Tuesday, November 5th, 2013
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie greets supporters during a campaign stop in Hillside, N.J., on Nov. 3, 2013. (AP Photo)

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie greets supporters during a campaign stop in Hillside, N.J., on Nov. 3, 2013. (AP Photo)

Voters go to the polls in New Jersey, Virginia

PolitiFact New Jersey and PolitiFact Virginia have been fact-checking the campaigns for governor. We recap some highlights of the races.


The Latest from PolitiFact

A scorecard separating fact from fiction

Promise: Expand the Employment Non-Discrimination Act to include sexual orientation and gender identity

Update: Senate moves ahead on measure to stop job discrimination against gays and lesbians

Congress "is bewildered at the scope and reach of our spying apparatus" but in 2008 and 2012 "explicitly rejected an amendment calling for more disclosure."

Says Rick Scott "didn’t even come to his own education summit. But he did take time to go to the tea party convention the same week."

In 1929, the Secretary of State shut down a program that was "collecting information to protect America" because it was "unseemly," but that move led to "millions and millions" of deaths in World War II.

Due to Obamacare, Arkansas "has covered almost 14 percent of its uninsured already."

"The insurance industry is actually run by mostly Democrats."

"Before the Republican wave in 2010, Democrats had an advantage on the generic ballot in Congress. Even in 1994 with the Gingrich revolution ... Democrats had that advantage."

"Health insurance is more expensive in Massachusetts than anywhere else in the country."

"Rand Paul’s speech ... on 'Gattaca' was totally ripped off of Wikipedia."  

"Even after Obamacare is fully implemented, there still will be tens of millions of people not covered."

As CFO, Alex Sink oversaw "a $27 billion loss in the state's pension fund."

Under President George W. Bush, "we added $4.9 trillion to the debt. Under President Obama … we’ve added $6.5 trillion to the debt."

"Texas Governor Rick Perry’s voter ID law is a blatant effort to defeat Wendy Davis by disenfranchising tens of thousands of women voters."

"This is the year Florida becomes a majority minority state."

Promise: Give annual "State of the World" address

Update: Six years after promise, still no 'State of the World' address

Most voters prefer zombies to the current U.S. Congress.  

"If I have affordable coverage in my workplace, I'm not eligible to go into the marketplace. ... It’s illegal."

"FACT: Nothing in #Obamacare forces people out of their health plans."

Says Mike Enzi is "getting about 84 percent of his campaign funds from Washington-based PACs. That's more than any senator of either party."

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security warned that the SAVE "database is not a foolproof means of verifying (citizenship on) the voter rolls."

Inside the Meter

Get the PolitiFact app, now optimized for iOs 7

Need the Truth when you’re on the go? Our PolitiFact Mobile app is now optimized for the new iOs 7 on your iPhone or ...

Aaron Sharockman named PunditFact Editor

PunditFact.com needs an editor as cool as the idea and that’s Aaron Sharockman. Aaron will be the PunditFact editor, charting a course for ...

New fact-checking study looks at local officials' reactions to fact-checks

More fact-checking -- especially at the state and local level -- could make politicians think twice before they decide to stretch the truth. That’s the interesting ...

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The Obameter is following more than 500 promises made by President Barack Obama in the 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns.

The latest from the Obameter

241 (%)
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131 (%)
117 (%)
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5 (%)
32 (%)
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6 (%)
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