
JANUARY 05, 2013

Gov. Scott argues his health care case before meeting with Kathleen Sebelius

Gov. Rick Scott writing in Sunday's Tampa Bay Times:

On Monday, I will meet with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius in Washington to discuss the health care challenges facing Florida families. I look forward to discussing ideas for addressing the issues of health care cost, quality and access. Reforms like our Statewide Medicaid Managed Care proposal (which is currently with Sebelius for HHS approval along with a proposal for long-term care reforms), tax incentives for individuals to buy insurance, price incentives for healthy behaviors, and flexibility to buy personalized coverage will all lower cost and increase quality in our health care system. ... Read more

JANUARY 04, 2013

Supporters, critics weigh in on red-light camera report

After the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles reported that accidents were down at intersections with red-light cameras, the Florida League of Cities and State Rep. Daphne Cambell, D-Miami, offered their opposing views.

The report emphasizes that traffic accidents are down at intersections with red lights. But it also states that crashes have decreased overall.

The study does not detail the extent to which accidents have decreased at intersections with or without the red-light cameras.


Here is the statement from the League of Cities. ... Read more

JANUARY 04, 2013

Democratic legislator files bill to end death penalty

Rep. Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda, D-Tallahassee, has filed a bill that would end the death penalty in Florida, saying there are better and more cost effective ways to prevent crime. She advocates for more sentences of life without parole, saying this option is less costly than executions. Rehwinkel Vasilinda also argues that executions aren't effective in preventing future murders.

From the news release announcing the filing of HB 4005:

The recent tragedies of Sandy Hook and Webster, NY have resulted in an urgent cry for improved methods and additional resources to prevent such heinous crimes. For neither of the perpetrators of the these horrible murders would the death penalty have been an effective deterrent as both predators killed themselves. The Florida Legislature will be working to find more effective ways to use all our resources  to prevent similar crimes. In fact, Florida schools are asking for two hundred million dollars to provide armed resource officers at every school
... Read more

JANUARY 04, 2013

Doctored Pelosi photo included Florida Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Corrine Brown

pelosi-congress-small.jpgHouse Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi was plenty proud yesterday to pose on the Capitol steps with 60 other Democratic House members, making history as the largest number of women ever in a party caucus in Congress.

But the photo was doctored.

Four members ran late -- including Florida Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Corrine Brown -- and Pelosi's office digitally added them into the shot then distributed the photo as if they were there all along. (The four women were added in the top row; see larger size below.)

“It’s an accurate historical record of who the Democratic women of Congress are," Pelosi said at a news conference today, defending the photo trick. "It also is an accurate record that it was freezing cold and our members had been waiting a long time for everyone to arrive and that they had to get back into the building to greet constituents, family members, to get ready to go to the floor. It wasn’t like we had the rest of the day to stand there, but it was an accurate reflection of who the 61 members, Democratic women members of Congress are and not only were they women, but they reflected the beautiful diversity of our country.”

Poynter reports that Pelosi's office noted the photoshopping when distributing the photo Thursday night. ... Read more

JANUARY 04, 2013

Alex Sink posts about late husband Bill McBride, thanks supporters

Alex Sink just posted a message on her Facebook page thanking the people who have offered words of comfort and sympathy in the two weeks following the death of her husband, Bill McBride. The 67-year-old former gubernatorial candidate died of a heart attack on Dec. 22 and was funeralized last week.

Sink's post today is the first time she updated her Facebook page since the death of her husband. Here is what she wrote:

Dear friends:

You have comforted and inspired me and our children by your support, love and prayers, and by your touching, heart-felt tributes to Bill, which continue to pour in, even now, nearly two weeks after his passing.

My daughter, Lexi, my son, Bert, and I, can’t thank you enough. ... Read more

JANUARY 04, 2013

New Reps. Ron DeSantis, Ted Yoho vote against Hurricane Sandy aid

The House today overwhelmingly passed a bill providing $9.7 billion in flood insurance aid for Hurricane Sandy victims. All 67 votes against the aid came from Republicans, including Florida Reps. Ron DeSantis and Ted Yoho, both whom were sworn in yesterday.

