Behind the Headlines

Your guide to the science that makes the news

Just a single cigarette a day linked to sudden death

Wednesday Dec 12 2012

Just a single cigarette a day can cause sudden death

Light smoking 'doubles sudden heart death risk in women', BBC News reports. It says women who are light smokers – including those who smoke just one cigarette a day – double their chance of sudden death...

Does losing your job up the risk of a heart attack?

Tuesday Nov 20 2012

Losing your job 'ups' heart attack risk

'Losing your job can be deadly, because it increases the risk of having a heart attack by up to two-thirds,' The Daily Telegraph reports. The news is based on a US study that examined the association between different aspects of unemployment...

Could exercise heal a broken heart?

Monday Nov 5 2012

How to heal a broken heart? – Exercise

'Vigorous daily exercise could repair damage caused by a heart attack' The Daily Telegraph advises. The recommendation comes after a recent study found that 30 minutes of exercise a day could promote the growth of new heart tissue...

North-South divide in heart disease deaths

Monday Nov 5 2012

North-South divide in heart disease deaths

‘New study finds heart disease has halved since the 1980s – but Northerners are more likely to suffer stroke or [heart] attack,’ the Daily Mail reports…

Having desk job 'doubles risk' of heart attack

Monday Oct 15 2012

Having a desk job 'doubles risk' of heart attack

'Sitting for long periods increases the risk of diabetes, heart disease and death' BBC News warns. The news is based on research assessing what impact sedentary behaviour had on health outcomes, with the results suggesting 'sofa – no so good'…

Can fish oil prevent heart attack deaths?

Friday Oct 12 2012

Fish oil could 'save thousands of women' from heart attacks deaths

'Tens of thousands of lives a year could be saved if people ate more fish' the Daily Express claims, while reporting on the same research, the Daily Mail highlight the finding that 'eating oily fish may boost women’s heart health more than men’s'…

'High cholesterol genes' discovered

Friday Oct 12 2012

21 new 'high cholesterol genes' discovered

Scientists are "a step closer to preventing heart attacks" the Daily Mail reports. The newspaper says that the largest ever genetic study of its kind paves the way for personalised drugs and treatments. This large study...

HRT can 'cut heart attack deaths'

Wednesday Oct 10 2012

HRT 'is safe' and can 'cut heart attack deaths'

"HRT can cut heart attack risk, study shows," The Guardian reported today, while the Daily Telegraph said that women should "'no longer be worried' about taking HRT to combat symptoms of the menopause". The story is based on...

Diet rich in antioxidants can cut heart attack risk

Monday Sep 24 2012

Diet rich in antioxidants can cut heart attack risk

An “antioxidant-rich diet ‘cuts heart attack risk’,” The Daily Telegraph has reported. It goes on to say that older women who ate “seven fruit and vegetable portions a day were between 20 and 29 per cent less likely to have a heart attack...

'Working yourself to death' – overtime link to heart disease

Wednesday Sep 12 2012

Overtime link to heart disease

"Working more than eight hours a day raises the risk of heart disease by 80%," reported the Daily Mail, while The Sun said "overtime’s a killer…literally". The news is based on a study that pooled...

What is Behind the Headlines?

What is Behind the Headlines?

We give you the facts without the fiction. Professor Sir Muir Gray, founder of Behind the Headlines, explains more...

Miracle Foods: myths and the media

Each day there's a new crop of possibly life-changing headlines about how food affects our health. Read our report on the health properties of food

Clinical trials and medical research

Clinical trials explained, including how to take part in one and why medical research is important

Video: clinical trials

In this video, find out about clinical trials, what they involve and who can take part in one.

Atlas of risk

NHS Atlas of Risk

Compare cause of death and health risks based on age, sex and where you live

Strength and Flex

Download our Strength and flexibility podcast series and get a free personal trainer