Symptom checkers

Check your symptoms online with the tool below. It's faster than phoning and
a nurse can call you back for free if required.

Alternatively call us on 0845 4647

  1. 1Introduction
  2. 2Who is the checker for?
  3. 3Symptom questions
  4. 4Results

Before we begin

What do you do now?

Work though the questions on the next couple of pages to find the most suitable symptom checker for you.

Once you’ve selected the most appropriate symptom checker, work through the assessment and receive advice which may include one of the following:

  • Self care - advice on how to look after yourself and manage your symptoms
  • A call back from an NHS Direct advisor (you will get this option if your symptoms require further assessment)
  • Advice to visit your GP or another healthcare professional
  • Urgent instructions, such as call 999 or go to A&E

You can also get advice on dental issues, medicines enquiries, health information and local NHS services.




Please note, this service is provided for people living in England only. For health advice and information in other parts of the UK please visit: NHS Northern Ireland, NHS 24 (Scotland) or NHS Direct Wales.

All symptom checkers

  • Abdominal pain

    Abdominal pain, cramps or discomfort can occur anywhere in your stomach area (between your chest and groin). Get advice and information if you have abdominal pain.

  • Back injury

    Advice about back injuries, pulled muscles, whiplash, bumps, knocks, large force injuries and more.

  • Bites and stings

    Bites and stings can cause pain, redness, rashes and even allergic reactions. Discover how to deal with bites and stings from insects, plants and animals.

  • Breathing problems

    If you are experiencing any kind of breathing problem, such as tightness in the chest, coughing, wheezing or breathlessness; find out what to do here.

  • Burns, scalds and electric shock

    How to deal with burns including heat burns, cold burns, electrical burns, scalds and sunburn. Information on pain relief, aftercare and seeking further help.

  • Chest and back pain

    Advice about pain that affects your chest and back area; whether the pain comes and goes, is constant, mild or severe.

  • Chest injury

    If you have an injury to your chest area (between your neck and stomach; including the ribs), get advice about first aid, managing pain and when to seek further help.

  • Colds and flu

    For help with the symptoms of colds and flu; including sore throat, blocked nose, aches and pains, fever, high temperature and feeling hot and shivery.

  • Collapse

    What to do if you, or someone you are caring for, have collapsed, fainted or lost consciousness for any length of time.

  • Confusion

    Confusion can result from a lack of sleep, a bang to the head or another health condition. Get reliable advice if you are experiencing confusion.

  • Contraception enquiry

    Confidential advice on all contraception issues; including what to do if you've had unprotected sex or missed a pill.

  • Dental problems

    Wisdom tooth pain, cracked fillings, finding an NHS dentist and more. How to deal with pain in your teeth, gums and mouth or any other dental issue.

  • Diabetes

    This health and symptom checker offers advice about diabetes including: changes to blood glucose levels; diabetes medicine and insulin enquiries; and problems with monitoring and testing equipment.

  • Diarrhoea and vomiting

    Picked up a bug or eaten something that didn’t agree with you? Get self care information and further advice on dealing with an upset stomach.

  • Diarrhoea and vomiting in under 5s

    Most children under 5 may have diarrhoea and vomiting at some point. Children who have diarrhoea and vomiting should be given plenty of clear drinks to replace lost fluids.

  • Dizziness and light-headedness

    Dizziness can have a number of causes including, dehydration, vertigo and anaemia. Get an assessment if you are feeling dizzy or light-headed.

  • Earache

    Find out how to deal with the most common types of ear problem including ear infections, earaches and hearing problems.

  • Eye problems

    Advice about eye injuries and symptoms such as redness, dryness and soreness or problems with your vision.

  • Facial injury

    A facial injury can be caused by almost anything, such as falling, cutting yourself shaving or being hit by something. Find out how to look after a facial injury.

  • Female sexual health

    Confidential advice on a wide range of symptoms affecting the female genitals and female sexual health problems; including STI concerns, rashes, pain, periods and more.

  • Foreign body

    Get advice if you have an object in your body which doesn’t belong there; such as a bead up your nose or an insect in your eye.

  • General assessment

    A general assessment can provide reliable advice and information on everyday health concerns that affect you or your family

  • General illness in adults

    Help and advice if you are feeling unwell, including information if you have unexplained tiredness or exhaustion, a fever, or have started to feel unwell since taking new medicines.

  • General illness in children

    Help and advice if your child is feeling unwell or has symptoms such as a high temperature, unexplained tiredness or extreme thirst.

  • Hay fever and minor allergies

    Allergies can make you feel awful: itchy eyes, runny nose and more. Hay fever is an allergy caused by pollen and spores. Symptoms can affect the nose, eyes, throat and sinuses.

  • Head injury

    Whether you have had a bump, bruise or knock to the head or face, get self care advice and find out when you should seek further help for a head injury.

  • Headache

    Headaches are mild to severe pains in the head and back of the neck. They can have a number of causes. Get advice about self care for headaches.

  • Joint pain and swelling

    Joint pain can have many causes including osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout and wear-and-tear. Pain, inflammation and stiffness can affect any joint at any age.

  • Leg pain

    Leg pain can have many causes including dehydration, cramp or muscle strain. Find out about how to manage pain in your legs.

  • Limb injury

    The term limb injury is used to describe an injury affecting your arms, legs, hands, feet, fingers or toes. Get first aid advice, self care information and more.

  • Male sexual health

    Confidential advice for men on all aspects of male sexual health; such as pain, soreness, infections, rashes and symptoms affecting the male genitals, sexual performance and more.

  • Mental health

    If you’re feeling under pressure, get confidential advice regarding mental health issues, such as anxiety, stress and depression.

  • Mouth problems

    Help and advice if you have mouth problems including ulcers, sores, cuts, bleeding, soreness of gums and problems with dentures.

  • Neck pain

    Neck pain or stiff neck can have a number of causes including poor posture, sleeping on pillows that are the wrong height or sitting in a draught.

  • Nosebleed

    Nosebleeds are quite common, especially in children. Find out how to deal with a nosebleed and how to stop the bleeding.

  • Pregnancy problems

    Reassurance and advice regarding a wide range of health issues during pregnancy including morning sickness, pelvic and back pain and healthy eating.

  • Rashes and skin problems

    Advice about skin problems such as contact dermatitis, dry skin, prickly heat and hives; as well as warts, cold sores, acne and insect bites.

  • Rectal bleeding

    Common causes of rectal bleeding are constipation, tears in the anus and haemorrhoids (piles). Get self care advice and information about rectal bleeding.

  • Swallowed or inhaled object or substance

    Cleaning products, plants, toys...almost anything you can think of. It’s easy to accidentally swallow or inhale something. Find out what to do if you’re concerned.

  • Urinary problems

    Common urinary problems include UTIs (urinary tract infections), catheter care, cystitis and problems passing urine (weeing).

  • Wounds

    Wounds, lacerations, cuts and grazes. Get first aid advice, follow-up self care and after care advice on looking after wounds and keeping them clean.

Online enquiry service

Receive information on conditions, treatments, travel health and NHS services. This service should not be used to seek advice on current symptoms.

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