John Boehner
Cory Fritz 202-225-6205

Boehner: Dems Exploit Gulf Tragedy for Job-Destroying Tax on American Energy

Jul 28

Washington -

Congressman John Boehner (R-West Chester) issued the following statement on House Democrats’ “CLEAR Act” (H.R. 3534) legislation that will destroy American jobs, increase energy costs, and make America more dependent on foreign sources of energy:


“The oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico is a terrible tragedy, and reforms are needed to make American deepwater energy production the safest in the world.  But Washington Democrats are exploiting the Gulf tragedy to pass unrelated measures that will destroy American jobs, increase energy costs, and make America more dependent on foreign sources of energy.  The bill they introduced – H.R. 3534 – includes a new tax hike on American energy.  That’s the last thing the American people need, especially struggling families on the Gulf coast.  Americans want the government to focus squarely on holding BP accountable, cleaning up this mess, and finding out what went wrong.

“By raising taxes on the oil and natural gas produced in the United States, this legislation will raise costs for consumers, increase our dependence on foreign energy, and destroy jobs here in the United States.  

“The bill also includes a de facto extension of the moratorium on energy production in the Gulf, which local leaders from both parties say is hurting the people of Louisiana more than the oil spill itself, raises taxes on onshore oil and natural gas production, and creates a slush fund of up to $30 billion.   The motto of Washington Democrats is ‘never let a crisis go to waste’ and, true to form, they are taking the tragedy in the Gulf and exploiting it for their out-of-touch agenda.”

NOTE:  One House Democrat, Rep. Jay Inslee (D-WA), when he was asked why he was adding a provision on geothermal regulations to this bill in, said, “This is a really nice train leaving the station and probably the only one this Congress.”  Indeed, the CLEAR Act is being sold as a response to the Gulf tragedy, yet House Democrats are including page after page of provisions that are unrelated to the oil spill, will kill American jobs, and are premature by acting before Congress has the full facts from numerous ongoing investigations:
