
Press TV: The Truth About Americans and Guns

The Truth About Americans and Guns


By Gordon Duff and Press TV


With the discussions of gun seizures in the US, discussions primarily tied to stock manipulation scams within the sporting goods/arms industry and National Rifle Association, it is, perhaps, time we took a look at American gun owners.

Are they a force that will protect America from tyranny or are they more a gullible and dangerous tool of powerful special interest groups?

During the 1980s, the “militia movement” in the United States, built on the example set by author J. B. Campbell, a good friend, an example intended to represent an armed and organized independent force free of empty rhetoric that the two political parties.

Before a year was out, half the members of “militia” groups were FBI informants and a mysterious influx of money put those who claimed to be fighting tyranny solidly behind the Israel lobby and Wall Street.

The largest of the groups, the Michigan Militia, actually disbanded when Bush 43 came to office, stating:

“There is no longer a need to defend freedoms in the US as we trust totally in President Bush.”

As Jim W. Dean so often says, “You just can’t make things like that up.”

What I saw so very clearly then and even more clearly today is that too many gun owners are obsessed with their own “2nd Amendment rights” and are willing to “burn down” the rest of America’s freedoms in the process.

The majority of gun owners are not just oblivious to constitutional guarantees but have been wildly in favor of drone attacks, Gaza bombing, torture and rendition, illegal surveillance and suspension of habeas corpus.

On the whole, were one to look for what is best in America, those who favor freedom and equality for all as outlined in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, gun owners are far from the top of the list.

I am an American gun owner, collector and gunsmith.  I know guns, I have used guns in combat, including as a Marine sniper in Vietnam.

As a very “pro-gun” individual, I reel at the thought of “organized gun owners” and their long history of racism, bigotry and susceptibility to childish propaganda.

It is my belief, and not without reason, that if Homeland Security sends out gangs to collect guns and round up “dissidents,” the NRA membership will be standing beside them.

My question is simple, how did American gun owners “go bad?”

I would like to be able to say that broad gun ownership by Americans enhances the concept of “freedom from tyranny.”  I believe quite the opposite is true.

Though some, perhaps not so many gun owners are politically aware, clearly the majority are among the group activists refer to as “sheeple.”

Two groups typify the majority of politically vocal gun owners in America, NRA members and those who were involved in the Tea Party movement.

Both organizations are politically right wing, fully under the control of the Israel lobby and Wall Street; both are totalitarian, Islamophobic and use psychological warfare tactics to manipulate members through fear and deception.

Both organizations, supposedly based on protection from tyranny, are aligned with powerful corporations, extremist “think tanks” and foreign intelligence services.

The money, and the money behind the “gun lobby” is endless, comes from organized crime and drugs, human trafficking, financial criminals and those who profit from crime and war.

Americans know war; we not only have been at war around the world since 2001 but for eight years suffered at the hands of an illegal regime in Washington, two stolen elections, two illegal wars, endless propaganda and the total dissolution of all rights to due process and privacy.

By the time Barak Obama assumed the presidency, there were no constitutional rights left for Americans.  Our question to him is a simple one, why has he failed to restore the right Bush took away, promises made long ago?

However, let us be clear about blame.

For eight years, the Bush 43 regime systematically warred against America.

When the most childishly obvious “inside job” in history, 9/11, was perpetrated, sending America into a frenzy of race war abroad while creating an illegal police state at home, not a word was said.

The cartoonish “pop culture media” played the tune and the “sheeple” danced along, keeping their guns but gladly giving up their freedom, gleefully watching thousands of Americans slaughtered, gleefully watching Americans slaughter what well now be millions across the planet.

At home, the TV was filled with shows about new “precision weapons” and hour upon hour of tales about Hitler and the holocaust.  Entire networks were set up to do nothing else, nothing but to sell war, sell a very deceptive version of history, pure psychological warfare to place the focus on imaginary enemies while those at home were taking America down.

And they took America down, destroyed America’s constitution, turned America into a nation of torture and secret prisons, of drone attacks, a nation that openly financed and supported genocide in Palestine, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Pakistan and now that list is growing.

Now, gun owners are awakened by one of the great mysteries of all time, “Sandy Hook.”  What little exists of a half-formed “official cover story” is not being questioned.

Proof that Sandy Hook was a terrorist attack is being suppressed.

Bulletproof vests become “fishing vests,” assault rifles turn out to be shotguns (Benneli M2), multiple cars are found with weapons, drug cartel ties are “erased,” motives are invented and disappear as quickly until none whatsoever remain.

Then the “pop culture media” tells us to “move on,” the cover story for a terror attack was so botched that no one seems to be able to make the lies fit together.

Why distrust gun owners?

After 9/11, billions were made in airline stocks, based on mysterious predictions of the event and its impact on key financial markets.

Many more billions were made by Larry Silverstein, who held the lease on the World Trade Center, a $124 million investment in buildings mandated for unaffordable refurbishment and asbestos removal, legally prohibited from “official” demolition, turned a profit of between $5 and 7 billion in insurance after “the incident.”

What “incident?”

On 9/11, we are “told” that around 12,000 gallons of jet fuel (kerosene and ethylene glycol) produced the heat and blast power that destroyed more than 10 times the steel the Hiroshima nuclear bomb accounted for.

The NRA has never mentioned 9/11 and the Tea Party, though originally established in Boston to demand an investigation into 9/11, was quickly taken over by the Israeli Koch Brothers and turned over to media buffoons Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman, fronts for the AIPAC lobby.

Why do I have trust problems with “gun owners?”

It is one thing turning away from 9/11 “conspiracy theories” when hand fed propaganda for years.

I can almost understand the “Israel worship” of some when television obsessively portrays Israelis as heroic and honorable, even though reality runs much the other direction.

Then there is torture, kidnapping and murder, those too are accepted, this is where I become untrusting and unforgiving.

I no longer feel safe around those that seem able to deny, able to turn away from anything, from everything.

There is a point where “moral flexibility” becomes psychopathic behavior.

What good is a gun without honor or courage?

What good is a gun in the hands of a bully or coward?

Why trust in the judgment of a moron?

And so it goes….


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110 Comments for “Press TV: The Truth About Americans and Guns”

  1. Well, Gordon, you served in Vietnam. What made you stop being a foot-soldier? Maybe that’s the sort of awakening most of the so-called “morons” with gun need. Personal experiences help.

    For me, it was when I realized they were completely lying about what Ahmadinejad said in 2005 regarding Israel being “wiped from the map”. I thought it rather odd the government in Iran would threaten a known belligerent faction with a nuclear arsenal with genocide. I went to the original quote and did my own due diligence. Lo and behold, the quote wasn’t at all about Jewish genocide, but literally a call for the “REGIME [same word in Farsi] occupying Jerusalem to be erased from the pages of time”. That was long before Professor Juan Cole became credited with the same discovery. I wonder how that happened. :lol: I used to be one of those people who would hush others up about “9/11 conspiracies” as well. That changed after 2005. I even had some insider knowledge of certain facets that I completely ignored in the scheme of things, trusting that no one would commit such a dirty conspiracy. It was ironic how my anti-war zeal, with my relatives in Iran being the target, made me realize that Americans and Iranians share the same common enemy, the Talmudic Zionist Mafia.

    This was a good article. But, maybe there are ways to fix the ignorance without resorting to abridging the Bill of Rights. I noticed one major purpose of government and media was to rupture knowledge of our checks and balances. Case in point, when Holder claimed executive privilege on the F&F documents, Darrel Issa, Zionist puppet, ran to the media and whined about it instead of overturning the “executive privilege” or even mentioning that it was possible, so that people could demand that type of action. That’s just a microcosm.

    So, what enlightened you? Was it your actual experience in Vietnam or did it come after? What do you think will turn on the critical thinking apparatus in people?

    • very few americans like iran, get lost moron

      • And no one likes you.

        • Because most of America has fallen victim to a divide and conquer plan. Rather than shoot the people guilty of doing it, they will shoot each other one day. That’s the civil war that’s being pushed by the bankers to dissect America.

          I like Gordon. :)

        • he’s saying,”Learn to think!” Many Americans clamoring for their guns are happy to ignore the constitution all the time

        • Numb -C I must chime in here!
          You sound upset- but very Infantile!!! I could be wrong but what is your grief with Gordon??!- Most all if not all made sense…Gun Ownership is a second Amendment RIGHT! Now I will paste some of the above article:

          I can almost understand the “Israel worship” of some when television obsessively portrays Israelis as heroic and honorable, even though reality runs much the other direction.

          Then there is torture, kidnapping and murder, those too are accepted, this is where I become untrusting and unforgiving.

          I no longer feel safe around those that seem able to deny, able to turn away from anything, from everything.

          There is a point where “moral flexibility” becomes psychopathic behavior.

          What good is a gun without honor or courage?

      • Meanwhile back at the ranch.

        Rendition gets ongoing embrace from Obama administration 02 Jan 2013 The three European men with Somali roots were arrested on a murky pretext in August as they passed through the small African country of Djibouti. But the reason soon became clear when they were visited in their jail cells by a succession of American interrogators. US agents accused the men — two of them Swedes, the other a longtime resident of Britain — of supporting al-Shabab, an Islamist militia in Somalia that Washington considers a terrorist group. Two months after their arrest, the prisoners were secretly indicted by a federal grand jury in New York, then clandestinely taken into custody by the FBI and flown to the United States to face trial. The secret arrests and detentions came to light Dec. 21 when the suspects made a brief appearance in a Brooklyn courtroom. The men are the latest example of how the Obama administration has embraced rendition — the practice of holding and interrogating [and torturing] terrorism suspects in other countries without due process — despite widespread condemnation of the tactic in the years after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. Because of the secrecy involved, it is not known how many renditions have taken place during Obama’s first term.

        • Yahh Green i do not support rendition, drone or any of that Stuff(Crp)- Yet it is not so much Obama -as it SHOULD BE, yet it is just the activity people, letting the authority group know what they are doing….and then allowed free action….

      • Why would a critical thinking American have any kind of problem with Iran? What a stupid comment!

      • Nice Post Meh- whom besides those named do you speak about?! I think I know but the post above leaves no trail…God Bless Gordon Duff AS WELL!

    • your quote makes me think back to what the media and netanyahoo did with the 67 borders quote a couple of years ago- very eye opening and I was in a transition phase-this definitely helped

    • Nice Article Gordon, Thank you!-Well Said!

    • Thanks Meh for your Disclosure, Avatar below or above from this post -I LOVE IRAN AND THE IRANIAN PEOPLE!!!-I have been sent some photos by an American Iranian Friend showing four Israelli clad Zio, ‘Elders’- dressed in their drab- giving a silver bowl gift to Achmejinedad!! He is smiling and shakes their hand!- as he sits a the HEAD OF THE TABLE!!!

  2. Beautifully written g can’t get more concise than that, thanks once again.
    Nice thing too is that you always leave your writings open for discussion rare trait.
    When writers learn they are supposed to know the difference between objective and subjective.

    Duff: My question is simple, how did American gun owners “go bad?”
    A: gun owners did not go bad, gun sellers went bad selling guns to the wrong buyers. Not everyone has the right to own a gun, that right is earned. That’s just common sense. But the that sense is not very common today is it …….

    • The question is who gets to decide who has the right to be armed. The Jews want to be the “deciders.”

    • Well said also. The Second Amendment is supposed to consist of a well-regulated militia. In the absence of civilian direction upon the President, who is now so far removed you would be chased off by secret service if you even bothered to open up a meaningful conversation, possibly containing dissent within, today, this means that those able and disciplined gun owners should be charged with regulating such militias. Unfortunately, it’s a source of subversion as well to open this up. Next thing you know, there’s a crack down on such militias, or one is used to lead ulterior motives.

      Rock and a hard place. Might have to fix this administratively first. Need that Fairness Act to be put back in Journalism. It forced journalists to present all sides of an issue on items of national importance. They repealed it to pave way for Clear Channel and the pundit crew of knowledge corruption. It’s the one thing Oliver Stone got right in his “Untold History of the US”.

    • Your answer is correct greenrecovery and it is absolute common sense.

  3. Gordon said:

    “I am an American gun owner, collector and gunsmith. I know guns, I have used guns in combat, including as a Marine sniper in Vietnam.”

    Then he said:

    “As a very “pro-gun” individual, I reel at the thought of “organized gun owners” and their long history of racism, bigotry and susceptibility to childish propaganda.”

    So, you went over to Vietnam and, using GUNS, you murdered “Gooks” (the racist term for the Vietnamese “enemy”), apparently merely because your “government” told you to?

    Many people saw the war as an illegal, immoral war of aggression, against a country and a people that did nothing to us. But not you. You apparently believed the “childish propaganda” that if you didn’t go over there and murder the peasants (who were only trying to defend their country from a foreign aggressor) that “communists” would take over America? While your moral superiors i.e., those who knew they had a moral choice and consequently refused to go do the government’s dirty work and instead went to Canada or to jail, etc.

    Your hypocrisy is simply breathtaking.

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you have no standing to sit in judgment of any other “gun owners” (not to mention the absurdity of your generalization; i.e., lumping all gun owners together).

    Other than as implicit support for your Master’s (Obama’s) impending attempt to trash the 2nd Amendment, I don’t see any point to your essay.

    Here’s your Master “Obama” (if that’s even his real name) murdering innocent people – including lots of children – all over the world, on a daily basis, and he’s going to lecture “gun owners” about the evil of owning weapons? And here’s you, his loyal servant, with your background – apparently completely unrepentant – and you’re going to do the same?

    How nauseatingly predictable. Gordon and Obama on the same page, as always. And in this case, the message is clear: “gun control for thee, but not for me”.

    Well here’s something to ponder: Some of us own guns but we don’t necessarily like them. In fact I personally wish they were never invented, even though I happen to have one. But I’ll gladly give it up…with one stipulation: that we get rid of ALL the guns; not just mine and my neighbor’s, but yours, Obama’s, and even those of the cops and the military. This is simply because there’s no reasonable argument that anyone can give that would disarm me but not them. Thus, unlike you and the other statist hypocrites, I’m in favor of real gun control: Either none of us have weapons (or access to weapons) or we all do. Anything else is immoral. What’s wrong, you can’t go there? I didn’t think so. See ya at the gun shop.

    • Well said. The real is fight is about who gets to have guns and who does not. I can’t tell which side the author is on.

      • Dave E take a quick look around at your own neighbors, please come back and tell us how many you would not trust with a GUN>>>>>

        • I would trust them ALL with a gun and I know most of them. They’re just working class bozos (like me), they don’t work for the Jewish controlled government / judiciary / finance sector / media sector.

          In other words, they’re not the parasites of our world. They contribute and are willing to fight the parasites. They may not be very politically aware, but that’s changing, FAST and they realize they may need to be armed to fight the scum we’re dealing with.

    • haroldsmith, you have one gun? that’s one to many, no pun but you did jump the gun here, plus you sound a little angrybird today.
      Haroldsmith ever been seventeen once in your life, that’s the target age for recruitment, do you know why?
      Its because that’s the end of school indoctrination, and all that endoctrination,has produce a seventeen year old (boy) who has absolutely no clue of what you are talking about, and will follow their leaders blindly, simply because that is what has been indoctrinated into their susceptible minds, its called “MIND CONTROL” Before you call a kettle black tell us all a little about yourself, haroldsmith.

      • How come other young men refused to go? They were all young. That’s no excuse.

        Also, if you read what I wrote carefully, you’ll see that I said: “And here’s you, his loyal servant, with your background – APPARENTLY COMPLETELY UNREPENTANT – and you’re going to do the same?

        Everyone makes mistakes, but here he is 40 some years later – you would think older and wiser – but apparently not. Not only is he not repentant, he wears it on his sleeve.

        • haroldsmith I quit school at age fifteen so I eliminated any further indoctrination (albeit unknowing at the time), and my parents never indoctrinated us with their stuff either so it allowed me and my sibling to grow of our own observation. duff is looking for this kind of chatter, so we can get to the real meat and potato. I am sure that Mr Duff has indeed repented (many times) for the vile acts that he has committed in the name of “FREEDOM and DEMOCRICY, just not to you. Cummon man we are all looking for solutions here.

          • I’m sorry but Gordon is obviously not “looking for solutions”; rather, he’s merely pushing his Masters’ agenda.

            BTW I won’t disagree that most “Americans” are morally incompetent (if they weren’t we wouldn’t be in this predicament in the first place). Ipso facto, I won’t disagree that many gun owners are morally incompetent accordingly. My main point is that the political “leadership” of a government that sees violence as the solution to every “issue” has no standing to lecture anyone else about the evils of owning weapons.

          • Haroldsmith you are not alone, its not just america or american its the whole of north america,
            and on this were on board 100% disarm those forks first then we have a chance otherwise “they” got us all fighting each other.
            ” My main point is that the political “leadership” of a government that sees violence as the solution to every “issue” has no standing to lecture anyone else about the evils of owning weapons.”

          • Haroldsmith

            You said

            I’m sorry but Gordon is obviously not “looking for solutions”; rather, he’s merely pushing his Masters’ agenda….. My main point is that the political “leadership” of a government that sees violence as the solution to every “issue” has no standing to lecture anyone else about the evils of owning weapons.


            AGREED 100%

      • many ppl learn the facts of life in the military as I assume Gordon did- I was a hippy and knew from the get go the Viet nam was a loser, thanks to people like Dylan, country Joe and the Fish,Cassius Clay-Martin Luther King-that period where the shadow government loosened control so they could enact more control later( not sure if they loosened control or the ppl refused to be controlled-maybe both?)

