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  • Chris Kemp, left, and TK at the July, 2010 launch of OpenStack.
  • How GitHub Helps You Hack the Government

  • Wednesday, January 9
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  • On April 9th of last year, someone called Iceeey proposed a change to an obscure document written by the federal government’s Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The document wasn’t that important. It had something to do with transit subsidy requests. And …

  • st_essay_th
  • The Age of Insourcing: How Tech Helps Megacompanies Rope Us In

  • Friday, January 4
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  • This past summer, General Motors announced an initiative to bring 90 percent of its information-technology positions back inside the company. The decision was newsworthy for its creation of US jobs at a time when the country’s economic recovery remained anemic …

  • shuttlworth
  • Ubuntu Linux Comes to Smartphones

  • Wednesday, January 2
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  • Ubuntu Linux is coming to smartphones. Canonical — the British outfit that oversees Ubuntu — has built a new version of the open source operating system for touch screens, and unlike other smartphone operating systems, it will work as a …

ElsewhereWhat we’re reading
  • Amazon’s Unknown Unknowns

  • On Dec. 29, Amazon Web Services published a detailed explanation of what went wrong Christmas Eve, when Netflix and many other customers (Amazon won’t say how many) had service disruptions. The company also described what it was doing to ensure ...  More
  • Wednesday, January 9
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  • Calxeda finds a new market in storage

  • Calxeda, the Austin, Texas-based startup that is building out highly dense, low power ARM-based servers has a new market in the storage world. During a visit last week to the company’s headquarters, company executives shared that in addition to web ...  More
  • Thursday, December 27
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  • An Early Tale of the Internet

  • Last Friday I interviewed Peter E. Hart, an electrical engineer who was an early artificial intelligence researcher, about one of the first robots, a machine named Shakey that was designed at SRI International beginning in 1966. SRI was one of ...  More
  • Wednesday, December 26
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  • Facebook Tests Immersion Cooling

  • Will submerged servers come to Facebook? The social network is the latest company to conduct tests in which servers are submerged in dielectric fluid. Facebook engineers Tin Tse and Veerendra Mulay put together an “infrastructure hack” to test an immersion ...  More
  • Friday, December 21
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  • What next for Cloud Foundry?

  • VMware aggressively recruited partners to base platforms on its open-source Cloud Foundry stack. Now as it preps the Pivotal Initiative spinoff, those partners worry about more intense competition with the Cloud Foundry mothership  More
  • Thursday, December 13
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