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MegaBits is an MMO game based on your physical location. You can catch, train, and battle monsters found in the real world.

  • Launched: Jan 3, 2013
  • Funding ends: Feb 2, 2013

We love monster games.

We grew up raising these extraordinary creatures, and spent much of our childhood lives watching them grow and evolve. We had the ability to trade, catch, and test them against other monsters, and we loved it. Now, in the age of smartphones, lugging around bulky dual-screen hardware is just too much to ask. Many of the monster games we loved are either archaic or dead. We hate that. So we are dedicating ourselves to bringing these games forward: to our phones, and to our lives.

We want adventure.

We want to be able to battle from anywhere, meet new people, and make new friends. We want to explore our world through the eyes of a monster trainer. We want a real adventure.

Putting MegaBits on the map.

We want that adventure to encompass all facets of the games we loved and more. We want the traditional evolution, and the high-intensity battles. But we also want to be able to care for and play with our MegaBits. With MegaBits, we're going to bring all of that to the iPhone. To do this, we've created an amazing team. Our designers and artists create the perfect MegaBits. Our game developers balance the intricate systems that make the game immersive and fun. Our brilliant developers use iPhone features like GPS in brand new ways so that you'll be able to explore in search of wild MegaBits, see other players in real time, and transform the whole world into your own MegaBits adventure.

We love the real world.

And what better place to have that adventure than in the real world? Your location in MegaBits is your location in real life. You might find different wild MegaBits depending on where you are in the world, what time of day it is, and even the weather. Magically, your morning commute becomes a fantastic safari; a trip to the park changes to a quest for the rarest MegaBits; and your local mall evolves into a colosseum, where you can put your MegaBits to the test against anyone there.

Become a MegaBits legend.

There are many ways to become a MegaBits legend. You can search for the rarest MegaBits, or trade to collect them from every region in the world. You can feed and play with your MegaBits to keep them happy, or you can battle them against other trainers from anywhere. No matter what your play style, you can become a MegaBits legend. But the adventure hinges on one detail...

We have lofty goals...

We need to raise $55,000 to fund our fantastic team in making this game. Given this amount, our artists, developers, and designers will be coming together over the next roughly 8 months to build MegaBits. However, we have a few special things planned as stretch goals, which we'd love to implement.

  • $75,000 WILD LEGENDARIES: From time to time, we'll release ultra-rare MegaBits into the wild that only the luckiest few people will be able to get their hands on. Once a legendary MegaBit is caught, no one else can catch it until new ones are discovered!
  • $150,000 MULTI-PLATFORM SUPPORT: At the end of this campaign, backers will be able to tell us which non-iPhone platform (Android, Windows Phone, etc.) they'd like to see MegaBits on. We'll build it for the most popular answer.
  • $250,000 ARENAS: We'll build a player-vs.-player (PvP) arena system, where players can battle over whom is the best. Arenas will determine who's the best in a certain region, a country, or even the entire world!
  • $500,000 TIME SKIP: No in-game content here, but if we raise this much, we'll be able to double our efforts, and produce the game in roughly 4 months.
  • $1,000,000 GLOBALIZATION: At this point, and at every $50,000 after, we'll add another country to our list! That means localization of language, local arenas, and regional MegaBits! You'll be able to discover the entire world in a whole new way.

Keep in mind, we plan on implementing all of these features regardless of whether or not we raise the stretch goal levels. However, without the money we won't be able to do so within the initial development period.

and great rewards!

* Some notes about these rewards:

  • For the ADVENTURE PACK, please note that you need an iPhone or iPod Touch with a valid UDID. It is also wise to have some background in beta testing iOS apps.
  • For the PARTY, LEGENDARY PARTY, and EPIC PACKS, please note that you'll be responsible for transportation and accommodations. We'll be responsible for everything else!
  • For the CHAMPION PACK, how your NPC is integrated into the game is up to you and our game designers. For example, you can either be a frequently-occuring random trainer, or you can be placed in a certain position for anyone nearby to battle.
  • For the LEGENDARY, LEGENDARY PARTY, and EPIC PACKS: keep in mind that legendary MegaBits are not inherently more powerful; just extremely rare (and possibly even one of a kind).

Oh, and people are talking about us!

Risks and challenges Learn about accountability on Kickstarter

Our time estimates are just that: estimates. Video games are expensive to make, and massively-multiplayer games even more so. We have a talented team who can, without a doubt, create this game, but in lieu of large checks, it will take time.

In addition, the privacy of our users will be a big concern. We plan on handling this by having a series of privacy levels limiting who can see you and whom you can see. This will allow users to specify their visibility to other players, and will ideally alleviate some of the concern.


  • Without reaching the MULTI-PLATFORM SUPPORT stretch goal, MegaBits will be available on iPhone and iPod Touch.

    If we reach the MULTI-PLATFORM SUPPORT goal, MegaBits will also be available on the most-suggested platform.

    Last updated: Sunday Jan 6, 11:30am EST
  • Yes and no. You're limited to what you can see on your screen, and to change it you'll have to move about and explore. However, anything that you *do* see on your screen, you can tap on to interact with. You'll never need to jump in a lake for a MegaBit.

    Last updated: Thursday Jan 3, 2:52pm EST
  • NPCs, or computer players, will show up whenever they're needed. If there are not many other trainers around you in real life, MegaBits will make sure there are NPCs to battle and trade with!

    Last updated: Thursday Jan 3, 2:52pm EST
  • We need to raise at least $55,000 in order to support a few big things: legal costs, contractors, and server costs. Legal costs are relatively low, which is nice. Contractors are necessary for a few things outside our scope, such as sound design and musical composition. And server costs are the big one. Our servers will need to be able to scale to support all of the players we'll need to really make this game social and fun. And that, of course, runs into money.

    Last updated: Thursday Jan 3, 4:53pm EST
pledged of $55,000 goal
  • First created · 0 backed

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