All other Florida reps. joined the majority.

“I sympathize with the victims of Hurricane Sandy and believe that those who purchased flood insurance should have their claims paid.  At the same time, allowing the program to increase its debt by another $9.7 billion with no plan to offset the spending with cuts elsewhere is not fiscally responsible," DeSantis said in a statement.

"Congress should not authorize billions in new borrowing without offsetting expenditures in other areas.  If a family maxes out its credit cards and faces the need for new spending, it is forced to prioritize by reducing its spending in other areas.  Here, Congress has failed even to attempt to identify reductions in nonessential spending.  This 'put it on the credit card mentality' is part of the reason we find ourselves nearly $17 trillion in debt.  Indeed, the Senate passed legislation that went in the opposite direction by stuffing a bill designed to aid storm victims on the northeast corridor with money for such extraneous matters as fisheries in Alaska.  The storm occurred more than two months ago and it is sad that Congress has not used that time to find room in the budget for needed disaster relief.” ... Read more

JANUARY 03, 2013

State report: Crashes down at intersections with cameras

Crashes are down across Florida at intersections equipped with red-light cameras, according to a new state report.

A report of accidents compiled by the state from 73 different law enforcement agencies found that more than half of Florida agencies, 41, say accidents are less frequent at intersections using red-light camera technology. Crashes were more frequent in just 11 of the 73 jurisdictions while the rest saw no change or didn't have enough information.

The five-page report from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles contains data from Hillsborough County, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Fort Lauderdale and Miami and includes accidents between July of 2011 and June of 2012.

Tampa has issued 52,760 violations and St. Petersburg has issued 27,086. Accidents at intersections with cameras are down in Tampa but up in St. Petersburg. The cities were not asked by the state to detail how much accidents are up or down.

Most agencies also reported that traffic safety had improved throughout their jurisdictions "as drivers were more cautious when approaching all intersections." ... Read more

JANUARY 03, 2013

Bill filed to speed up foreclosures in Florida

A “faster foreclosures” proposal that faced sharp consumer outcry and protest last year has resurfaced in a more moderate form this year, with a new bill filed by Rep. Kathleen Passidomo, R-Naples, Thursday.

The bill, HB 87, offers a slew of changes to the civil procedures governing foreclosures in Florida—the state with the highest foreclosure rate in the country.

Most of the provisions appear to be aimed at speeding up and cleaning the foreclosure process, which currently takes  more 600 days to run its course in Florida.

The bill would require mortgage lenders to certify that they have the correct paperwork proving they have the right to foreclose. Paperwork problems gummed up the foreclosure system in Florida and across the nation in 2010 and 2011, leading to a massive $25 billion mortgage settlement with banks accused of using faulty documents to foreclose on homeowners. ... Read more

JANUARY 03, 2013

State inks deal to privatize S. Fla. inmate health care

Gov. Rick Scott's administration announced Thursday the state has signed a contract with a Pennsylvania based company, Wexford Health Sources, to outsource all medical care to more than 15,000 inmates in several South Florida prisons.

The Department of Corrections said it signed a deal to pay Wexford about $48 million a year, with a promised savings to state taxpayers of $1 million a month. The contract includes a 90-day transition period, so it is expected Wexford will actually begin work in March. An estimated 400 state workers are affected, but Pittsburgh-based Wexford said that most will be offered jobs with the company.

Four of the major prisons where health care is being privatized are in Miami-Dade County. They are the South Florida Reception Center, Dade Correctional Institution, Homestead C.I. and Everglades C.I. The others are in Charlotte, Hardee, Martin and Okeechobee counties and a prison annex in DeSoto County. The region accounts for about one-sixth of the state's total inmate population. ... Read more

JANUARY 03, 2013

Immigrant activists press Rubio to embrace comprehensive reform

A large crowd of immigrant activists went to Sen. Marco Rubio's Orlando office today urging him to support comprehensive reform. The event kicked off a march to Washington, where immigration is back on the agenda.

