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  • ces
  • Gadget Lab Show: Pre-CES Madness

  • Friday, January 4
  • This week on the Gadget Lab show, the gang kicks into high gear in preparation for this year’s CES. We look at what to expect from CES, and how Gadget Lab will be covering the show this year.

  • Nokia makes money the old fashioned way. With patents. Photo: John Snyder/Wired
  • RIM Pays Nokia $65M to Settle Patent Dispute

  • Thursday, January 3
  • Comments (4)
  • Ending the saddest patent slap-fight in recent months, settlement information about RIM and Nokia’s patent dispute has been discovered and probably equals Google’s yearly budget for fringe benefits including sleeping pods, yoga classes, free candy and on-campus massages.

  • Illustration: Simone Shin
  • Why You Shouldn’t Buy a TV This Year. Again

  • Thursday, December 27
  • Comments (81)
  • At January’s Consumer Electronics Show, the annual industry orgy in Las Vegas, manufacturers are going to introduce about a zillion new television sets. They’ll come armed with a bevy of specs: Full HD 3-D. 4K. OLED. Wi-Fi. Moth Eye. (Yes, …

  • A robot Jimmy Fallon. Photo: Peter Yang
  • Robots Are Already Replacing Us

  • Monday, December 24
  • Comments (11)
  • Why hire a human when a machine can do it better and faster? Robot Replacement JIMMY FALLON Let’s face it: The robots are coming. Before we know it, we’re all going to be replaced by mechanical versions of ourselves. And …

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