      • BTW I do have too many guns (note the proper grammar). I would love to be rid of it, but unfortunately, Gordon and his handlers, co-propagandists, fellow partisans, etc., don’t want real gun control, they merely want to disarm everyone who doesn’t share their twisted view of the world.

        • You who so worry about guns, all the shit heaped on Americans and still no revolt what do you need guns for if you haven’t got the balls to use them against a tyranny that is choking you TO DEATH. WTF is everybody waiting for. Unleashing hellfire on other so called tyrant nations while back home is Tyranny as usual. WTF I don’t get it why have a gun if you won’t use it in a fight for your very life. Makes no sense.

          oppressive power ; especially: oppressive power exerted by government

          Your guy Thomas said it then how long ago was that?

          • I don’t “so worry about guns”. That’s your job, apparently. I’m merely try to inject some kind of moral reasoning into a discussion that’s completely lacking of it. Sorry if that bothers you. (BTW I don’t have all the answers, nor do I pretend to, but I do have some of the right questions).

            Anyway, you’ve hit upon a dilemma, and I’ll state it a little differently: By the time “we” (as a country) get to a state of degeneration where the 2nd amendment is at stake, obviously “we” are already so far gone (morally speaking), that “we” can legitimately ask the question: What good are guns at this sorry point in “our” decline?

            When confronted with a complex – let’s even call it a “bad” situation – what would a reasonable person do? First, he would “do no harm”; and that’s where our immoral/amoral rulers fail, right there at the beginning. “Obama” et al. are simply not morally equipped to rule.

          • Even Gandhi said, “No real country can exist for long with out the police.”

            Meaning, pacifism is great if it’s your only choice, as it was with the masses in India against the armed-to-the-teeth British Empire in the 1920′s to 1948, the period in question here.

            But even Gandhi was smart enough to realize that a vicious, armed, aggressive enemy is not going to be subdued with love, flowers, chocolates and tenderness.

          • Personally people I would not even try and Interpretate, understand Green’s last post …I believe as I do that someone or something is pushing a reaction, by certain others.

        • HaroldSmith

          Again- AGREED 100%

        • He want’s Americans to learn to think- I don’t think he stated anything about removing guns from stupid

    • Well, you can’t trust the media with Obama’s ownership of anything. He didn’t pass the NDAA single-handedly. That was passed through bicameralism and presentment before both houses of Congress before it ever got to him. He even made a written annotation that opens him up to impeachment if he violates it.

      In his LIVE speech regarding the aftermath of Newtown, he stated explicitly that any solution would “preserve the Second Amendment” and then the media — ALL MEDIA — curiously edited that segment out and spun it endlessly as a drive towards “action” against “guns”. On Meet the Press, the conversation seemed to serve a constituency. I have faith in him and Joe Biden exclusively. I think the are swimming with sharks that will assassinate to get their point across.

      At the same time, I’m not waiting for a politician-savior to come along. I rail against Obama for helping to weave the fiction of a “fiscal cliff”, a coin termed by Ben Bernanke. I rail against the other side, too. I don’t get the whole allegiance to the corrupt two party system now designed by the Zionists to divide and conquer America.

      I say, instead, we should rely on each other and the Constitution. The Bill of Rights is a perfect document, and any problems we have had in history is a deviation from its plain and unambiguous text. It’s time to restore our compliance with the Constitution.

      I agree with no limitation on the right to bear arms, subject to some roadblocks, like criminal record and sanity checks. I don’t believe in a gun registry, that is a complete abridgment of the Second Amendment purpose. I don’t believe, also, in conflating the doctrine of the Second Amendment, a penultimate check to government tyranny (armed revolt), with the mutually exclusive doctrine of self-defense.

      I don’t believe in the NRA, and I don’t believe in the Zionists. All money must be removed from politics. That is the movement we should all be demanding action to progress.

      • you know lawyers, saying you will protect the 2nd amendment doesn’t mean you will-you gut it and get the media to say you protected it-that strategy has worked for quite awhile

        • lol I do know lawyers very well. I tend not to turn my back on the mirror (one of them is watching me!) 8O

          But, in all seriousness, the Second Amendment isn’t up to the government to enforce, it’s up to the people. Another lawyer once said, “The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it.”

          In other words, any measures to take the Second Amendment is SUPPOSED TO spur an armed conflict. Anyone who does not enforce their rights will be doomed to lose them.

          I trust Biden because he told a group of Rabbis in Florida that they could have MOLEard “over [his] dead f*cking body”. *****,7340,L-4129544,00.html

          Actually, I love him for that. :lol:

      • EXCELLENT INSIGHT…Nuff said.


      • Don’t think for one second that Obama and the media are not joined at the hip. He would not have come close in ’08 were it not for the incredible job the media did for him. They overlooked his pimples, try to get that done for a Republican.

      • Here in America the zionists, the neocons, the communists, the judges, the bankers, the Police State apparatchiks, the media propagandists ….. ARE ALL JEWS……. that’s all ya’ need to know.

        That and that the dirty scum did 9/11. End of story.

    • HaroldSmith-

      Excellent retort with much truth.


      Exactly how Jewish are you anyhow? My Lord! Where does one even start? Talk about Marxist divide and conquer tactics run amuck!

      The “Jews” took over the Dems first, and as of lately, the Reps with the rise of the Jewish Neo Cons.

      It has always been a twiddle dee twiddle dumb show in Washington, both sides playing against the middle (Americans) but your diatribe is so outlandish- so absurd that for you to claim allegiance to the Constitution at this point would be nothing but a slap in the face to anyone who actually does.
      You are SO lopsided in your condemnation you make a mockery of anyone who claims to have brain in your corner.
      Having said that, you do have a point about the NRA selling out Americans (GOA is much better), but not most of the members knowingly going along with gun confiscations from the public as a whole. Really, are you freakin kidding me? Geez, the left has sold out America on so many issues it makes the head spin and yet YOU constantly defend them and the Obamanation with the zeal of an ardent Jewish Zionist being attacked by crazed skin heads. The reason why the Reps have so few people to stand up against this tyranny is because they have been PURGED by people like you since the 1950s. Does McCarthy ring a bell?

      Once round ups of weapons begin, Obama the Marxist dictator might have the support of the NRA leadership but not the regular American citizens. We already know most of the left and I am SURE YOU TOO, will be lock step with this petty tyrant which leaves one wondering how in the hell you could blindly support such treason and still claim to be a “patriot”. How can you sit there and spew such nonsense as if the average Conservative is in any way shape or form for the stripping of American citizens of their 2nd Amendment rights? Do you even know what a right is? I don’t think so. I bet you think privileges are right and visa versa.

      Have the Reps blindly allowed the eroding of our UNALIENABLE rights? (Means- can never be taken or contracted away, transferred or sold) Frankly yes, but the Dems have done so as well, such as our sovereignty to globalist Jewish tyrants, speech, equal protection rights, association rights, property rights and a host of other categories.

      The solution Gordon is not to keep blaming the Conservatives with your constant partisan commie clatrap; the solution lays out true and equal principals that everyone can agree to within the confines of real common law as article 3 dictates. You know, something “left” and “right” regular folks can rally behind against the endless stream of Jewish puppets propped up by the Jewish controlled Rep and Dem parties.
      I think that rally point is called the Declaration and Bill of Rights since the present Constitution is a fiction and corporation Charter out of DC which is a foreign jurisdiction to the united States of America mainland.

      I am serious here; do you still remember your oath?

    • Well said harold…

      This article is just one of many “trial balloons” proffered on this site and is being used to gauge the potential push back from liberty crushing legislation that is already in the pipeline. Just as the “Patriot” Act was written prior to 9/11, you can be sure that any bills designed to grab your guns has already been penned well before Sandy Hook ever occurred.

      IMO, Duff is a misdirection pro; here to manufacture consent when possible and to promote a dialectic championed by his handlers.

    • Right on the button…..dead center……in the crosshairs.

    • Thanks haroldsmith
      Nice post yet very wrong post against Gordon and alledged Hypocrisy

  4. I can see a new TV programme looming:

    ‘When good wives …….. go bad ..’

  5. I noticed how today on NPR they have a guy named Solomon, who is talking about Adam Lanza, in sure and moderate tones, as though it was a foregone conclusion that he definitely killed those 26 people, 20 children. He doesn’t mention any controversy about any of the facts, just about how we need to recognize the mentally ill, control gun availability, and have to be aware that even our children are capable of this brutality, and the links to Columbine, a case that many believe in, etc. It’s nauseating. Not the slightest doubt is introduced into the story, one with more holes than a pasta colander.

    All so matter of fact, that the case was proven conclusively, no questions need be raised, in fact if you do you are disrespecting the dead, and what we must now do to prevent another incident.