The group, which included farmworker advocates, pushed Rubio to support comprehensive reform that includes a new pathway to citizenship, something the Florida Republican has not supported. "He's pursing a fake immigration reform," Jose Manuel Godinez-Samperio, of the Florida Immigrant Coalition, said in an interview. "He's making a terrible miscalculation by trying to appeal to the very conservative wing to his party."

Though police showed up and some demonstrators were escorted from the building, a group met with Rubio's staff. Activist Daniel Barajas, with the Forward With Your Promise caravan, told the Orlando Sentinel that the meeting with Rubio's State Director Todd Reid was an "open and welcoming discussion."

The coalition also says it will hold President Obama accountable to his 2008 promise for immigration reform. The White House has signaled it will make a push as early as this month. Rubio had been working on an alternative to the Dream Act that would provide legal status -- but not a special pathway -- for some children of illegal immigrants. He's called for an incremental approach rather than a sprawling piece of legislation.

Background on the march to Washington below: ... Read more

JANUARY 03, 2013

Newly-elected Ted Yoho no fan of John Boehner

Rep. John Boehner of Ohio was just re-elected speaker, but a handful of fellow Republicans voiced a different preference. Among them, newly-elected Florida Republican Ted Yoho, who went for Rep. Eric Cantor of Virginia.

“I came to Congress for a cause – not a job. I came here to make a difference and to stand up for what is right for America – not a political party. The gridlock in Washington is killing the American Republic. The people that I represent have had enough,” he said in a statement. 

“My vote today for Congressman Cantor was a signal that I will hold leadership accountable and challenge leadership when I feel that it is the right thing to do – Just like I am held accountable to the people of my district. However, it was also a signal that I believe in team work and will work with leadership to get things done. Congressman Cantor is part of leadership.

“We have gotten lost. What I have seen from the Republican party is the re-arranging of the deck chairs on the Titanic. Our ship called America is sinking. We have to right the ship,” he stated. “We are in dire need of strong leadership that is willing to put our Nation first – not a political party. I am looking forward to getting to work and restoring the faith of the American people in their elected officials."

Yoho, of Gainesville, is aligned with the tea party, a base that has not been pleased with Boehner. Yoho has gotten some attention around the Capitol because he took out longtime Rep. Cliff Stearns in the GOP primary. He also made news by refusing to sign Grover Norquist's no tax pledge.

Allen West is leaving Washington with a bit of a smile: He got two votes for speaker. ... Read more

JANUARY 03, 2013

Sen. Bill Nelson, taking new committee post, vows 'major investigations' into crimes against seniors

Sen. Bill Nelson today assumes his new role as chairman of the Special Committee on Aging and pledged to conduct "major investigations into crimes that target seniors" including financial scams.

“Our goal is to develop laws that will help stop some of these crimes," Nelson said in a statement, adding he would work to find bipartisan solutions.

Nelson will also serve on the Senate Budget, Finance, Commerce and Armed Services committees. "On the latter, he intends make sure the Navy follows through on its commitment to move a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to Jacksonville," his office said. "Right now, the Navy has all of its East Coast carriers at one base in Virginia which Nelson argues is a big national security risk.  He’s also proposed a major reform of the tax code, which would initiate in the Senate Finance Committee."

Sen. Marco Rubio will remain on the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Select Committee on Intelligence, the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation and the Small Business Committee. His statement below. ... Read more

JANUARY 03, 2013

Nearly 800,000 people tried to buy guns in Florida in 2012

Nearly 800,000 people requested background checks so they could buy guns in Florida in 2012 — far more than in any recent year.

Statistics from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement show 797,970 background checks were requested last year — nearly 200,000 more than were requested in 2011 and more than double the number for 2004, the earliest year for which statistics were provided.

The numbers were already higher than usual in the first 10 months of 2012, but surged after President Barack Obama won re-election in November and skyrocketed in the days after the Dec. 14 mass shooting in Newtown, Conn., that killed 20 children and six adults.

