Press Releases

Rep. Young Comments On the Six Month Anniversary of ObamaCare

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Washington D.C., Sep 23, 2010 -

Washington, D.C.Alaskan Congressman Don Young released the following statement today, on the six month anniversary of the Obamacare becoming law:

“Six months ago this Administration force-fed America a bill that increases premiums while growing inefficient government bureaucracy by establishing nearly 160 new boards, commissions, and programs.  Since then, President Obama has been traveling the country making empty promises of reform, and yet none of these promises have been fulfilled.  Obamacare will increase insurance premiums by an average of $2100 per family, imposes a huge tax burden on small businesses, mandates that all Americans either purchase government approved health insurance or face severe tax penalties, and the list goes on and on.  The Administration misses the main problems with our health care system: accessibility, portability, and affordability.  Until we remedy those three hurdles, we are wasting the taxpayers’ time and money.”

Congressman Young is a cosponsor H.R. 3218, the Improving Health Care For All Americans Act, H.R. 2516, the Medical Rights Act of 2009, and H.R. 4910, to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

To read more about Congressman Young’s take on Obamacare, click

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