    I’ve noticed a big change on NPR. It’s now joined the other highly manipulated MSM, with “Jewish” slants on many stories. They usually have a soft spoken woman like Terry Gross, sounding so compassionate about the story, the victims, at Sandy Hook, all the while leading you down a black-ally to believing the underlying myth/narrative, that passes for a true investigation. It’s become a true propaganda outlet. Sad but true.

    • Stephen Lendman actually did a really good expose on NPR and PBS. It’s related to Iran, but it proves something else — that they’re just Zionist instruments (mostly Rockefeller funded).

      Amy Goodman, for instance, is regularly featured there and she’s as trustworthy as Eric Cantor, the VA House Majority Leader, who gets most of his campaign contributions from….. New York (?) 8O lol…

    • Gun ownership is not for everyone. Some above would have you believe everyone has the right, this is not so this right has to be earned, do you give a drivers lic. to a person who can’t read. Do you let anyone just fly the space shuttle. Cummon folks look for your sensible take on this. Why do you have gun probs cause guns are in the hands of irresponsible handlers, yes obummer and all the cronies in dc too, Americans first have to strip dc of its powers then you will have forward progress, as it stands U.S is going backwards faster then it went forward.

      • The problem is, we live in a lawless banana republic where might makes right. As far as our rulers are concerned, there is no objective sense of right and wrong, i.e., no moral compass, there’s just “what can I get away with”? In this type of situation, you cannot really address an issue like “gun violence”, can you?

        Having murderous scum like “Obama” and Feinstein, Schumer etc., address the issue of “gun violence” is like forming a commission with Ted Bundy, The Green River Killer and Jack-The-Ripper, to address the issue of violence against women. It’s absurd.

      • Do you have to earn the right to the First Amendment? How about the 16th?

        • Lets see bahmi,
          In order to exercise your “first amendment”
          you would have to first learn how to read and write, so yah it is earned rights .

          As for the sixteenth, well there in lies the start of the american decline that has brought you here to 2013
          Intresting that you should bring that into focus bahmi cause that amendment (which should never have been allowed by the signatours) was enacted Feb 03 1913 exactly 100 years ago next month.

          To raise revenue to fund the Civil War, Congress introduced the income tax through the Revenue Act of 1861.[3] It levied a flat tax of 3% on annual income above $800, which was equivalent to $20,693 in today’s money.[4] This act was replaced the following year with the Revenue Act of 1862, which levied a graduated tax of 3–5% on income above $600 (worth $13,968 today[4]) and specified a termination of income taxation in 1866.

          By the looks of this they had america 2013 pegged way back then, wow they must be real smart or the people real dumb, just take your pick.

    • Mercy Allesandro, you’re just now realizing NPR is actually National Propoganda Radio? (Almost as weird as The Rah saying his awakening didn’t come until 2005 ;-) ). When they refused to even say a word about the stolen 2000 election, that’s when I turned them off for good. Their 9/11 coverage confirmed the choice. You’re right though, NPR should be avoided at all costs if you want to actually get good info.

      Harold, I’m with you. Something about this editorial bothers me. But, hey, G’s a 1%-er and you have to expect them to look at us little folks a little skewed. His undying love and trust for Obama is also a real giveaway. And not taking anything for this site. I love it. But like G even says, a big percentage of it is disinfo and he never says “…and not by me.”

      Somebody said it above and i’m too lazy to go look again. I don’t own a gun and I don’t particularly like them even though I used to be good with them but I am damn glad millions of my neighbors DO have them because I know what happens to countries and communities who get rid of them. Enough said!


    • Allesandro ‘Noticed’ NPR twenty YEARS AGO !!!-Still the same today!

  6. G,
    You should give the unwashed masses a little more credit than you do. Politicians can lie to some of the people some of the time, but they can’t lie to all of the people all of the time, and get away with it.

    The answer lies in NOT organizing the gun owners much. Yamamoto said he wouldn’t invade the US, because there would be a gun behind every blade of grass. He didn’t say those guns were organized. Yamamoto still wouldn’t want to invade, but that could change soon…

    Another answer is to have everyone properly trained. Everyone who is serious about owning and using a gun, needs to send away the drugs (legal as well as illegal) for God’s sake, including the SSRIs and other mood-altering drugs. Need a pill for pain? You can target pain without being stoned. Need to stop smoking? Don’t take Chantix to stop smoking, because this stuff is known to make nice people very violent. MJ, good for nausea, but how do you know what ELSE was put in the stuff that’s illegally obtained? Ditto for other illegal drugs. Booze? Well, I never argue with a drunk, whether he has a weapon or not, but I get away as soon as feasible. At least booze has a short half-life, unlike SSRIs, so the drunk could be sober enough in a couple days, that I could then reason with him.

    I grew up in a house full of guns, all of them used for hunting for food, one of them an old Army rifle. They were used constantly. None of them were locked up. None were loaded. Nobody committed any crimes with them. We also were well stocked with hunting, fishing, and kitchen knives, a crossbow, lots of axes and hatchets, bows and arrows, traps and snares, fishhooks, all potential weapons. We also had plenty of baseball bats, golf clubs, and other sporting goods that can be used as weapons. Nobody ever got hurt, except for a few fingers accidentally sliced by knives.

    I would like to seriously start by getting people off most drugs, both the legal and illegal. Keep the tea and coffee, they are full of anti-oxidants. Keep the herbs, and go back to some of the old medicines that work well. If the drug lobby died as a result, that would be a bonus.

    • Nice JS
      Sounds like you come from a very responsible family background, can’t say that for 75 % of the rest of north America. Sounds like you were taught respect for guns and knives, can’t say that about 75% of north America.
      That old army rifle could be a collectors piece.
      See a responsible gun owners looks at a gun as a form of protection that they hope they will never have to use, and an irresponsible gun owner (the ones who should not have guns) looks at a gun as a tool to kill someone/thing and they hope that they will get a chance to use it.

    • Our near and dear CIA is the biggest drug smuggler in the world. Who certified them to do this? Allen Dulles? One does not train to be sane, I trained with a M16,does this qualify me if I’m bats++t nuts? We have to remember that that last dozen false flags have all done their magic and created a certain ambience that men are dangerous and if we can only deball them, we shall all be safe. Gabby Giffords was to be in Connecticut this week, if only she could admit that she was victimized by a false flag just as Holmes’ victims, etc. VT readers have an enormous impetus to take up the cause as Pat Tillman was victimized by our military. He was taken out by the ideology extant in this nation now. Contrary to the Duffster, it’s pretty clear the most dangerous man on earth is the Unknown President, surely a mere proxy for the truly causative agents of this earth.

      • “The unknown president” Well it’s true. Nobody knows who the hell the guy is. Amazing, and absolutely unbelievable.He could have been born in Tel Aviv or Moscow for all we know.

      • Bahmini

        “it’s pretty clear the most dangerous man on earth is the Unknown President, surely a mere proxy for the truly causative agents of this earth.”

        Not sure if you get it Bambi!-The most dangerous man on Earth does not live on American Soil

  7. It is fairly obvious to all with a brain that there IS a secretive cabal of individuals hidden behind the official government – and that this cabal tightly dictates and controls events. They now control every tiny aspect of our lives from education to the inane distraction now classed as ‘entertainment’. Indeed said cabal actually has control of national policy and the direction behind MOST countries of the world – especially those nations that once made up the western powers. These insidious plague symptoms are being absorbed apace – and strangely with increasing urgency – since the fantastically wealthy jewish ‘oligarchs’ were chased out of Russia. Meanwhile China has taken on a more ‘nationalistic’ than communistic ethos – making activities difficult for the cabal there as well. The cabal cannot operate in countries that only act in the national interest.

    The onset of the computer (and instant electronic communication between ordinary citizens across the world) has caught them all by surprise – throwing up evidence of global criminal jewish caballistic activity – evidence that would otherwise have taken decades or even centuries to expose. They are now having their horrific plans and agendas for brutal world domination routinely exposed and even anticipated – by those who have decoded their sick, satanic mindset.

    The removal of American guns must be coldly viewed for what it actually is. It is just the next stage in the hijacking and rape of America. Obama simply obeys his masters – as no doubt would have Romney. We are lucky these days to have switched on individuals around the Earth who are able to warn us well in advance of what their next move will be – and why. These warnings should not be wasted or ignored.

    The secret global controllers are worried. The plan is not happening fast enough for them. Their main weapons of domination today are phoney LAWS used to control the populations into living highly controlled, unhealthy lives in an environment that operates against democratic wishes and against the will of the people. LAWS are things that we have been brought up and conditioned to obey – whether we agree with the law or not. I would ask a question however: “When is a law NOT a law?”

    Could the answer to that be: “When that law is proposed and enacted by an illegal, unconstitutional and criminal body?”