The dramatic spike is likely fueled by fear that greater gun control laws may be passed after the Connecticut shooting.

"I don't think it has anything to do with the national tragedy. It's not the direct cause," said Marion Hammer, the chief lobbyist for the National Rifle Association in Florida. "The direct cause is when politicians call for gun bans, that creates fear."

JANUARY 03, 2013

Jobs agency report highlights 2012 gains, 2013 goals

Florida’s Department of Economic Opportunity has released its annual report for 2012, its first full year of operation.

DEO, the job-creation agency created by Gov. Rick Scott in 2011, oversees much of the state’s economic development and workforce training initiatives.

Its annual report lists the highlights of Florida’s economy last year—falling unemployment, increased tourism and growing migration into the state.

The report also outlined strategies for achieving the goal of making Florida a national leader in “economic growth and prosperity,” and “economic competitiveness” for businesses.

The agency is looking to collaborate more effectively with local agencies, develop industry “clusters” in different parts of the state and push improvements in education, infrastructure and the regulatory environment.

The report, while embracing the glass-is-half-full economic positivism of Scott, acknowledged that Florida’s economy still has a number of troubles. ... Read more

JANUARY 03, 2013

Rubio adds two staffers to Washington office

Sen. Marco Rubio on Thursday will announce two staff additions: Alberto Martinez as deputy chief of staff, and Brooke Sammon as deputy press secretary.

The move brings a trusted operative closer in the fold and expands Rubio's press shop as he claims a bigger share of the national spotlight.

Martinez, 33 and a Miami native, has been close to Rubio since his rise in Florida politics, helping stoke some of the early opposition to then-popular Republican Gov. Charlie Crist. He arrives in Washington after working as a paid advisor to Rubio’s Reclaim America PAC and Mitt Romney's campaign.He served as communications director for the Republican majority while Rubio was speaker of the Florida House. In 2009, Martinez stepped down as chief of staff to the House majority whip to join Rubio's U.S. Senate campaign. He also worked on Tom Gallagher's 2006 losing GOP primary with Crist, served as deputy speechwriter for Gov. Jeb Bush and Florida communications director for President George W. Bush’s reelection campaign. ... Read more

JANUARY 02, 2013

Fiscal cliff deal comes with good and bad news for Floridians

TALLAHASSEE — Congress may have kept the nation from going over the fiscal cliff, but it failed to avert a multibillion dollar hit to Florida's struggling economy.

The decision to let the 2010 deduction in the Social Security payroll tax expire will cost Floridians an estimated $6.5 billion, said Sean Snaith, director for Institute Economic Competitiveness at the University of Central Florida.

With 7.1 million Florida households seeing a tax increase, the result will be a contraction in the state economy, Snaith said. "It's going to provide a headwind in terms of our recovery that's less money spent on child care, groceries or clothing,'' Snaith told the Times/Herald. "The net effect is it's going to be a drag on growth.'' (story here)

JANUARY 02, 2013

Memorials for Former Supreme Court Justice Ben Overton Announced

 Memorial services fo former Supreme Court Justice Ben F. Overton will take place in Gainesville, Tallahassee and St. Petersburg this month.

A funeral service for Overton, who died last Saturday at the age of 86, will take place in Gainesville on Saturday, Jan. 5.

A Lying in State and memorial service will take place next Monday in Tallahassee.

Another service and burial will take place in St. Petersburg on Jan. 9.

Overton served on the Supreme Court from 1974 to 1999, authoring more than 1,400 opinions. A press release from the Supreme Court is here. Speakers at his memorial services will include: Chief Justice Ricky Polston, former Gov. Reubin Askew, former Justice Parker Lee McDonald, and Talbot “Sandy” D’Alemberte.

Information for memorial services is below: ... Read more

JANUARY 02, 2013

Rubio and Ryan part ways on fiscal cliff

ap_ryan_rubio_mi_121205_wg.jpg2016 fodder: Sen. Marco Rubio and Rep. Paul Ryan parted ways on the fiscal cliff deal. 

Rubio voted no, Ryan voted yes.

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