WASHINGTON (January 3) – Congressman Spencer Bachus (AL-6) was sworn in to serve a new term in the U.S. House of Representatives as the 113th Congress officially convened today in Washington. 

            The Sixth District which Bachus represents is comprised of all or parts of Bibb, Blount, Chilton, Coosa, Jefferson, and Shelby counties. The boundaries reflect changes made by the reapportionment process required after the most recent census report. 

            Congressman Bachus will serve on the House Financial Services Committee as Chairman Emeritus, having reached his six-year leadership term as Chairman and Ranking Member, and will rejoin the Judiciary Committee as Chairman of the Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform, Commercial, and Antitrust Law. 

            “It is an honor to serve as the representative of the people of Alabama in our nation’s capital, and my commitment continues to be to work hard for my constituents and uphold their principles. The debate that we just went through on the ‘fiscal cliff” should leave no doubt that the number one priority of the new Congress must be to finally put America’s fiscal house in order. That is why I am proud to be an original cosponsor of the Balanced Budget Amendment introduced today by my colleague and good friend, Judiciary Committee Chairman Robert Goodlatte. The overspending that we are seeing is unsustainable and is a threat not just to our economy, but our national security,” said Congressman Bachus. 

            Congressman Bachus, who will be serving his eleventh term, is the senior member of Alabama’s house delegation. 

            “Alabama’s congressional delegation has a tradition of working together on matters important to our state and our citizens,” said Bachus.                       