    There is one thing that I know for sure in this issue. From the perspective of the criminal cabal crime syndicate – the very LAST thing that they want as they tighten the screws on the host populations – are groups of well armed men and women whose activity, objectives and movements are unknown to them. They constitute a deadly threat to their plans.

    Especially when the day comes that ‘government’ bullying activity, population extermination – and brutal dictatorship objectives become so crystal clear – that the penny drops with even the dullest gun owner.

  8. There is no debate regarding the right to bear arms. Watch and learn from this video, who wants to take that right from Americans and why. It’s rather disconcerting that any law being considered to restrict firearms in America isn’t required likewise in Israel. More here;

  9. I we all accepted the fact that we live in a dangerous world, and took responsibility for our own actions we would be alot more aware of what is going on around us. No gun control would have stopped this last false flag terrorist attack, but alert, honest people could have. Just like all the other false flags, there is a huge amount of people out there that know that this whole deal stinks to high heaven, but they are keeping quiet for whatever reasons, going along with the bogus program. I think everyone should be trained and encouraged to carry, we wouldn`t need so many cops, etc. to protect us. Look how many bystanders were shot by cops in NY city recently when they took out one dude with a gun. I don`t want anyone like that protecting me. I would much rather be responsible for my own safety. I was a grunt in the 1`st Inf Div in Viet Nam in `66 and `67, and everyone was armed, and actually there wasn`t much gun violence to speak of. Occaisinal fist fights. Switzerland and that town in Georgia that mandated sensible gun ownership, etc. come to mind. I realized in Viet Nam what this country was all about, and it changed me totally, Once I realized that everything that I had learned in school about history and Gov`t was all a lie, it was almost impossible for me to believe anything any authority figure said to me. People nowadays believe the most blatant, in your face, bogus lies that I feel embarrassed for them. I think it`s just our turn in the barrel, natures way of thinning us out. The end won`t be pretty, but it will be effective.

    • Peter – I had occasion to go out drinking and eating a few times in Palermo – which is a fairly serious town. One of the things that struck me was that every aspect of the nightlife there was so orderly. The people seemed generally happy, were very kind and friendly – I would go so far as to say genteel. I saw no violence, no shouting or arguments in bars (only between local daytime car drivers) – and going out was generally a pleasant experience. The ‘violence’, which I assume must have been there somewhere, was completely invisible.

      Back in Britain you can guarantee a couple of fights on Saturday night in most towns – and the brawls in pubs are usually over trivia and “Who do you think you are looking at” nonsense. Such fights are also usually without serious injury and forgotten about the next day.

      It occurred to me then that you probably did not see this type of behaviour in Palermo for three principle reasons. Firstly – it would not be forgotten about the next day – and it would expand into a longer term family vendetta. Secondly – the man sat at the bar next to you may well be armed or worse have a dozen nearby cousins that are armed to the teeth. Thirdly – taking your point – all the people who did act in this way had probably been thinned from the population long ago.

      Interestingly a local in Palermo told me that the only people they ever saw fighting and brawling there were British sailors and servicemen – who usually fought with each other. They were often rolling drunk – within only 300 yards from their ship. Surely not?

  10. Written by Bob Owens

    “Tens of millions of Americans will refuse to comply with an order that is clearly a violation of the explicit intent of the Second Amendment. Among the most ardent opposing these measures will be military veterans, active duty servicemen, and local law enforcement officers. Many of these individuals will refuse to carry out what they view as Constitutionally illegal orders. Perhaps 40-50 million citizens will view such a law as treason. Perhaps ten percent of those, 4-5 million, would support a rebellion in some way, and maybe 40,000-100,000 Americans will form small independently-functioning active resistance cells, or become lone-wolves.

    They will be leaderless, stateless, difficult to track, and considering the number of military veterans that would likely be among their number, extremely skilled at sabotage, assassination, and ambush.

    After a number of carefully-planned, highly-publicized, and successful raids by the government, one or more will invariably end “badly.” Whether innocents are gunned down, a city block is burned to ash, or especially fierce resistance leads to a disastrously failed raid doesn’t particularly matter. What matters is that when illusion of the government’s invincibility and infallibility is broken, the hunters will become the hunted.”

    To read the rest click here

  11. I agree with the letter written by said Marine and mailed to the Senator from Cali. Not sure if he actually penned it chapter and verse, but still agree. If so then he might have missed his calling.

    Those who trash things by light only to embrace them in the dark can not be trusted. It’s as simple as that and more people need be made aware of such.

    Grab people guns accept for those in ones purse…..Get phucking real!!!!

    Anybody else about completely fed up with this BS.


  12. Of course you can say we have a problem with “guns” and/or “gun violence”. We also have a problem with governmemt violence. We have a problem with the economy, we have a problem with health care, we have a problem with a deteriorating infrastructure, frankly we have problems with almost everything. And if you look closely, you’ll see that the root cause is the same in almost all cases: corruption and moral incompetence everywhere.

    Everybody’s on the take: Ok, I’ll lie about Sadam Hussein’s ostensible WMD programs, but what’ll it do for my career? Ok I’ll lie about the cause of the “collapses” of the WTC towers for you, but what about my promotion? Ok, you made me a federal judge, so I’ll rule in your favor. Ok for $30/hr. I’ll work on the assembly line at Boeing, building drones to terrorize people with. Ok rather than work in the produce dept. of the local grocery store, I’ll join the Army and help you with your Zionist crusade to slaughter and subjugate Arab/Islamic people. And on and on ad nauseum.

    Almost every single problem, whether it be BP poisoning the Gulf of Mexico, Bernie Madoff ripping off tens of billions before being stopped, or some “lone nut” opening fire with a gun in a shopping mall, it’s ll the result of a systemic moral failure.

    If all of us don’t personally “turn from our sin”, i.e., stop doing things to someone else that we wouldn’t want done to us, we’re simply doomed.

    It doesn’t matter how evil our Masters are, if we wouldn’t cooperate of our own volition, their evil agenda would be going nowhere, and economic collapse and WW3 would not be looming.

    • AMEN, Harold…… and I’m not even a Christian. Just a guy with a GOD GIVEN heart and a brain. That said, it should, in theory, be enough to send these bastards back to HELL, from whence they came. Sadly, it doesn’t seem to be so.

  13. Are you introducing problems again with no solutions? Do you know what this is called, or shall I tell you again?


    FOLKS: This may be the bottom line of the massive scam behind “Disarming America”:

    Earlier this week I linked the following devastating documentary on other VT pages. (Please save it to your computer because it will soon probably disappear)

    “Jewish Ritual Murder Revisited: The Hidden Cult (Full Version)”

    Then, I added a comment yesterday as below:
    January 3, 2013 – 10:05 am

    A historian scholar friend of mine recently told me the reason for the Zio-Satanists pressure to disarm Americans is to prevent themselves from being targeted by Americans for such Satanic crimes because they are probably responsible for almost all U.S. child abductions, murders & disappearances.
    He also said that Zio-Satanist’s target date for going public with declaring world control (per Rothschilds Protocols of Zion) is probably 2017 or 2018 (the centennial of theft of Palestine).

    Folks: please realize that all “Jewish Centers” in the U.S. are highly protected from intrusion or access to non-Jews. I have heard that many are unmarked & unidentifiable. “We the Sheeple” have no inkling what happens in those centers. Some of the satanic child-abductions & murders of our most precious may lead to those “Worship Centers”.
    If at some point (say in 2013) enough number of “We the Sheeple” are convinced of the heinous crimes that Zio-Satanists have been engaged in inside the U.S. & in Palestine & the rest of the world what are “We the Sheeple” armed to our teeth going to do? We’re going to start taking revenge!!!
    So the best way for the Zio-Satanists who own our government inside-out is to disarm us as fast as possible using all methods & that’s just what’s happening folks. This is the real “AMERICAN DISARMAMENT” (disarming “We the Sheeple” so we can’t get rid of the murderers of our most precious once we discover the atrocities).

    • This dovetails with recent commentary by Brother Kapner (himself a Jew):

      “Jews are very nervous about the name “FEINSTEIN” in the forefront advocating the annihilation of the most cherished thing in the Gentiles’ hearts, the Second Amendment. And believe me when I tell you, Gentiles are NOT going to give up their guns to the JEWS. Period.

      There will not be a “revolution” NOR will there be “civil strife.” Something much more dangerous is going to fall on Jewry’s heads and they are very worried about it. For the sake of my own safety (my life is endangered for what I speak, write, and know about) I dare not say what is specifically coming down the pike for the Jews.

      Behind closed doors, Jews are very nervous about the “goys with their guns” and that FEINSTEIN, SCHUMER, LIEBERMAN, BOXER, BLOOMBERG, BLUMENTHAL, WEINGARTEN … all Jews with very Jewish names … are now in the forefront being perceived as “gun grabbers” and Second Amendment foes. Believe me, American Jewry is VERY NERVOUS about this.”

      • Wow!!! do you have the link to its page? thanks.

