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ICYMI: ‘Cap And Trade’ National Energy Tax ‘Derails’ Emissions-Reducing Project In Middletown
Posted by Press Office on June 25, 2010
As the one year anniversary of the infamous House passage of Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) ‘cap and trade’ bill arrives tomorrow, Washington Democrats aren’t letting up in their efforts to ram a national energy tax into law – a move they claim is key to realizing a clean energy future.

Ironically, in the latest example of how Washington Democrats’ tax-and-spend agenda is creating massive uncertainty in the private sector, the Middletown Journal reported earlier this week that  a “cap and trade” national energy tax could threaten a project designed to reduce emissions and lower costs funded by the administration’s failing trillion-dollar “stimulus:” 

The project would result in a net decrease in greenhouse gas emissions and significantly lower the nitrogen oxide expelled by the steel mill, the [Air Products] states.

However, the federal American Power Act, also known as “cap and trade,” which is meant to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 17 percent by 2020, has current wording that would require Air Products to purchase allowances for its emissions — even though the gases are a byproduct of AK Steel’s operations.

It’s an added expense that [Air Products Senior Business Development Manager Joe Terrible] said would make the project unfeasible.

Though it’s unclear which of these dueling big-government monstrosities would ultimately prevail in this bureaucratic cage match, one thing is clear: Washington Democrats agenda is filling employers with uncertainty, and it’s hurting our economy.  Earlier this week Congressman Boehner took to the airwaves on Cincinnati’s 550-KRC to explain:

With all the policies that are being put out there by President Obama and the Democrats in Congress, employers are frozen.  It’s the national energy tax with mandates, higher energy prices, and higher taxes.  Health care, more mandates, higher prices and more tax increases. Things like card check; all the spending all the debt; and when there is that much uncertainty employers just freeze.  And the result of this is corporate America has more cash reserves in the bank than we’ve seen in 30 years.  They are afraid to move forward because they don’t know what is coming next. [Audio]

Congressman Boehner has led House Republicans in opposing the bloated “stimulus” that hasn’t created the jobs we were promised, and their national energy tax, which will raise energy costs, raid the pocketbooks of middle-class families, and ship American jobs overseas to countries like China and India.

At the same time, Boehner has joined his colleagues in offering better solutions, like an “all of the above” energy strategy to create American jobs and bring about a cleaner, more sustainable energy future, to help middle-class families and small businesses take on the challenges they are facing every day.
The opinions expressed below are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent those of this office.
  • Daniel Stoica commented on 8/31/2010
    Introducing conflicting bills that put businesses in a business decision stale-mate and even canceling plans on the table is not going to bid well for the economic growth of the country.
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