
DECEMBER 13, 2012

How about some hockey? AHL goalies Tokarski, Helenius making progress, coach says

With the NHL lockout in its 89th day, Tampa Bay Lightning goaltenders coach Frantz Jean has been working weekly with Dustin Tokarski and Riku Helenius of the AHL's Syracuse Crunch. Both are in important seasons. Tokarski's contract expires at the end of the season, and Helenius, a 2006 first-round draft choice by Tampa Bay, is re-acclimating to the North American game after two-plus seasons in Europe.

So far, Jean said he likes what he sees, despite both players with stats that could use some polishing. ... Read more

DECEMBER 12, 2012

No rest (or vacation) for Tampa Bay Lightning's Marty St. Louis

Marty St. Louis said he was asked by the Players' Association to take part in Wednesday's negotiating session with the league on a new collective bargaining agreement. But the Tampa Bay Lightning star said he is better off right now on the sidelines waiting to hear what comes of the talks. ... Read more

DECEMBER 12, 2012

Tampa Bay Lightning's Steven Stamkos to headline charity game in Toronto

Tampa Bay Lightning star Steve Stamkos will headline the RBC Play Hockey Holiday Challenge on Dec. 19 in Toronto.

Here is the announcement from the Players' Association: ... Read more

DECEMBER 10, 2012

Poll: Would you accept a 48-game NHL season?

Shortened NHL season?
If the NHL manages to reach a new labor agreement, it could play a 48-game season similar to that after the '94-'95 lockout. Would such a season seem legitimate to you?
No, cancel the whole season

... Read more
DECEMBER 10, 2012

Lightning RW Teddy Purcell says CBA situation "hopeless" and is considering Europe

Teddy Purcell on Monday was blunt in his assessment of negotiations between the league and Players' Association on a new collective bargaining agreement, calling the situation "hopeless." If things don't change by Christmas, he said he expects to be playing in Europe not long after Christmas. ... Read more

DECEMBER 10, 2012

Latest CBA casualty: NHL cancels games through Dec. 30

In what comes as no surprise after the NHL on Thursday broke off negotiations with the Players' Association on a new collective bargaining agreement, the league canceled games through Dec. 30. Games previously were canceled through Dec. 14. The Jan. 1 Winter Classic and Jan. 27 All-Star Game also have been canceled. ... Read more

DECEMBER 07, 2012

Lightning's Crombeen fires back at NHL: "They're trying to squeeze 5 more cents out of the deal"

For Tampa Bay Lightning right wing B.J. Crombeen, the good news coming out of this week's face-to-face meetings between players and owners to discuss a new collective bargaining agreement was that Lightning owner Jeff Vinik was "good" and "reasonable" during talks.

But Crombeen, a member of the Players' Association negotiating committee, said it is "mind-boggling" the league on Thursday angrily broke off negotiations, and said commissioner Gary Bettman's assertion that Thursday was all about a yes or no answer from the union on the league's latest off was a "bully tactic." ... Read more

DECEMBER 06, 2012

Statements from four owners, including Tampa Bay's Jeff Vinik, on breakdown of negotiations

The NHL released statements from the four owners at Thursday's negotiations, including Tampa Bay's Jeff Vinik: ... Read more

DECEMBER 06, 2012

NHL angrily breaks off CBA negotiations, plunging the season into jeopardy

Talks between the NHL and Players Association on a new collective bargaining agreement were angrily broken off Thursday night by the league with deputy commissioner Bill Daly saying the union's response to the league's latest proposal was "insulting to our owners." ... Read more

DECEMBER 06, 2012

In latest offer to players, NHL increases money alloted to guarantee current contracts

By the time the second day of face-to-face negotiations between owners and players to end the 82-day NHL lockout were finished, it was about 1 a.m. Thursday in New York, and at one point union counsel Steve Fehr shared pizza with reporters. But nine hours of intense negotiations have pushed ahead the process for a new collective bargaining agreement. 

Both sides generally were tight-lipped about what was discussed, but a few details trickled out. ... Read more

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