      • THEM nervous makes me nervous. After years of following THEIR plans, I am certain that preexisting “false trails, aka false flags” are already “in place” to reproduce the misplaced “patriotism” (lunacy) that followed the 9/11 travesty of TRUTH. It has been 11 years…and the ultimate LIE is still killing US and millions of those targeted by this LIE! “Something” that Israhell does in the near future will FINALLY sway the majority of American opinion against THEM.

        That “awakening”, while long overdue…will be THEIR END! Those in this country that supported THEM will ALL swing-n-the-wind. That day is coming….soon. Karma is a blessed “bitch” when applied to the guilty. Then again, the old saying that Karma is a bitch…only when you are on the wrong side of “her”. Bye Bye Nutty-Yahoo!

      • I’ve been saying this since my Problem – Reaction – Solution post. Does Brother Kapner want to give me some royalties already? Or at least a guest spot? :P


  15. if the information in this vid is true, the true stats dont support their agenda…therein lies additional motive to stage the spate of mass shootings in order to create the illusion of an out of control gun toting US population ….!

  16. Anyone notice the “professional propaganda man” yet, so what does this really mean? It’s a person and person’s “hired or contracted” to generate propaganda as to create problems, these people are not “problem solvers”. Firstly, a group creates an “action” they wish to achieve knowing the public may be against such thing, secondly, the “propaganda man” is hired to fabricate problems to result in the “action being taken”. They do this for a living, and are more so “professional liars”, they start their careers writing and thereafter providing performances on radio shows. And on these radio shows and such, they use different names and identities, to practice selling their lies and deception. So their intent and career is to practice this activity and gain experience “selling lies”, often topics pulled from thin air, with the idea of selling themselves as the subject matter expert. Their specialty is to avoid solutions and answers, because often the information and topic is fabricated as to create problems, as they are trained to avoid answering real questions. They avoid and weave in and out, as simple “con people”, hoping in the future to become a “highly paid professional liar” and “propaganda man”.

    This is long time profession, and starts by group desiring an action, and thus hires the propaganda man, or “professional liar”, to fabricate stories and problems to facilitate the “action being implemented”. The action was already decided before the propaganda man starting fabricating problems.

    Now you must forgive the propaganda man, having spent most of their life lying, and avoiding answering questions, they are not problem solvers. They use their degenerative skills to create and fabricate problems, whereas their idea of a solution is in fact creating more problems. They are simple “paid mouth pieces” programmed to run routines, and lack in knowledge of anything. Many are arrogant, because they believe this helps them from avoiding questions, which they in turn believe is intelligence. They could not provide solutions to problems if it were pasted to their “small forehead”. They will typically provide little feedback, because they have lost their ability to think, they also use and apply cyber stalkers to chase away people with reasonable questions. However, after being in this business for some time, they loose their thinking capabilities due to programmatic degeneration.

    Throughout history you will find the “core problem” to be created by the “propaganda man”, their entire life is “one big lie”.

    All they know is how to “react”, because they are programmed “not to think”, only to “respond”. So please don’t stress their “small brains”.

    Would you like more detail Gordon, I can so provide. Does this sound close….

  17. Tyron Parsons on Facebook… (above)….. YOU DA’ MAN! I haven’t always agreed with you in the past (that’s the nature of being a thinking human) but RIGHT ON about the nature of the struggle we’re up against. The enemy will “shape shift” its propaganda to lure any and all suckers / zionists / scum / morons to “taste” its disgusting poison. It’s worked rather well since the time of Jacob, unfortunately. The zionists will stop at nothing, since they know no truth, no morality and no humanity. They’re reptiles, at best, no offense to snakes, who are probably honest, at least among themselves.

    Hopefully, we (HUMANS) are catching on.

  18. duay khwaam nap theuu

    It’s not about banning guns, it’s about chipping them.

    Introduce gun ban bills in congress to get things stirred up, then change it to just chipping the guns and enough feel relieved or confused to get the new laws passed, never knowing that was exactly the intent all along.

    Maybe it goes like this: When you buy a firearm from a dealer, the rfid chip is activated in your name, (and when you buy a box of ammo, the box has a bar code on it that the seller scans to activate the rfid chipped bullets? Now those bullets will only work in a gun registered to you.)

    rfid scanners are placed in schools, hospitals and anywhere deemed to be as gun free zones. You carry your gun into one of these gun free zones, the scanner disables your gun (and your bullets?) You will then have to get law enforcement to turn the chip back on.

    This allows gun owners to keep their guns, go hunting and have their AR-15′s in the wild but it keeps them from being used in gun free zones. Second Amendment rights are not infringed as long as you stay away from gun free zones. Law Enforcement would not be subject to the chips so their weapons will not be disabled responding to something like a school incident.

    What a great solution! :)

    So basically tptb can find, follow or deactivate your gun if they need to and you can’t stop them. The market for unchipped guns will flourish. Some gun owners will disable the chips. Some gun owners will remove the chips from the weapons, maybe sticking them onto magnets and placing them on trucks or trains. Criminals might hack the deactivate signal and use it on any house they want to break into, turning off any guns in the house. Child-killers enter schools at unscanned places.

    So what? Just as Chertof and the underwear bomber and the revolving-door, anti-semite-hating not-actually elected gov’t could pass the TSA Law and Chertof make millions selling TSA Scanners, so it goes with Sandy Hook and our new problem-solving gun laws. The only problem being solved is that of the crooks not having enough money.

    Diane Feinstein is no doubt working on the details as we cogitate. Maybe GE can mfg the chips.

    They had this tech years ago with no way to implement it. Needed a Pearl Harbor to make it through congress. And they got Aurora and Sandy Hook for that Pearl Harbor, qué casualidad. A 9/11 type event all over again.

    Now what do you want to bet that Obama’s gun law later this month will include gun chipping in it ?

    RFID Weapons and Firearms Tracking

    TriggerSmart Childproof RFID Chip Smart Gun

  19. duay khwaam nap theuu

    … or so goes the thinking of some of the folks over at GLP forum, where those thoughts came from.

    • It’s an honest mistake; you will not solve any problem until you identify the “core of the problem”. And the core of the problem is “not guns”; the core of the problem is “mistrust”. And this trust has been lost over time, and therefore must be regained to remedy this problem; else you introduce more problems. Not fiction, but obsolete fact.

  20. Short-fuse fiction by Matt Bracken intended to spread alarm among progressives, in the spirit of dispiriting them from ever attempting such a mad folly in order to cling to power. Matt Bracken is the author of the Enemies Foreign And Domestic trilogy, and Castigo Cay.

    Here are couple small portions…

    “Some of the hate radio hosts began to fan the flames with crazy rumors that really weren’t so crazy, not to us. When they were taken off the air through a variety of means (but mainly for violating the “fomenting domestic terrorism” laws), the right wing nut jobs went absolutely mad with fury. The accusations about a secret purge continued. The plan was being laid out for all to see, even while it was being officially denied at every level, and was never reported on at all by our cooperating media networks and other friendly outlets.

    And then the shooting started.”………..

    “And that was the downfall of the plan: it just came down to numbers, manpower, and, perhaps, agent morale. I’ve seen reports that at least a third of the federal agents went on sick leave vacation, after word of the original two thousand political arrests began to spread within their ranks.

    The ferocity of the counter-attack took us all by surprise.”…

    “Anonymous sources within the so-called ‘liberty movement’ are now demanding that highway checkpoints searching for weapons be disbanded immediately. These sources state that any federal agents, military or police stopping vehicles and searching them for firearms will be considered traitors and could be shot.”

    Read in full

  21. Unlike a lot of propaganda you see, this article does not require any interpretation or refutation. It’s as plain as the nose on your face. We have a hundred or so million Israel-friendly torture-friendly sheeple with guns, ready and waiting to help the next Reagan form militias to funnel arms to the next Contras. As a young person long ago, I never would have guessed.

    • dalethorn

      Do us all a favor and crawl back under the rock you came from. Just because a person supports the 2nd for EVERYONE does mean they are pro “Jew” or pro “Israel”…dufus! I am a perfect example of that. Yours is nothing more than a marxist guilt by association diatribe trying to link the militia (which is EVERYONE) and 2nd Amendment supports (which is OUR OATH) to supporting fake jews and so called Israelis. SHAME ON YOU!

      This is part of a doc filed in the UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT IN PORTLAND, MAINE.

