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Emergencies and urgent care

If you're unsure where to go, or need help assessing how urgently treatment is needed, NHS Direct is always available on 0845 4647.

For people with serious injuries or serious illness requiring immediate treatment.
More about A&E departments

for fast access to health advice, emergency contraception and treatment or minor ailments, infections, or injuries such as cuts, strains, sprains and broken bones.
More about walk-in centres

For treatment of such things as cuts, sprains, minor burns or broken bones.
More about minor injuries units

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or call NHS Direct on 0845 46 47

Find local community services from your Primary Care Trust

Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) work with local authorities and other agencies that provide health and social care locally to make sure that your local community's needs are being met.

Book your appointment

If you have a letter from your GP with a booking number (UBRN) and a password you can book your hospital appointment online using:

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