subsequently rejected the project revisions after seeing its role change and shrink.”

When the ‘stimulus’ passed, the White House promised it would create jobs ‘immediately’ and keep the unemployment rate below eight percent.  Instead, more than two-and-a-half million more Americans have lost their jobs, and unemployment is near double digits.  There is a better way.  House Republicans have offered a plan to save $266 billion by cancelling the unspent ‘stimulus’ funds, and using that money to reduce the federal government’s staggering deficit. 

The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Lauren Kaine commented on 8/17/2010
    The plan to take that $266 billion & to use it to reduce the prosperity-killing, future-of-our-children-killing deficit I URGENTLY SUPPORT. Economists are talking about the possibility of a double dip recession. IMMEDIATE HEROIC ECONOMIC INTERVENTIONS ARE CRITICAL TO PREVENT THE COLLAPSE OF AN ECONOMY HANGING BY A THREAD!!! I know a majority of Americans would cheer you on in this if the measure could GET SOME PRESS. Please get on as many media venues as possible to get this out to the American people!!! Thank you, Republicans, for this CRITICALLY NEEDED hopeful deficit-reduction measure!!! Lauren Kaine
  • Tony White commented on 8/18/2010
    ZBB in Menomonee Falls has regularly been losing money in effort to produce a valued product-check it out-Obama should have looked into this b/4 going
  • Tony G commented on 11/7/2010
    Dear Rep. Boehner: I would like to put a bug in your ear about one way we might tremendously help the economy without cost to the government. Currently we give subsidies to ethanol producers. Biodiesel subsidies have ended and that sector is currently suffering. If ethanol and biodiesel was mandated as an additive to petroleum based fuels on a increasing basis, this would do many things to help the American economy and environment. More ethanol and biodiesel plants would have to be designed and built spurring economic activity. The activity would be much more consistent and not so up and down and have stabilizing effect on this part of the economy given an increasing requirement in the petroleum blends. The environment would be better served using a fuel blend containing increasing levels of biofuels. Ethanol can ultimately replace the MTBE additive in gasoline, which will also help the environment and reduce health risks associated with MTBE. More ethanol and biodiesel plants in the US obviously means more jobs. Of course this would me more production for farmers. I could go on but I thing you get the picture. All this at no expense to the government.
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