      PORTLAND, MAINE [04011].
      Date Filed: October 1, 2012.
      Jury Demand by Plaintiffs.
      Jurisdiction: Commerical Law.
      Reassigned to Judge D. Brock Hornby from recused Judge Nancy Torresen, October 19, 2012.
      F. William Messier [Pro Se].
      David E. Robinson [Pro Se].
      David E. Robinson [AG for the.
      Maine Rupublic Free State].
      … Douglas H. Shulman [Comm. of the Internal.
      Revenue Dept. of the UNITED STATES];.
      Manual Dias Saldana [Secretary of the.
      Internal Revenue Service of PUERTO RICO];.
      Joline P. Hendershot [Agent of the IRS];.
      Jason S. Rogers [Special Agent of the IRS];.
      Patrick Frie [Agent of the IRS];.
      Susan M. Collins [U.S. Senator for Maine State].
      CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER for the following:
      MAINE RSA 1, INC.,

      NOW COMES the following pro se Plaintiffs: (1) F. William Messier (2) David E. Robinson (3)
      Maine Republic Free State, by David E. Robinson, presenting the following Affidavit of Material Facts.
      Regarding the Dick Act of 1902 & Motion for Injunctive Relief – for the Record and for the People…
      THE DICK ACT OF 1902.
      2 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT Portland Maine – 2:12-CV-00320-DBH.
      This filing is a transcript of a recent video presentation by a patriot whose name will be withheld.
      feasons of security until such time as an unnecessary public trial should take place…
      — — —.
      THE DICK ACT OF 1902.
      1. There’s a lot of stuff that’s happening out here in our old system.
      2. I’m here to let you know that the Dick Act has never been repealed, and it cannot be repealed.
      This Act guarantees you your rights to any type of arm that you want.
      3. I didn’t say weapons. I didn’t say firearms. I said arms. Understand the word difference in.
      phrasing about what we’re talking about here.
      4. Ladies and gentlemen, this is very significant, very significant. What we are running into as an.
      issue is that they cannot regulate what you and I own and what you and I have or however many, as long.
      as you pay for them. And you don’t have to sit here and keep records, cause they already have the.
      records whenever you bought them.
      5. The bottom line is you can buy them from anybody and that is how it works.
      6. The Dick Act of 1902 under House Resolution 1165.4 comes back in and starts out with the.
      basic cure. It puts a lot of restrictions on their side effects.
      7. The Dick Act of 1902 also know as the Efficiency of Militia Bill, House Resolution 1165.4 of.
      June 28, 1902, invalidates all… invalidates all so-called gun control laws. It also divides the militia into.
      three distinct separate entities.
      8. The 1968 gun law that got passed in 1968: This invalidates it.
      9. The three classes under HR 1165.4 provide for (1) the organized militia henceforth known as.
      the national guard for the state territory of the District of Columbia, (2) the unorganized militia, and (3).
      regular army [the military].
      10. The militia encompasses every able-bodied male between the age of 18 and 45 but it does.
      go up higher than that because you’ve got military officers hired who now come into discrimination.
      11. All members of the unorganized militia are to be… are to have the preferable right of the.
      Second Amendment to keep and bear arms of any type and as many as they can afford to buy. It doesn’t
      say you have to have a receipt. If you can afford to buy them your entitled; if it costs you a buck or if it.
      costs you a penny, you’re buying them. You can have them.
      UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT Portland Maine – 2:12-CV-00320-DBH 3.
      12. The Dick Act of 1902 cannot be repealed; to do so would violate the Bill of Attainders; and.
      ex-pro-facto laws would be yet another gross violation of the United States Constitution and the Bill of.
      13. The President of the United States has zero authority… zero authority… zero authority,
      without violating the Constitution, to call the national guard to serve outside of the borders of the United.
      14. That also gives the President zero authority to regulate the ability to own certain arms, like.
      AKs, and ARs. He has no authority to go out and say we’re going to ban…

  22. Mr. Duff,
    Much of what you write has truth to it, but keep in mind that the media, the NRA, and the meatheads who go around bloviating are not the representatives of the people, any more than Congress is. Their job is to channel the weak minded, the trusting, and the stupid into a block to be used for their own political and economic gain.
    In this they have many accomplices.
    Alessandro above discussed the official narrative being seamlessly delivered to her via “alternative” media. Add to that the right wing hate machine featuring Limbaugh and Savage. Add to that the fake “reality” provided by your television and computer. Lets face it, in the so-called age of information, real information is at a premium, but fantasy trips designed to turn you into a drooling consumer eager for the latest poison of twisted reality are real easy to find.
    The truth is that most of the power structure of this country is used to a one way deliverance of violence, from them to you. Its easy to be a bully when one is torturing women and murdering defenseless children.
    When confronted with this kind of violence, there are usually three responses-shock, revenge, and self preservation. The evil genius of the sickos that run things is that they will provide all three, but only the shock is genuine.
    Truth is, sir, that the gun owners who celebrate the kind of monstrous evil that you have described, from torture to the blind hate of entire groups of people, will be the first to easily surrender, not only their weapons, but themselves.
    Their ranks will be lead by media paper tigers and false personalities, and they will be the first to turn on those who will not join them. Keep in mind, the purveyors of hate, murder, torture, are not, nor have never been our allies.
    The mettle of the bully is tested when faced with the kind of violence they so liberally dole out. Like Green said, no one really wants this to happen. No one is eager for this to occur. But if we do face this, it won’t be the Ted Nugents of the world who will lead, it will be the unknown, the faceless, the f-cking nobodies who are going to do just what Americans have done for centuries, fight because they have to, fight because its the only way to end the bad dream.

  23. Can America survive liars, what right does a politician have to lie?

    At a campaign event in Lebanon, Virginia in 2008, then-Senator Barack Obama said that he will not take Americans’ guns away:

    “I just want to be absolutely clear. Alright, So I don’t want any misunderstanding when you all go home and you are talking to your buddies and you say, ah ‘He wants to take your guns away.’ You’ve heard it here, I’m on television so everybody knows it. I believe in the Second Amendment. I believe in people’s lawful right to bear arms. I will not take your shotgun away. I will not take your rifle away. I won’t take your handgun away.”

  24. @ HaroldSmith – you wrote exactly what I was thinking while reading this latest controlled opposition piece from the Duffman. And after exchanges with him via personal email a few months ago, where he was far from polite, in fact rather rude; my initial perception of Mr. Duff and VT, that together they would expose the real criminals in a sincere endeavor to put our country back on track, has been severely altered.

    My assessment of this hit piece on gun owners? Duff appears to indicate his preference for removing weapons from the hands of all law-abiding citizens in order to assure that this right-wing group of sheeple are also denied their second amendment rights, as well. This group includes rednecks, southerners, Christians, racists and bigots, which mostly stereo-type individuals living in the southeastern portion of the United States. This is “two for the price of one.”

    I am very disappointed in Gordon Duff and Veterans Today.

  25. Duff dancing around the important issues again. WHHHY THE CRAP ARENT U EXPOSING THE FALSE FLAG BLACK OPS OF AURORA, CO, OAK CREEK, WI, and NEWTOWN, CT INSTEAD of blathering against ‘hypocritical’ republicans. SERIOUSLY U R going to waste time in a GUN-RIGHTS column slamming the Tea Party?

    I think it is getting very obvious (to at least some) that Duff thinks Republicans are the Hitler’s and Democrats are the Constitutional Freedom fighters in this land. it is PREPOSTEROUS how u try to dance all over the place in an effort to slam the NRA (which of course is NOT perfect) and the Tea Party (which, shocking as it is to duff, just wants limited, accountable, Constitutional government).

    GUN ownership, with wide liberty, should be ENCOURAGED in our land. THese bastards in the administration are using these obvious black ops to further the communist agenda. This jackass obama is a communist infiltrator. laugh all u want. when the missles hit America from Russian submarines, u wont be laughing.

    Senator Fineswine (i wish i had made that up but didnt) is a traitor and should be arrested. Scumbag traitors should be shipped to rural china. America is a Constititional Republic and I am SICK of the unholy crap going on trying to destroy what’s left of it since Clinton & Bush 43 worked their murderous treachery.

    American Revolution II on its way. let’s face it, the Tree of Liberty needs watering. i wish it werent so but it appears almost inevitable.

    • America ceased being a constitutional republic with the Act of 1871, when the united states for America became the United States OF America, thus becoming a “corporate democracy” under Maritime/Admiralty Law versus Civil Law protection under the original organic constitution. Americans then became citizens instead of free sovereigns. Our God given “rights” under the Bill of Rights became privileges. In 1913 with the passage of the Federal Reserve Act and consequently the Income Tax Act Americans Americans literally were sold into lifetime bondage becoming a corporate “commodity.” And with the beginning of registering births in 1932 we sold our children into corporate slavery effectively turning them over to the state. But the Patriot Act of 2001 eviscerated all vestiges of liberty that remained as free Americans. The only right left was the ability to arm ourselves and now that is in danger of disappearing, as well, which will remove the only wall left between law abiding Americans and the criminals. This will be to our utter peril.

      Oh, and we did not win the first revolution.

  26. Great article. It’s an infestation of lobbyists. It’s seems that every group no matter what has been compromised to an agenda. An agenda that has made people react on a predictable slumber. To follow the “useful eaters”.

  27. One thing I forgot to mention is this: The whole point of the 2nd amendment, obviously, is to provide a deterrent to the exercise of absolute, unaccountable government power. And it’s clear that “our” “government” has been working for a long time to undermine that deterrent; i.e., “our” “government” has been trying to reduce the status of the 2nd amendment to some kind of an archaic legal curiosity…of interest only to collectors, “sportsmen” and to those who would defend their homes against a criminal invasion.

    To that end, “our” “government” has been presiding over the incremental loss of “firepower” in civilian hands. After all, what good is the 2nd amendment if we’re limited to single-shot 22 caliber peashooters, shooting small, soft, lead projectiles at low velocity, while “our” “government” has the latest and best “assault rifles”, the deadliest ammo, and the most sophisticated body armor, etc., that technology and unlimited resources can provide.

    As evidence of this nefarious government intent, I cite the “Hughes amendment” to the “Firearm Owners Protection Act” of 1986, which arbitrarily banned the manufacture of fully automatic weapons manufactured after 1986. This was not to stem a crime wave with legally registered automatic weapons – but out of the clear blue sky – apparently intended to reduce the number of such weapons in civilian hands (or accessible to civilians) by making the price skyrocket; thereby violating the spirit of the 2nd amendment and further weakening the intended deterrent effect, in accordance with the long-standing incrementalist attack on our rights.

    Now enter the so-called “slide-fire” or bump-fire stock. You can see this rather ingenious device being demonstrated on youtube. And once you see it, you’ll see another reason why “our” “government” wants to remove semi-automatics from circulation.

    Apparently, a person skilled in the use of one of these gadgets can lay down essentially the same amount of firepower as a person with a “regular” full-automatic weapon. Thus not only does it appear to increase the firepower available to the average peasant, but it could also theoretically undermine the “government’s” ability to prosecute and punish someone caught with an “illegal” automatic weapon. IOW, how can the government justify a prison sentence for someone using a piece of steel as a “trip-lever” or “auto-sear” (or whatever you want to call it) while the person who accomplishes the same thing, i.e., the same end result (by way of a slide-fire stock), using their arm and finger as the “trip-lever” is guilty of no crime? And I think the answer is that they can’t (not without difficulty at least).

    The next time the “government” puts Joe Schmoe on trial for having an illegal Uzi machine gun, a good defense lawyer can show the jury a perfectly legal semi-automatic Uzi carbine equipped with a slide-fire stock, and ask why Joe should go to prison for what is at best a mere technicality.

    The day I first saw a slide-fire stock on youtube was the day I knew they would be shortly going after semi-automatic guns…alas they are.

    • HS,
      If ever the government legislates real firearms out of civilian hands, then the black market will pick it up, and unlike today, where you can sort of have your semi-auto, these guns will be full auto, firing banned ammo.
      The same people who bring the world heroin and methamphetamines that kill and injure millions annually won’t be able to resist the obvious profit motive in adding SMG’s, Real Assault weapons, heavy machine guns, shoulder fired missiles, explosives, and a host of other gems to an eager civilian population.
      We can count on the rouge elements to do this. In fact, it would further their objectives.
      The fallacy of gun control is the unsupported belief that this results in a saner, more peaceful society. This same sentiment is echoed here on VT.
      The reality of gun control is that it leads to a more chaotic, less peaceful, less stable environment. The same thing proved true for alchohol when it was illegal, and for drugs today. The incentive is to provide greater and greater potency, for less and less money, to make sure as many as possible sample the goods. It’ll happen for guns as well.

    “. . . if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for battle?” — I Corinthians 14:8 — 01/09/13
    Maine Republic Email Alert
    “. . . that I should bear witness unto the truth.” — John 18:33 // David E. Robinson, Publisher
    We need to start figuring out a plan if
    they decide that we’re going to be
    ATTENTION: Take action by
    getting this out and getting ready.
    NOW before the unconstitutional
    (criminal) administration tries to limit or
    confiscate the guns and ammo (property)
    If an onerous tax, or insurance, or
    registration is legislated, ignore it. Treat
    it as if it doesn’t exist. If the criminals in
    uniform come, see the next paragraph.
    Particularly if you run a gun shop, but
    for any law-abiding American, at the first
    indication that the thugs are coming, call
    a trusted friend who will start a call chain
    for an immediate, armed response. Have
    them block the exits/roads so the armed
    criminals can not leave with anyone in
    custody. The people who carry out the
    illegal order will be committing a crime
    while armed. Deal with them as you
    would anyone trying to kidnap a friend.
    We will far outnumber any thugs they
    send. And we will have them surrounded.
    Stop them.
    DO NOT Leave your pistols at home.
    Although Centerfire rifles will be needed.
    Each individual in law enforcement
    and the National Guard, you have a
    decision to make. Let us know what’s
    coming if you can.
    The 2nd Amendment was put in place
    for the threat we now face.
    Tyranny of the majority can not be
    Defend it with your life
    Copy and paste this everywhere: on
    your Rep’s and Senators’ pages, and in
    every forum (no matter the content). Post
    a hard copy in your workplace. And,
    establish a call / text / email / facebook
    / twitter chain. Have a text ready to go to
    multiple recipients so you can do it in an
    We’ve never had to do this before, but
    we have to get ahead of it. Simply
    spreading this around and making a few
    calls would put the criminals on notice.
    Obama said he’s going to act on this
    So, start communicating NOW.
    Do a practice run: Live Free or Die.
    THE WORLD!!! !
    This kind of contradicts what the hand
    wringing politicians would have us believe,
    doesn’t it?
    “After a shooting spree, they always
    want to take the guns away from the
    people who didn’t do it.” – William S.
    See the statistic here…From the
    World Health Organization:
    The latest Murder Statistics for the
    world: (Murders per 100,000 citizens!)
    Honduras 91.6
    El Salvador 69.2
    Cote d’lvoire 56.9
    Jamaica 52.2
    Venezuela 45.1
    Belize 41.4
    US Virgin Islands 39.2
    Guatemala 38.5
    Saint Kits and Nevis 38.2
    Zambia 38.0
    Uganda 36.3
    Malawi 36.0
    Lesotho 35.2
    Trinidad and Tobago 35.2
    Colombia 33.4
    South Africa 31.8
    Congo 30.8
    Central African Republic 29.3
    Bahamas 27.4
    Puerto Rico 26.2
    Saint Lucia 25.2
    Dominican Republic 25.0
    Tanzania 24.5
    Sudan 24.2
    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22.9
    Ethiopia 22.5
    Guinea 22.5
    Dominica 22.1
    Burundi 21.7
    Democratic Republic of the Congo 21.7
    Panama 21.6
    Brazil 21.0
    Maine Republic Free State News, 3 Linnell Circle, Brunswick, Maine 04011 /
    Equatorial Guinea 20.7
    Guinea-Bissau 20.2
    Kenya 20.1
    Kyrgyzstan 20.1
    Cameroon 19.7
    Montserrat 19.7
    Greenland 19.2
    Angola 19.0
    Guyana 18.6
    Burkina Faso 18.0
    Eritrea 17.8
    Namibia 17.2
    Rwanda 17.1
    Mexico 16.9
    Chad 15.8
    Ghana 15.7
    Ecuador 15.2
    North Korea 15.2
    Benin 15.1
    Sierra Leone 14.9
    Mauritania 14.7
    Botswana 14.5
    Zimbabwe 14.3
    Gabon 13.8
    Nicaragua 13.6
    French Guiana 13.3
    Papua New Guinea 13.0
    Swaziland 12.9
    Bermuda 12.3
    Comoros 12.2
    Nigeria 12.2
    Cape Verde 11.6
    Grenada 11.5
    Paraguay 11.5
    Barbados 11.3
    Togo 10.9
    Gambia 10.8
    Peru 10.8
    Myanmar 10.2
    Russia 10.2
    Liberia 10.1
    Costa Rica 10.0
    Nauru 9.8
    Bolivia 8.9
    Mozambique 8.8
    Kazakhstan 8.8
    Senegal 8.7
    Turks and Caicos Islands 8.7
    Mongolia 8.7
    British Virgin Islands 8.6
    Cayman Islands 8.4
    Seychelles 8.3
    Madagascar 8.1
    Indonesia 8.1
    Mali 8.0
    Pakistan 7.8
    Moldova 7.5
    Kiribati 7.3
    Guadeloupe 7.0
    Haiti 6.9
    Timor-Leste 6.9
    Anguilla 6.8
    Antigua and Barbuda 6.8
    Lithuania 6.6
    Uruguay 5.9
    Philippines 5.4
    Ukraine 5.2
    Estonia 5.2
    Cuba 5.0
    Belarus 4.9
    Thailand 4.8
    Suriname 4.6
    Laos 4.6
    Georgia 4.3
    Martinique 4.2
    The United States 4.2
    ALL of the countries listed above
    America have 100% gun bans !!!

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